Sex Store

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A/n: QUESTION!!  Would ya like sex scenes in EVERY chapter or can I skip some? Cause I was attacked for the last chapter I posted.🤣 So answer that question for me please and thank you.💋

Ari's pov:
I just announced the second half of my tour. Its an international tour and we'll be on tour for 4 months. Im SUPER excited. All the dancers including y/n know already so we're all excited. Im currently at home with y/n. She's been talking about her birthday.... I think.....

Y/n's pov:
"Ari?!" I said snapping her out her thoughts. "Huh?" She questioned. "Are you even listening to me?" I asked. "Yes." She said. "So what did I just say?" I asked crossing my arms. "You just asked if I was listening to you." She said with a smile. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Very funny." I said hitting her with a pillow. "Okay I wasnt listening. What were you saying?" She asked laughing. "I was saying that I wanna have a hotel party for my birthday." I said.

Ari's pov:
Shit... I have something planned for her birthday already. I was going to throw a small surprise dinner party. "No!" I yelled. "What? Why not?" She asked with a pout. "Because I have something planned for us already. We're going to be in Paris on your birthday so I thought that maybe I could take you out all day then we can have fun." I said with smirk so she thinks Im telling her the truth. "Oh well I like that plan better. It sounds more fun." She said.

Thank God she agrees to it. Mao,Taya,Darrion and I have been planning her surprise birthday dinner for a month already. Its going to be amazing.

*Later in the day:2pm*

"Fuckkkkkkk." She moaned loudly as she came on my face. I licked it all up and smiled. I went up to her face and kissed her. "Mhmm baby, you are really getting good." She said pulling away from the kiss. "Aww thank you." I said smiling. "Bae..." she said. "yeah?" I asked. "Can we go to a sex store?" She asked. "For?" I asked. "Im gonna get a vibrator." She said. "Why would you need that?" I asked "Im gonna use it on you.." She said. I looked at her confused. "Girl have you ever seen fifty shades of grey?" She asked. "Yes but Ive never done any other that." I said.

Y/n's pov:
A smirk appeared on my face. "Really?" I asked. "Yes. Really." She said. "Well are you down to try it? Like teasing, ropes, handcuffs, etc?" I asked. "Yeah I will try anything once." She said. "Okay so when you wanna go?" I asked. "Now if you want, can Taya and Mao come?" She asked. "Sure." I said.

*time passes*

We found a sex store that was extremely hidden so paparazzi definitely cant find us to take pictures. We all hopped out the car and walked inside. The bodyguards walked behind us as we walked around. "Wow there's dicks everywhere." Ari said making me laugh. "Im guessing you've never been in a sex store.." I said. "Nope." She said popping the P.

After a while of looking around, Ari picked up some stuff she like and I did the same. "Ready to leave?" She asked. "Yup, lets go." I said. The people who worked that the store seemed to not recognize Ari which is a good thing. After I paid for everything, we left and went back to the house. Mao and Taya went home.

Once home, we walked in, took our shoes off and walked to the bedroom. "What did you pick up?" I asked. I wasnt really paying attention to the stuff she got since I was getting myself some stuff. She sat at the bed as I took my jacket off. "I got some chocolate thing." She said showing me a small tube of chocolate. "Package says you apply it to your significant others body and lick it off so I thought it sounded fun." She said. "Sounds fun." I said smiling.

"I got some handcuffs with pink fluff." She said. "Oouu." I said stripping out of my clothes. "I got a massage oil." She said. "And I got some lingerie but thats for another time." She said. "Okay okay. Wait wait.. why cant I see them?" I asked. "Because its a surprise." She said smirking. "Okay..." I said. I know I paid but I wasnt paying attention to what she bought.

I put on a shirt and sat next to her. "What did you get?" She asked. "I got a vibrator. It has 8 different vibration speeds and pulsating patterns and Delivers intense, focused vibrations with every touch from head to toe." I said reading the box.

"Wow.." She said. "I got a blindfold cause why not. I got spicy dice. And lastly I got two vibrating panties." I said taking everything out the bag. "Vibrating panties?" She asked grabbing the package. "I thought it was be funny as fuck if we wear them and tease each other like in public." I said. "So I wear these and you're in control of the vibrating?" She asked. "Yes and vise versa." I said. "Oouu sounds fun but embarrassing." She said with a giggle.

*time passes*

Ari put all the stuff away in a secret draw in her closet then we showered and got ready to head to a small dinner Mao invited us to at her apartment.

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We hopped in the car and headed to her apartment complex

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We hopped in the car and headed to her apartment complex. "Here." Ari said handing me something. "What's that?" I asked. "The remote." She said. I was still confused. "To the panties..." She whispered. "Ohhhhhhhhh Im slow." I said. "There's batteries?" I asked and turned it on.

Ari's pov:
  I grabbed her arm and squeezed it feeling the vibration. She turned it off. "Yes it has batteries." I said. "Ohhh Im gonna have fun..." She said smirking.

A/n: Im going to make this a two part chapter 🤷🏻‍♀️ Second part will be up soon. Its not going to be called "sex store" though...It'll be called something else.

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