Trouble In Florida

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Y/n's pov:
Ari and I have been in Florida for about a week now and honestly Im having the best time but Ari leaves back to New York tomorrow morning because she has a photoshoot and then she's going to LA for some interviews and stuff.

"Babeeeeeee dont leave me." I whined laying on her chest. "I wish I didn't have to but I do." She said. "Ughhhh." I said. "We've spent all day together. Can we end it properly?" She asked. I looked up at her and smirked. "Tryna fuck?" I asked. "Well duh we not gonna see each other for a while so I need to have a taste before leaving." She said flipping us over. "Damn girl, lock the door first." I said with a slight laugh. She got up and locked the door.

I stripped out of my shirt and shorts leaving me in my panties. She turned to me and smirked. "Oouu I can see you dont wanna waste time." She said taking off her shirt leaving her in her panties. "Come here." I said. She walked over to me and climbed on top. I sat up a bit and started kissing and sucking on her neck. "Mhmm." She moaned. I flipped us over so I was on top and started kissing her lip.

Ari's pov:
  Her hand traveled down to my area and she started to rub through my panties. "Baby please dont tease. I need it." I begged. She smirked and pulled my panties down. She kissed down my body, showing my breast some attention then made her way to my kitty.

She kissed my thigh and then started french kissing "her". "Ohhh goddd." I moaned caressing my breast. She started fingering me while eating. "Fuckkkk." I moaned loudly. "Baby shhhh. The girls are still here." She said. "Im sorry but it feels so good." I said. She smirked then went back to what she was doing. "Mhmm fuckk babygirl." I moaned.

"Ohh fuck." I moaned loudly as she did some tongue trick. "Ohhh goddd." I moaned. She reached up and covered my mouth. "Mhmmm." I moaned into her hand as I came on her face. She licked it all up then came back up and kissed me.

Y/n's pov:
  She hovered over me and started kissing on me. "Mhmm babe." I moaned. Then a knock at the door. Ari didn't care. She started sucking on my neck. "Ye-yes?" I asked. "Im hungry!" Madison said. "Give me.. 5 minutes!" I yelled back as Ari started eating me out. "Kays!" She yelled back.

"Oh fuck Ari." I moaned. She giggled against my skin driving me crazy. "Damn baby you really getting better every time we fuck." I moaned. She continued eating. "Ahh fuck im gonna cum." I moaned. "Cum for me babygirl." She said. Moments later I came on her face and she licked it all up. "Mhmm baby where did you learn that tongue trick you did on me?" She asked after kissing me. "Ari ive been out since I was 15." I said with a slight laugh. "I know but damn baby, do it more often." She said. "Alright babygirl." I said.

*after a while*

I just finished cooking for everyone. "Babe! Brooklyn!! Madison!!" I yelled. They all walked downstairs. My mom and dad are arent hungry and Jacob is at work. "Here ya go." I said handing everyone their food.

*after dinner*

Everyone washed their plates and went to do what they wanted. Ari went to shower and I went to chill for a while. I sat on my chair by my desk and was scrolling through Instagram but I received a call from a number.

Phone convo:
Y/n: Hello?
924**: Baby?
Y/n: What the fuck you want Lily? And why you calling me?
924**: Look I just want to apologize for everything I did.
Y/n: I dont want no apology. We broke up 2 years ago when you decided to fuck my cousin and have his babies.
924**: Babe?
Y/n: Bro my name is y/n. Im not ya fucking bitch no more.
924**: Ugh. Stop being so difficult.
Y/n: Difficult?! On god Lily, I will fuck you up the next time I see you.
924**: So on sight?
Y/n: On sight Bitch.
End of convo

I hung up the phone and threw my phone on my bed. Why do I even let this bitch stress me?

Eventually Ari came out the shower. "You okay babe? I heard you arguing." She said drying her hair. "Yes Im fine." I said. "You sure?" She asked sitting next to me on the bed. "Yup. I'll be back." I said with a smile. I got up and walked to the bathroom.

Ari's pov:
I looked at her phone and seen that the ex called her again. What the fuck? I thought I deleted that bitches number. Im not gonna block it without her permission but Im fucking pissed.

*35 mins later*

I was watching tv and she came out the bathroom. "I needed that." She said. "Looks like ya did." I said with a slight giggle. I dont know if I should talk to her or not. I dont wanna argue but its bothering me.

Y/n's pov:
"Babe you okay?" I asked looking at Ari as I got dressed. She looked like she was deep in her thoughts. "Yeah.." she said. I put my shirt on and got in bed sitting in front of her. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." She said. "Dont lie to me Ari.." I said. She didnt even look at me. "Did you see that Lily called me?" I asked. She just nodded. "Ari that bitch means nothing to me. She called to "apologize". I said I aint want her apology. And then I said I will fuck her up the next time I see her. And she said on sight? So i said on sight. Then hung up." I said explaining the convo.

"Block her number." I told Ari. "I know you gonna ask me to do it. But you do it." I said. "Okay.." she said. I grabbed my phone and handed it to her. She opened it and blocked the number. "You really gonna fight her?" She asked. "Yes. I will. Unless she with the kids or pregnant." I said. "Babe Violence is never the answer." She said. "Ari I was with her for 3 years. She cheated on me with my cousin and had his babies." I said. "Well yeah thats bad but (gco)" she said. "Babe I dont want to cut you off or be disrespectful but I dont wanna hear what you gotta say after that "but". Ima fight her and if I gotta get arrested then thats that." I said.

Ari's pov:
I stood quiet. Y/n and I were raised completely differently. Im not really a fighting type of girl and clearly Y/n is. I dont think she should fight this Lily bitch but if thats what she wants to do, Ima be behind her.

She cut the lights off and got in bed with me. "Ima miss you." She said. "Ima miss you to sexy." I said. "Sexy? Me? Nah." She said making me laugh. "You are very sexy." I said cuddling up to her. "Well thank you babygirl." She said. "Goodnight bae." I said. "Goodnight baby." She said and gave me a kiss.

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