A Wedding To Remember

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A/n: This is a VERY long chapter 🤣🤣🤣 yes we living in the future! Thank you for 33k reads ❤️💋

Y/n's pov: *7 months later: March 18th,2021*
Today's the day.. I become Ariana's wife and Ariana becomes my wife. Its also the 2 year anniversary since the sweetener tour too. Ari picked this date because it's means alot to her. We're currently in Paris. Ari wanted to have the wedding here which I agreed to. If you haven't noticed Ari made most of the decisions... We're all staying in a hotel. Im in my own room with my mom and sisters while Ariana is alone in her room. My sisters have been nagging me all day making me more nervous. It's currently 3:50pm. We're in the venue getting ready on two different sides.

(Thats where the wedding ceremony is)

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(Thats where the wedding ceremony is)

I just started getting ready. "Are you nervous?" Madison asked. "Madison I love you, but please stop asking that question because the answer is YES." I said getting loud with her. "Hun there's nothing to be scared of." My mom said. "I know but Im scared. What if she gets cold feet?" I asked. "She wont love. She loves you." She said.

Ari's pov:
"STOP!" I yelled as they ran with wine around the room. "I swear if ya spill that on my fucking dress, I'll kick both ya asses out the wedding." I said to Alexa and Darrion. They both stopped and sat down. "Are you nervous?" Liz asked.

"Extremely... Im really about to marry the love of my life." I said. "Ari dont be nervous, you just said it yourself. Y/n is the love of your life. Nothing will go wrong." Victoria said. I sighed still being nervous.

Y/n's pov: *time passes*
"You look amazing." My mom said. "Thank you." I said with a smile. "Im sure your father and mother are smiling down from heaven." She said. "Dont make me cry..." I said. "Knock knock." Jacob said knocking on the door as he opened the door. "Ohh my god..." He said noticing me. I smiled as he started to tear up. "Man my little sister is getting married." He said giving me a hug. "Aye you got two more to worry about to." I said making everyone laugh.

Ari's pov:
"You look absolutely gorgeous." My mom said. "I do?" I asked. "Yes my love." She said. I smiled looking at her. "Thank you mommy. For everything." I said. "Of course my love." She said. "Ready?" Frankie asked. "Yeah." I said. Truth was, I was nervous as fuck. "Alrighty everyone lets go downstairs." Frankie said. Him along with his boyfriend, Darrion, Courtney, Liz, Victoria, and Alexa went downstairs. My mom and I stood back.

Y/n's pov:
"Is everyone downstairs?" I asked. "Everyone is in place. All the bridesmaids are ready to walk down and wait." Jacob said. "Okay." I said.

Narrator's pov:
With the cameras rolling, the soft music began and Ari's bridesmaids slowly walked out. First Courtney Chipolene aka the maid of honor, then Liz Gillies, next was Alexa Luria And lastly Victoria Monet.

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