One Year Anniversary

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Y/n's pov: *March 17: 8am*
  Its super early but I need to make Ari some breakfast. I slipped out of bed and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and started breakfast.

After I finished breakfast, I walked upstairs to wake Ari. "Babee." I said shaking her. "Mhmmmm..." She said stretching. "Wake upppppp." I said. She opened her eyes and smiled. "Good morning beautiful." I said. "Good morning my love." She said. "Happy anniversary." I said. "Happy anniversary babe." She said and gave me a kiss. "Breakfast is downstairs." I said.

We walked downstairs to a feast of food. I made eggs, blueberry pancakes, waffles, fries, bacon, sausage, and toast. "Damn baby. You didnt have to make all this..." she said. "I wanted to." I said smiling. We sat down and started eating. "So whats the plan for today?" She asked. "Well we gonna do whatever you want. But we have dinner reservations at 8pm." I said. "Okay. So how about we exchange gifts and then we can watch movies all day." She said. "Sounds like a plan." I said with a smile.

I have dinner reservations with her but I gave Ciara the key to our house so she can set up the house later today while we're on our way going home.

After breakfast, we walked upstairs to our bedroom. I sat on the bed.

Ari's pov:
  I grabbed the bag and walked over to her. "Here ya go." I said. She smiled and grabbed the bag. I have another gift for her but thats later on. She opened the first gift and smiled. "Awww bae." She said. "Like it?" I asked. "Love it. I'll even wear it tonight. Thank you babe." She said and gave me a kiss.

(A/n: While writting this, 7 rings came on 🤣)

"You're welcome." I said smiling. She opened up the next box and looked at me. "Babe a rolex?" She asked. "Yup." I said popping the p. "You know how much I wanted one..." She said. "Thats why I bought it for you." I said. "How much did you spend?" She asked. "None of ya business." I said smiling. "Well thank you babe. I appreciate it." She said. "You're welcome." I said.

(A/n: Again two different options

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(A/n: Again two different options. Silver chain & silver rolex go together and the gold chain & the gold rolex go together.)

Y/n's pov:
  I only have one gift for Ari right now. Her other gift comes later on. I gave Ari a kiss then grabbed her gift. "Here ya go my love." I said. "I wonder what it can be..." she said smiling. She opened it and smiled. "Babe... a rolex?" She asked. "Great minds think alike.." I said making her giggle. She opened the box and nearly cried.

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