First Night On Tour

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Y/n's pov:
  I woke up and rolled out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

*45 mins later*

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I brushed my teeth and then put lotion on my body. I walked to the closet and put on some clothes.

I grabbed my bag that had my laptop and other necessities in it

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I grabbed my bag that had my laptop and other necessities in it. I walked over to Ari who was still asleep. "Babe..." I whispered shaking her. She woke up and put a robe on.

We walked downstairs. "Dont go..." She said wrapping her arms around me. "Baby I have to go." I said with a laugh. I held her closely. "Dont leave me..." She said. "Bae dont make me feel bad." I said. She looked at me. "I love you." I said. "I'll be back before you know it." I said. "Okay... I love you to babygirl." She said. I kissed her lips passionately.

We both pulled away then I grabbed my things and walked outside. The tour bus was actually picking me up cause its the close to the route we need to take for the first show. I walked to the bus and the guy helped me put my bag in the luggage place then I got on the bus. Everyone was already in their bed. I hopped up onto my bed and laid down.

Ari's pov:
  I watched the bus drive away. I feel like shit. I want my future wife here with me. I walked back upstairs and went to bed. I didnt even want to sleep.

Y/n's pov: *hours later*
  We all got up and started to talk and have fun. "Y/n how's being engaged?" Becky asked. "Its fun but I want her to be my wife." I said. "Aww.." Everyone said. "Ya have sex?" A dancer named Myles asked. "Yeah.." I said. "Oouu when was the last time ya had sex?" He asked. "Last night." I said. "Ooouu she had to get some before leaving." Becky said. "Wouldnt ya?" I asked. They all agreed laughing.

"Well you on the road so why dont you share a bunk with me?" Lola asked. "Lola chill." Becky said. "Nah when Ari comes and fucks her up, she better not say anything cause I warned her twice already." I said.

A few weeks back before today, Lola mentioned that she wanted to eat my kitty. I told Ari and Ari wanted to fight the bitch but I didnt let her.

After an entire day of us driving to the place, we finally got to our location. I already told Ari what happened. We walked into the hotel and got our rooms.

*time passes: Night Time*

Ive been missing Ariana and this is only the first night. I was getting my hair done so I started texting Ari.

Wifey💍: Y/n & Babygirl💋: Ari
Text convo:
Wifey💍: Babyyy
Babygirl💋: Yes my love?
Wifey💍: I miss you 💔😔
Babygirl💋: I miss you more😭
Wifey💍: Wyd?
Babygirl💋: Taking a bubble bath

I lowered the brightness on my phone.

Wifey💍: Ooouuu 😏
Babygirl💋: Wyd?
Wifey💍: Chillin getting my hair done
Babygirl💋: Ohhh you going on stage soon?
Wifey💍: Yup.
Babygirl💋: Well Im there in spirit babygirl
Wifey💍: I know my love ❤️💋 But I gotta go.
Babygirl💋: Ugh okay 😔 I love you 😘
Wifey💍: I love you to babygirl.
End of text convo

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