A Strain In The Relationship

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Y/n's pov:
Touring has been amazing but Ive been trying to get other jobs for after the tour. Ari and I have been in multiple arguments because of this. She thinks I'll be okay after the tour because of how much I get paid from her team but thats not enough to make a living and provide for myself. I still have bills at home in New York to pay, I still help my family out back in Florida and Im buying stuff (groceries, organization stuff, etc.) for Ari's house in LA since I live there to. Ive been super stressed and I don't know how to handle it.

Ari's pov:
I sat down at the edge of the bed as Y/n stood next to it by the door. "Im heading out for the night. Im going to go out with Taya for some drinks." She said. "Okay... Be safe. Text me." I said. "I will." She said then left. I heard the hotel room door close and lock.

I couldn't understand why y/n and I are having so many problems. Is it because we spend too much time together? Is it because we work together? I dont understand and every time we talk, we end up arguing.

Y/n's pov:
I walked downstairs. "Ready?" Taya said. "Yes in deed." I said. We hooked arms and walked out the hotel.

After the uber ride, we arrived at a club. I looked mad good today.

Once inside, we went straight to the bar

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Once inside, we went straight to the bar. We ordered our drinks and looked at each other. "How you been?" She asked. I let out a serious sigh. "Whats up?" She asked as the bartender gave us our drinks. "Ari and I have been arguing like crazy. I need to find another job for after tour and she thinks its almost stupid in a way because her team pays me after tour." I said.

"But in a sense its not stupid because thats not enough for me to provide for myself. I still have bills in New York that Im struggling to pay for. I have bills in Florida that Im struggling to pay for.. like Ive been going through shit and it seems like it means nothing to her." I said then took a sip of my drink.

"I think ya need to talk it out and Im sure it does mean something to her." She said. "Thats the thing, everytime we do talk, we argue. And it doesnt mean anything Taya. It doesn't because she knows she has money in the bank. She's not struggling to pay bills. She's not worried about finding another job. She wont understand that struggle because she's not living in my shoes." I said. "I just want to be the happy couple we used to be." I added.

Ari's pov:
After a while of y/n leaving, I invited Mao and Darrion to the room for some wine. "How you been Ari?" Mao asked. I let out a sigh. "I dont know... Ive just been unhappy." I said. "With?" Darrion asked. "Y/n..." I said. "Woah.." Mao said. "Like you feel like the relationship is over?" She asked. "I dont wanna say that but then again...." I said. "Wait...... so you're thinking of breaking up with y/n?" Darrion asked. "I dont know..." I said. "What ever problem you two have cant be that serious." Mao said. I sighed not knowing what to do.

Y/n's pov: *3am*
  Taya and I just got back to the hotel. We are litt. Not drunk but definitely tipsy. We got to our rooms and walked in. I locked the door and took my shoes off. I walked to the bedroom and seen Ari awake. "Hi hun." I said with a smile. "Its 3am..." she said. "Not this again. Ari I had a good night. I dont wanna argue." I said taking my clothes off. "Im not trying to argue." She said. I sighed then walked to the bathroom. "We're not done talking." She said. "Yeah yeah." I said closing the door.

*45 mins later*

I hopped out the shower and seen Ari sitting on the bed. I threw on a shirt and some underwear. I sat next to her. "We need to talk." She said. "About?" I asked. "Us." She said. "I hate that we argue." She said. "I do to but Ari when we argue, you dont listen to me." I said. "Tell me everything on your side." She said. "I feel like you don't care about me having a job. Like I need money to constantly come in my bank so I can provide for myself, the bills in Florida and the bills in New York. Ari you dont understand my struggle because you have alot of money. I dont." I said.

"I do care about you but I feel like you're stressing over jobs for no reason. You're on tour, you get paid, wait until we go back to LA or New York." She said. "Okay you're right. I should wait but I also dont wanna be out of a job for too long." I said. "I understand and Im sorry. I was wrong for arguing with you." She said. "Im sorry to babe." I said. "Is there anything else?" I asked.

Ari's pov:
  "Well... im unhappy." I said. "With?" She asked. "Us... like I think we need a break." I said. "Wait so you're breaking up with me after we worked out a problem of ours?" She asked. "We have more problems than that." I said. "Okay just like we worked out this one, we can work out the others. Now what is the other problem?" She asked. "You've left me multiple times this week and come back drunk." I said.

Y/n's pov:
  "You serious? Ive left twice this week and once last week." I said. "So I still fucking worry." She said. "Okay im sorry Ari but I go out so I dont argue with you. I dont mean to get drunk but I do." I said. "I just think you should stay here and talk it out from now on." She said. "I promise that the next argument or disagreement we have, I'll take a few breaths then talk it out with you." I said. "Okay." She said with a smile. "I love you Ari and I dont want us to be on a break." I said.

Ari's pov:
  "You love me?" I asked. "Yes." She said. "I love you to babe." I said. We hugged and shared a kiss. "So does that mean no break?" She asked. "No break." I said smiling. She hugged me knocking me down onto the bed. I laughed at her goofy self. "Im tired. No sex tonight." I said. "Im tired to." She said.

We moved to the top of the bed and cuddled up together. I still feel unhappy but hopefully we can work together on getting the relationship back to normal.

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