Ariana's Party

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Y/n's pov:
I waited in starbucks for Ariana, Mao and Taya. While waiting I receive a text from Ariana saying "I see you🤣." I looked outside the window and seen her along with the girls and two body guards. I grabbed my coffee and walked out. I said hi to everyone and gave them hugs.

"Where we going first?" I asked. "Chanel." Ariana said. I nodded and we all walked to Chanel. Once we walked in everyone just starred at us particularly me. "You'll get used to it. It's because they've never seen you with Ari." Mao said. "Ahh, Okay." I said with a smile. We looked around for a while then Ariana and the girls started picking things they wanted or wanted to try on. I honestly dont like half the things in this place. Mao and Taya went to the dressing room leaving me with Ariana.

"This is so cute. Here." Ari said to me. "You want me to try this on?" I asked. "Yes! It's adorable and it would look cute on you." She said. "I dont know but I'll try it." I said with a smile. We walked to the back where the dressing rooms were and she pulled me into a room. She started to change in front of me.

I looked down at my phone trying not to look at her. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah. Just texting my mom back." I said. "Girl try on the skirt." She said with a slight giggle. I stood up and changed in front of her.

Ariana's pov:
I watched her change. Wow her body was amazing. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the outfit. "Yeah thats not you." I said with a laugh. "Yeah I completely agree." She said laughing. Wow her laugh is so cute. After we changed back into our clothes, we left the dressing room and walked to the front. After I paid, we left and went to other stores.

*hours pass: 6pm*

Y/n's pov:
Ariana's bodyguards drove us back to her house. "Welcome to my home." Ariana said to me since Taya and Mao have been there before. "Wow, this is goals." I said. "Aww thanks. I worked real hard for it." She said. "I bet." I replied. We all walked to her beautiful beauty room. "I'll put some music on." Taya said. "I'll pop the champagne." Mao said.

They left us alone again. "So what are you going to wear?" Ariana asked. "I bought an outfit." I said smiling. "Okay, so which should I wear?" She asked. "The first outfit you bought looked amazing on you." I said. "Okay. So thats my outfit." She said smiling. It was pretty awkward for a second. "Do you like girls?" She asked. It was out of no where. "Yeah. Im lesbian. I hope that doesnt bother you." I said. "No it doesnt." She said. "Is that why you kept looking away when I changed?" She asked. "Yeah... I didnt want you thinking I was being a creep." I said making her laugh. "Nah I wouldnt think that love." She said.

Taya and Mao came back. "You're 21 and over right?" Taya asked. "Yeah Im 23." I said with a smile. They poured everyone a glass of champagne and we all "cheered" each other and started turning up while getting ready. While we were turning up, I told Mao and Taya that I was lesbian and they honestly didn't care.

*time passes*

Ariana had a runway thing in her closet so Taya decided to do a runway show. She started walking out in her outfit. "Yassss queen!!" Mao said. "Slayyyy my lifeee!!" I said. "Ahh looking like a goddess!!" Ariana said. Mao went up next and we did the same. Then Ariana went. "Yasssss!!" Mao said. "Killin it!!!" Taya said. "Goddess!!" I said. She looked amazing.

"Come on!! We all did it!!" Mao said to me

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"Come on!! We all did it!!" Mao said to me. I finished my champagne and walked onto the runway.

Ariana's pov:  She walked as Mao and Taya cheered her on

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Ariana's pov:
  She walked as Mao and Taya cheered her on. "Yassss babeeezzzz!!!" Mao said. "Look at that goddess!!" Taya said. "Queeennnn!!!" I said smiling. She laughed and finished off with a pose. "Slayed our lives." Taya said.

Y/n's pov:
   "Haha thanks." I said. "People are starting to show up." Ariana said after looking at the security cameras. We all walked downstairs and Ariana let people in.

*time passes*

I was having an amazing time at this party. I completely forgot about alot of stuff. "We're gonna take some pictures, wanna come with?" Darrion said. "Yeah sure." I said smiling. We walked outside seeing Ariana, Taya, Mao and a few other people. "Everyone this is Y/n. Y/n this is Liz my best friend,Matt my other best friend & Frankie my brother. " She said introducing me. "Hiya." I said with a giggle. We took pictures, selfies and just had a fun time.


Everyone had finally left, leaving Frankie, Mao, Ariana obviously, Matt and I. "So how long have you been dancing?" Matt asked. "My whole life. I learned to dance before learning to walk." I said making them laugh because they obviously knew it was a joke. Eventually Matt, Mao, And Frankie left leaving Ariana and I alone again.

"Are you gonna head home?" She asked. "I have to. I have nothing here to wear and this is your house. I wouldnt just stay here without permission." I said. "Stay, I can give you something to wear." She said. "We're about the same size." She added. I looked at her like uhhh no. "Come on... its almost 4:30am. You said you lived far from here." She said. "Okay fine. I'll stay. I can sleep on the couch." I said. "Come on." She said grabbing my hand.

Ariana's pov:
  I walked her to my bedroom and gave her some pajamas. "Here. Shower is right there." I said. She nodded and walked to the bathroom. I already showered while the others were here.

*30 mins later*

I was sitting on my bed on Instagram. Mhmm maybe I should post a picture. I posted a picture of myself and y/n. The caption said "She's the 7th ring💋💍" I tagged her and she walked out the bathroom.

"Where's the guest room?" She asked. "No you're gonna lay here with me." I said. "Noooo Ariana." She said. "Come on. We're friends. I dont care that you like girls." I said. She sighed and playfully rolled her eyes. "Fine." She said smiling. She got into bed with me and I turned on netflix while we laid down.

Y/n's pov:
  I watched the Netflix show with her and she got close to me. "I like to cuddle if thats okay." She said. "Its fine." I said. She cuddled up next to me laying her head on my chest and put her leg over mine.

Ariana's pov:
  I smiled softly after she said "its fine" And then cuddled up next to her. Its okay for friends to cuddle right? Right!

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