Confessing Feelings

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Y/n's pov: *one month later*
Tour starts in two days and honestly Im nervous as fuck. Anywho's we all got up at 5am to meet Scooter at the rental so we could leave on the tour bus. "Everyone on the bus with everything they need!?" Scooter yelled. "Yesss." We all said back. We had one bus because there was enough space for everyone to sleep.

(A/n: There's 8 bunk beds for The two bodyguards, Taya, Mao, Luz, Scooter, Scott & Darrion. And Ari & y/n will share a bed in the back.)

"Lets go!" Scooter said to the driver. The bus started moving and everyone was extremely tired. We left around 6am so everyone went into their bunks. I grabbed my phone and went to bed find a bunk. I looked at everyone including Scooter get into their beds. "And where the hell am I supposed to sleep?" I asked with a chuckle. "With Ari." Taya said smirking. "Ya'll are wrong for that." I said with a laugh. "We love you to." She said smiling.

I walked towards the back and knocked on the door. "Come in!" She said. I walked in the room closing the door behind me. I turned to her and she smiled. "Come cuddle me. Im tired." She said holding her arms out. I took my shoes off and got in bed with her. I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close to me. She put her hand over mine. I was big spoon and she was the little spoon.


I woke up and stretched. Ariana was still sleep so I got off the bed and walked to the "living room" area. I sat on the couch with Mao while Darrion was across from us. "Heyy love." Darrion said. "Wassup." I said smiling. "How was your cuddle session?" He asked teasing me. I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled. "Admit it. You like her." Mao said. "And if I do?" I asked. "Oh so you do like her?" Darrion asked smirking. "I plead the fifth." I said blushing. "Ari likes you. You like Ari. Make the move and watch her fold." He said making Mao and I laugh. "Come on ya would be so cute together." He said. "That I agree with." Mao said smiling.

"Admit it... come on its just us." Darrion said. "Fine....I like her." I said quietly. "Yay you admitted it." He said. "Now make your move and make her yours." He said with a smile. "How long is this ride?" I asked changing the subject. "We wont get there until the morning so be prepared for a LONG trip." Mao said. "Ugh." I said.

Ari's pov: *1pm*
I woke up and noticed Y/n wasnt next to me. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. Wow I must of been extremely tired. I got up and walked to the "living room" area and seen y/n, Darrion, and Mao. "Hey." I said. "Wassup." Mao said. "Hey sissyy." Darrion said. "Hiya." Y/n said. I walked over and sat next to Y/n.

Y/n's pov:
"What was ya doing?" Ari asked. "Watching tv and talkin shit." Mao said. "About?" She asked. "Stuff." I said. "Oh i cant know?" She asked looking at me. "Nah you cant." I said smiling so she knows im playing. "Okay I see how it is.." she said. Truth was; Darrion, Mao and I were planning on how I can take Ari onna date without people knowing its a date. I laid my head on her lap and smiled up at her. "No get off since I cant know." She said lifting my head up. "Wow... its like that?" I asked looking at her. "Yes." She said trying to stay serious. "Okay.. bett." I said.

*time passes*

Everyone is up and talking shit. "Pit stop! Go get snacks if you want!" The bus driver said. We all hopped off the bus to stretch. I walked with Taya and Mao to 7/11 which was at the gas station we were at. "Y/n said she likes Ari." Mao said. "Wow thanks for "its just us". I said with a laugh. "We all already know she likes her." Taya said. "Its that obvious?" I asked. "We can see straight through both of you." Mao said. "Yeah its very obvious." Taya said. "Wow." I said. After getting some snacks, we walked back onto the bus and sat down to watch some tv with our snacks.

Ari's pov: *while Taya,Mao & Y/n are getting snacks*
"When you gonna tell her?" Darrion asked. "Ive tried. We've kissed already and I wanted to have sex the other night after Scooter's party but she said I'll be more confused and I kind of understand that." I said. "Tell her you're tired of being confused and you want her to end the curiosity." He said. "I did.." i said.

"Tell her again. And again. And again until she ends your curiosity." He said. "And honestly if you kissed her already and liked it then there's a big possibility that you like girls to." He said. "I did like it. Alot to be honest." I said blushing. "So tell her how you truly feel." He said. "You're right." I said. We seen Taya,Mao and y/n walk on the bus. "Now." He said. I nodded and followed behind them.

Y/n's pov:
  "Tell her." Taya said. "She's confused as fuck. Im not about to fall for someone who might be straight." I said. "Have ya kissed?" Mao asked looking at me. Taya looked at me. I looked at both of them then down blushing. "Girlllll when? Where? How? What happened? Tell us." Taya said making me laugh. "Her house, she asked "is it bad that I wanna kiss you?" And I was confused at first then we talked for a little just about her curiosity and stuff then I kissed her." I said. "Did you like it?" Mao asked. "Im a lesbian and I like her. Of course I liked it." I said with a chuckle. "Did she like it?" Mao asked. "She said she did." I said. "Then she likes girls. No girl is gonna kiss a girl and like it if they aren't lesbian or bisexual." Taya said. "I guess you're right." I said.

After I said that, Ari and Darrion walked on the bus making it real awkward. "Ima go put this in the back. I'll be back." I said grabbing my snacks. I walked to the room and put my bag down.

Ari's pov:
"Go." Darrion said pushing me. "Okay. Dont rush me." I said with a giggle. I walked to the back and in the room. I closed the door behind me. "Oh hey Ari." She said. "I like you. Alot. I like the way you treat me, you have an amazing heart and personality. You're absolutely GORGEOUS and you make me have butterflies in my stomach." I blurted out.

Y/n's pov:
Okay that was out of no where. "I feel the same way to be honest but I was trying not to tell you because you said you're confused, I didn't want to get hurt and I didnt want you to feel uncomfortable." I said. "I know I said that.. and its true. I was confused but I think I like girls and guys." She said. "I just wanna be happy." She said. "Do what makes your heart happy Ari." I said with a smile while sitting on the bed.

She walked over to me and straddled my lap. "You make me happy." She said looking at me. She placed her arms around my neck. "Well we cant do it here they'll hear us." I said making her laugh. "Can I take you on a date Ari? Like a real date...Just me and you. We can talk more personally and really vibe." I said wrapping my arms around her waist. "I'd like that." She said smiling. "We can go sometime tomorrow." I said. "Okay." She said.

We stood looking at each other about to kiss until someone knocked on the door. "Ya good?" Mao asked. Ari got off me and walked to the door. "Yes we're fine." She said as she opened the door. "Okay come on. We gonna watch netflix." Mao said. "We'll be right there." Ari said. "Alright." She said and walked away. Ari closed the door and turned to me. I got up and walked over to the door.

I pushed her slightly onto the door, leaned down and kissed her while cupping her face with mu right hand. She smiled into the kiss then kissed back. We kissed for a bit then we both pulled away and smiled. "Come on." She said. We walked out the room and walked to the couches. Everyone was looking at us smirking. "Mind ya business." I said smiling.

*time passes*

Everyone including Ari and I went to bed. "Cuddle me." Ari said in a whining tone. "No, you pushed my head up earlier when I laid on ya lap." I said turning my back towards her. She turned me on my back and got on top of me. "Girl what are you?" I asked but got cut off by her lips. I smiled as she pulled away. "Goodnight y/n." She said getting off of me. "Goodnight Ariana." I said with a smile. She laid down and I turned over and cuddled her.

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