First Day Of Practice

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*the following week*
Y/n's pov:
  I woke up around 6am and walked to the bathroom. I did bathroom things such as shower, skincare, brush teeth, etc. Once I was done it was about 6:45am. I decided to get dressed in comfy clothes.

Once I was finished, I grabbed my bag which had my phone, charger, extra hair ties, etc stuff in it

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Once I was finished, I grabbed my bag which had my phone, charger, extra hair ties, etc stuff in it. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Scooter told me to be there by 8am. I took the bus to the location and seen him standing outside.

I walked up to him. "Hey." I said. "Hello." He said. He opened the door allowing me to walk in. I walked in and waited for him. He lead the way to a small office.

After talking over a contract and stuff, we came to an agreement and I signed the paperwork. "Congratulations." He said. "Thanks again." I said with a small laugh. We walked to the studio room which wasnt far from the office. "HEY EVERYONE!!" Scooter yelled calling everyone's attention. "This is y/n! She is our new dancer!" He said. "Hi everyone." I said waving. They all welcomed me.

After everyone introduced themselves, we just sat and talked for a while. "You look so familiar." A girl named Mao said. "I make youtube videos and Instagram videos. Ive also worked with Becky G before." I said. "I remember seeing you on Instagram." She said. "You can really dance." She said. "Aw thanks." I said smiling. Soon after Ariana showed up. Everyone greeted her and I stood towards the back.

Ariana's pov:
I smiled saying hi to everyone and then I noticed her. "Hi, Im Ariana." I said with a smile. "Nice to meet ya, Im Y/n. Thank you by the way for picking me." She said. "Its no problem love." I said. I gave her a hug and then Scooter came with the choreographer Scott aka another backup dancer.

*hours pass*

"Alrighty lets run 7 rings again!" He yelled. We ran through it quickly and once we were finished everyone cheered. "Alrighty!! Thats it for today!" He said.

Y/n's pov:
"Hey Y/n. You did good, you learn quickly." Scott the choreographer said. "Thanks." I said with a smile. I exchanged numbers with all the dancers because I became everyones friend. I was putting my phone in my bag when someone tapped me.

I turned around to see Ariana. "Hey." I said with a smile. "Hey, Im throwing a small party tomorrow at my house. I was wondering if you wanna come with us shopping for the party and then get ready with us at my place for the party." She said. "Yeah that would be dope." I said with a smile. "Awesome, so lemme get ya number so we can stay in contact." She said. "Sure." I said. I gave her my number. "Alrighty, I'll see ya tomorrow then." She said. "See ya tomorrow." I said with a smile. She gave me a hug then left with Scooter.

Ariana's pov:
  "Can I help you?" I asked Scooter who kept looking at me. "You like her?" He asked. "Yeah she's amazing." I said. "No do you LIKE her?" He asked putting more meaning on the word LIKE. "Oh no... I just met her. She's an amazing person and really sweet but no I dont like her in that way." I said. "Mhmm." He said. We walked out and left to go do an interview.

Y/n's pov:
  I grabbed my bag and went to leave. "Hey! Wait up." Taya said. "Wassup." I said. "Where ya heading to?" She asked. "Home." I said. "Come get drinks with us." She said. "Im not much of a drinker." I said. "But I'll catch ya tomorrow. Ariana invited me to the house party she's throwing." I said. "Oh okay. We'll see ya tomorrow then. Byeee." She said. "Alrighty byeee." I said.

I finally got to leave and headed home on the bus. It was a hour bus ride so I didnt get home until 8pm. I walked into the complex and grabbed the mail. "Luke my man, how was ya day?" I asked. "Good and yours?" He asked. "Amazing." I said. "Great." He said. "Catch ya later." I said. "See ya." He said. I walked to my apartment and went inside. "Hey bestie." My best friend said. "Hey." I said smiling. "So did ya get the job?" She asked. "Yeah I did." I said. "Congratulations!" She said. "Thanks." I said smiling.

"So I was thinking we could go hang out tomorrow." She said. "Damn I cant. I have practice tomorrow and then I have something to do." I said. "Okay. Maybe next time." She said. "Yeah as soon as I have a break, I got you." I said. "Alrighty." She said.

After my shower, I put on some pajamas and got a text.

Text convo:
??: Hey Its Ariana💋
Y/n: Heyy 🙃
Ari: Meet Mao, Taya and I in Soho tomorrow.
Y/n: Okay, should I dress a certain way or something? Lol
Ari: Lol no of course not. Just be yourself. Come with whatever you're comfortable in.
Y/n: Lol okay 😊 What time?
Ari: 11am. Party starts at 9pm
Y/n: Alrighty
Ari: I'll see ya in the morning.
Y/n: See ya ✌🏻🤪
End of convo

I saved her number under "Ari💋"

*the next day*

I woke up and got ready for the day. I showered, did my makeup and hair. Something simple and quick because Im lazy.

After getting dressed, I grabbed my bag and texted Ari that Im on my way

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After getting dressed, I grabbed my bag and texted Ari that Im on my way.

Ariana's pov:
  I finished my hair and looked at the time. 10:30am. I seen y/n's text. "Ready Ari?" Mao asked. "Yeah lets go." I said smiling.

After I put on my shoes, we left

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After I put on my shoes, we left. "So Y/n, she got skills." Taya said. "Yeah she's dope as fuck." Mao said. "Yeah she is." I said agreeing with them. "Is she meeting us in Soho?" Taya asked. "Yeah." I said. "Ari? You like her?" Mao asked. "You and Scooter are on the same level ya know?" I said with a laugh. "No I dont like her in that sense..." I said.

Maybe I was lying though..Maybe I did like her in that way..Nahhhh

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