Back On Tour With A Twist

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Y/n's pov:
  We're going back on tour. We need to take a plane to London. We've been in LA for a while now since my job. (A/n: LA VIBES). I just finished taking Ari and I's bags downstairs so we dont struggle tomorrow morning. "Babeeee!!!" Ari yelled. "Yeah!?" I asked. "Come here!!" She yelled. I walked upstairs to see what Ari was calling me for.

I walked into the room and seen Ari laying on the bed. "Come cuddle with me." She said holding her arms out. I let out a laugh and got into bed laying my head on her chest. She started stroking my hair. "I cant believe tour starts in two days." She said. "Nervous?" I asked. "No. You?" She said. "Nah." I said. "I cant wait for my birthday." I added. "Aww my baby going to be 24." She said. I smiled wide. "Im old." I said. "Girl Im 26 (a/n: HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY ARI!!)." She said making me laugh.

"Okay in that case... we're both old." I said making her laugh. I looked up at her and kissed her lips softly. "Mhmm." She moaned into the kiss. I pulled away and smiled. "Im convinced you want sex more than me." I said making her laugh. "Lies." She said. I sat up completely. "Wanna bet?" I asked. "What's the bet?" She asked. "If you can last a week without asking me for sexual contact then I'll let you do whatever you want to me." I said.

"BUT if you get horny and wanna have sex then I get to do whatever I want to you." I added. "Sexual contact means?" She asked. "Eating you out, fingering, using the vibrator, all that." I said. "So kissing doesnt count?" She asked. "Only pecks for this week. No making out." I said. "Deal." She said smiling. We shook each others hand and smiled. "Cant wait for you to lose." I said smirking. "Cant wait for me to WIN." She said.

Ari's pov:
Im DEFINITELY going to win. Tour is two days and I know Im going to last.

*2 days later*

The first show of the tour is tonight and my having anxiety ass is nervous as fuck. I lowkey would LOVE for my babygirl to release my anxiety issues but I cant ask her for anything. I sat there on our hotel bed looking at her. "Take a picture it will last longer." She said making me giggle. "Feeling nervous?" She asked. "Yes.." I said biting my lip. "Want me to help you?" She asked getting close to me with a smirk on her face.

Y/n's pov:
"No." She said pushing me away. "Okay..." I said and walked away. I know she wont last very long I just gotta find out how to tease her. I grabbed a water and started drinking it while thinking of a way to tease her.

Ari's pov: *later tonight*
  "Amen!" We all said and took our shots. I smiled and looked at y/n. "You got this." She said smiling. "We got this." I said correcting her. "Ari, 5 mins." Scooter said. I nodded and we started walking to the stage. "Forever baby." I whispered to myself. I always say this before a show since Mac passed. He'd always whispered it to me when he was with me before a show.

I turned around and gave y/n a kiss. We smiled as we pulled away. I turned around and she smacked my ass. I looked back at her. "Sorry... not sorry." She said smirking while shrugging her shoulders. I playfully rolled my eyes. I walked onstage smiling.

*after the show*

We all smiled and walked off stage. We walked to the back hype. Once we got to the dressing room, I set up my phone and started a live with Taya.

Y/n's pov:
  I walked in with Darrion and seen Ari and Taya on live. I walked to the snack table. I grabbed a donut then walked to Ari eating my donut. "Let me have a bite." She said. I held it towards her and she nearly ate my whole donut. "Damn girl. Anymore you would of ate my fucking hand." I said laughing. I looked at the phone and smiled for the people watching the live.

"Babe dance with me." She said grabbing my donut and finishing it. "You owe me a donut." I said and we started dancing while Darrion put music on. Everyone eventually joined and started dancing to.

While dancing scooter walked in. I had Ari on my back, Taya was twerking, Darrion was twerking, and Mao was "rapping" to the song. "I dont even wanna know." He said making us laugh. "5 more mins guys." Ari said to the live. "Ask me some questions loves." She said smiling. I was still holding onto her. "Someone said how long have we been together." I said reading the question. "5 months. Almost 6." Ari said.

"Have we had sex?" Ari asked reading the question. I looked at the phone like....

We ignored the question because its personal as fuck

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We ignored the question because its personal as fuck. No one needs to know we have sex. "Is y/n your first girlfriend?" Ari asked reading the question. "Yes in deed." She said smiling. "Okay guys. I love you very very very much. I'll be posting pictures later." She said and then ended the live.

*back at the hotel*

"Im so fucking tired." I said laying down. She crawled on me and straddled my lap. "Im tired to." She said. "Doesnt look like it." I said rubbing my hands up and down her thighs. "Is this in violation of the bet?" She asked. "No." I said. "Ima go shower." She said getting off me. "Cool im coming." I said. "No because then I'll get horny." She said. "Girl Im going with you." I said.

My plan is to turn her on so she can lose. I know that she'll lose. We got in the shower and let the water hit our bodies. I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled. I moved my hand slowly down to her kitty and started rubbing. "Mhmm.. ayeee no." She said smacking my hand away. "What? Im helping you wash up." I said with a slight laugh. "Wash yourself and I'll wash myself." She said. "Ugh okay." I said. Damn my plan isnt going to work.

Ari's pov:
  I know exactly what she's doing. She's trying to tease me until I break. I WILL NOT BREAK... although I really want it.

*45 mins later*

We got out the shower, got dressed and laid down together watching movies until we fell asleep.

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