Award Show

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A/n: AHH 20k reads!! Thank you so much 💋💋

Y/n's pov:*2 months later*
Living in LA is absolutely amazing. My job is going great, Ive gotten so many opportunities because of this job. Ciara ended up coming to LA because a job company hired her for the designs she does. My family still lives in Florida but Im trying to move them out here.

Ari and I have been together for 11 months. Our one year anniversary is next month and I truly am excited. Although Ari and I do have our days where we're lowkey ready to square up with each other, we always make up.

Anywho's right now Ari and I are getting ready for some award show. She's nominated for best female artist, album of the year and a few others. I just finished getting dressed.

(A/n: I gave 3 options & If you look closely the girl on the bottom left has shoe covers or whatever🤦🏻‍♀️ Just ignore that 🤣🤣🤣)

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(A/n: I gave 3 options & If you look closely the girl on the bottom left has shoe covers or whatever🤦🏻‍♀️ Just ignore that 🤣🤣🤣)

I put my shoes on and waited for Ari. She walked out the bathroom.

(A/n: Shhhh Ik this is an old red carpet look but I like this look)

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(A/n: Shhhh Ik this is an old red carpet look but I like this look)

Ari walked out the room. She walked to the livingroom. "How do I look?" She asked. "Damn... you look good babygirl." I said with a smile. "Aww thank you. You to babe." She said. "Thank you." I said. Her hair stylist and makeup artist did last touches then we left.

*in the Limo*

"Ready?" She asked. "I should be asking you that." I said with a slight laugh. "Im always ready." She said. "I guess Im ready to." I said. "Babeee." She said shaking me. "Wassup?" I asked looking up. She had her camera facing both of us. I moved closer to her and kissed her cheek as she perked her lips out to take the picture.

*at the red carpet*

Ari and I just arrived at the award shows red carpet. I got out and helped her out. We started walking the red carpet. Stopping and smiling for some cameras. "My face hurts already." I whispered because I was smiling for a while. "You'll get used to it." She said back. We kept walking down the carpet, stopping to take pictures. She looked at me and gave me a kiss for a picture. I smiled after the kiss.

We walked down and a girl called Ari and I over to interview Ari. "Hello ms.grande." She said. "Hi Liza." (Liza Koshy) Ari said to her. Im guessing thats her name. "You look absolutely beautiful today." Liza said. "Aww thanks love. You to." Ari said. "Thank you and your girlfriend looks amazing as well." She said. "Aww thank you." I said with a smile. "How we feeling today?" Liza asked. "Good. I havent been to an award show since last year so Im real happy to be here." Ari said. "And you?" Liza asked me. "Oh Im a bit overwhelmed but Im just here to support her." I said.

"Ya are so freaking cute. I heard you're nominated for a few awards this year. I hope you win the awards. Congratulations." Liza said. "Thank you." Ari said. We walked away. We kept walking until we hit another interviewer. "Here comes Ariana Grande." The guy said. "Hello." She said as we stepped on the stage. "You look gorgeous as always." He said. "Thank you." She said with a smile. "Now tell us about your nominations..." He said. "Im nominated for album of the year, best female artist, 7 rings is nominated for the best video and I believe thats it." She said.

"Do you feel that you would win?" He asked. "I always hope that I win but im up against some of my friends and newer artists so whoever wins, I'll be happy either way." She said. "I see you brought your girlfriend... how long have you two been together?" He asked. "Almost a year. We hit a year March 17th." She said. "Well that's wonderful. Congratulations on the nominations." He said. "Thank you." She said.

We walked away and walked inside. "Babe my feet hurt." She said. "Awww I'd carry you but that's unprofessional." I said. We finally got to our seats and peeped that they put Pete behind us. I rolled my eyes and we sat down. "Its okay.. we'll just ignore him." She said. "Mhmm hmm." I said.

Ari's pov:
  "I'll be back. Im going to use the bathroom." She said. "Okay." I said with a smile. As she walked away Pete walked towards his seat. I was scrolling through Insta. "Ari..." He said tapping my shoulder. "What?" I asked turning to him. "Im sorry..." He said. "Thats nice." I said. "Ari stop being a bitch." He said. "No thanks." I said. "Why?" He asked. "Cause im THAT bitch." I said. He sat back and I turned around. Moments later y/n came back. She looked annoyed because of Pete. I grabbed her hand as soon as she sat down and she smiled.

Y/n's pov: *almost the of the show*
  "And the nominees for album of the year is...." Camila Cabello said. The voice over thing showed the nominees. "The winner is..." Camila said. She opened the card and smiled. "Thank you next, by Ariana Grande." She said. The camera panned to us. Everyone stood up and clapped. Ari smiled, I gave Ari a kiss then she walked on stage. "Ariana Grande won best video for 7 rings and best female artist along with this award." The voice over person said.

Ari gave a hug to Camila. She stood at the microphone. "Thank you to my fans who voted. Thank you for watching my video. Like making this album was super hard but I absolutely love that you loved it. Thank you god, Scooter, my mom, Frankie, and Nonna. Thank you to my backup dancers. And thank you to my amazing girlfriend y/n. I love you babe. And I love you Arianators." She said. She blew a kiss as everyone stood up and clapped then she walked to the back with Camila.

*end of the show*

Ari and I walked out the building and left. "Congratulations babygirl." I said. "Aww thank you babe." She said. "I love you to by the way." I said. We hopped in the limo and went home. I asked Ciara to cook Ari and I a dinner for tonight. All I did was text her an hour before we left so it can be done when we get home.

Ari's pov:
  We walked into the house. "Mhmm smells good is Ciara here?" I asked. "Yeah." Y/n said. We walked to the kitchen and I seen roses with champagne and a nice dinner. "I'll be leaving. Congratulations on your win sissy." Ciara said. "Thank you." I said with a smile. Y/n and I sat down. "You planned this?" I asked. "Yes baby." She said smiling. "Well thank you. It means alot." I said. "You're welcome." She said.

*after dinner*

We finished dinner and took a shower together. We just got out and dried off. After putting lotion on, we put our pjs on and hopped in bed. We were both extremely tired.

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