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Y/n's pov:
  I woke up to music playing. I looked around and remembered where I was. "Morning sleepyhead." She said with a giggle. "What time is it?" I asked stretching. "11am." She said. "We dont have practice today?" I asked. "Nope. Tomorrow we do. How'd ya sleep?" She asked. "Good. But I think its about time for me to head home though." I said. "What? No.. I made breakfast though." She said. "Again Ariana, I have no clothes." I said. "Borrow a shirt and tights. Stay with me." She said. "You trust me alot." I said. "You havent given me a reason not to." She replied.

"I could be crazy." I said. "Arent we all..." she said making me laugh. "If you were gonna harm me, you would of harmed me already." She added. "True but still you shouldnt be so trusting of me. Im a stranger." I said. Its not like Im going to hurt or anything like that but still. "So tell me about yourself. I wanna know EVERYTHING so that way you're A: not a stranger and B: can stay over without feeling weird about me trusting you." She said.

"Come on, Breakfast is waiting we can talk and eat." She said dragging me out of her bed. We walked to her kitchen. "Here's your plate." She said handing me a plate of food. "Thank you." I said with a smile. She turned the music down and sat down with me at the table with her plate. "So tell me about yourself." She said. "One second." I said. I said grace then smiled. "Okay what you wanna know?" I asked as we started eating. "Any siblings?" She asked.

"Two little sisters named Madison and Brooklyn and an older brother Jacob." I said. "Okay, mhmm who's your best friend?" She asked. "A girl named Ciara. Been best friends since birth." I said. "Ahh okay. Mhmm? Mom & dad?" She asked. "Dad is alive and my mom passed when I was younger." I said. "Ah okay... im sorry." She said. "Its okay." I said. "Hmm what else? When's your birthday?" She asked. "August 17th." I said. "Leo baby." She said. "Yeah." I said with a slight giggle.

"Single? Taken?" She asked. "Single like the last pringle in the pringle jar." I said. "Ohh okay." She said. "What's your type?" She asked. "Like personality wise or physically?" I asked. "Both." She said eating her food. "Well personality is everything to me. I fall fast for people who make me laugh." I said. "As for physically, I like a girl who has a beautiful smile, has confidence but not conceded, someone who's shorter than me, and someone who's girly." I said.

Ariana's pov:
This girl just discribed me. Wait wait stop Ari. You cant fall for her... She's a backup dancer.. "I see. I see. How tall are you?" I asked. "5'3." She replied finishing her food. "I have a question for you." She said. "Ask away." I replied. "Dont think Im being weird or wanna push up on you but have you ever been with a girl?" She asked. "Now why would I think that?" I asked with a giggle. "Cause when I ask that question typically girls think ima flirt with them or something." She explained. "Ahh I see. Well no I have never been with a girl." I said. "Have you thought about it?" She asked.

Y/n's pov:
"Hasn't everyone?" She asked back. "Okay I'll give ya that." I said. "What stopped you?" I asked. "Never found a girl that I was truly attracted to." She said. "Ahh i see." I said. Once we finished breakfast, I washed the dishes since she made breakfast. "What do you wanna do today?" She asked. "I dont know. Any plans?" I asked. "No. Wanna just chill here today?" She asked. "Sure." I said finishing the dishes. "Lets watch some netflix." She said sitting on her couch. I dried my hands and walked over to her. I sat next to her as she out netflix on.

*after a while*

"I have another question." She said getting up. "Wassup?" I asked. She walked over to get popcorn then came back and sat down. "Have you ever eaten a girl out?" She asked. My eyes grew wide making her laugh. "Is that too personal?" She asked. "No its not, I just wasnt prepared for that question." I said with a slight laugh. "So have you?" She asked. "Yes I have. Ive been sexually active since 15." I said. "Ahh okay." She said eating her popcorn. "Is that all?" I asked. "Yes for now." She said. "Okay." I said. I turned back to the tv and started watching the show.

While watching the show she paused it. She turned to me and smiled. "Another question?" I asked. "Yes." She said. "Shoot it." I said. "Ever been with a guy?" She asked. "Yeah. It was absolutely terrible." I said making her laugh. "How so?" She asked eating popcorn. "So I had a boyfriend when I was 15 because I thought thats how life works. I was very much a virgin but all my friends werent and I fell into peer pressure so I had sex with my boyfriend who has already active before hand. We had sex twice and both times were absolutely bad. The first time I thought it was because I was virgin. But the second time, I was like something aint right. So we stopped and eventually broke up. Then I kissed my friend as a dare at a party and like it alot. Eventually that girl and I were together sexually because she was out and willing to help me test my sexuality and thats when I came to terms with my sexuality." I explained. "So you've been lesbian since?" She asked. "Yes." I said smiling. "Why are you asking?" I asked. I was really curious on why she wanted to know.

Ariana's pov:
"Just tryna get to know ya." I said. "Okay." She said with a smile. Damn her smile is everything. I played the show and we continued watching it.

*whole day passes*

I looked at her. "Are you sure you wanna take the bus home?" I asked. "Yes. Im good Ari. I'll let ya know when Im home." She said. "I took all the clothes I wore so I can clean them and bring them back." She added. "I would of done that but okay love." I said. "I'll see ya at practice." She said. "See ya tomorrow. Text me when you're home." I said giving her a hug. " I will." She said hugging me back. She left the house and I locked the door.

Y/n's pov: *a hour & 30 mins later*
I walked into the apartment complex. "Wassup Luke. How are ya?" I said getting my mail. "Im good and yourself?" He asked. "Im good." I said smiling. I talked for a bit with him then went upstairs. I walked in the apartment and locked the door behind me. I texted Ari that I was home.

I was home alone. Ciara went out with her man Kyle and will be out all night. I put our laundry to wash along with Ari's stuff then started to clean the rest of the house.

*after laundry & cleaning*

I just finished everything. I put Ciara's clothes in her room. And mine with Ari's stuff in my room. I walked to the bathroom and decided to take a bath.

After my bath, I dried off, applied lotion on my skin then out on some pajamas. I got into bed and started watching tv while texting a few people. I slowly was falling asleep so I put my phone to charge and laid down until falling asleep.

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