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Y/n's pov:
"Why would you say that?" Mama asked. "Mama Im tired of this bitch fucking with me. So next time I see her, we gonna fight unless she's pregnant or with her kids." I said. "What if the girls are with you?" She asked. "Then Ima walk away. I wanna fight her ALONE." I said. "Love i dont think thats a good idea." She said. "You and Ari think the same way. But Im 23. I can make my own decisions." I said.

I could care less what she nor anyone else has to think about the situation. I know that when I see her, Ima fuck her up.

I decided to call up Kyle,Heather and Justina. My hometown friends. I called Kyle first. (Btw all the people named are girls)

Phone call:
Kyle: Bitchhhh
Y/n: Bitchhhhh
Kyle: Wassup
Y/n: Chilling wanna go to the club tonight?
Kyle: You in Florida?
Y/n: Gonna be here all summer or at least half the summer
Kyle: Yesss bitch. Ima call Heather. You call Justina. Link up at ya crib at 10?
Y/n: Perfect. See ya later.
Kyle: See ya sissy
End of convo

I called Justina and told her the plan. Obviously she was down. I looked at the time. 8pm. Lets start getting ready. I put some music on and hopped in the shower.

*35 mins later*

I got out and dried off, applying lotion on my skin. I sat at my desk in my robe and started doing my makeup.

*after getting ready*

I looked in the mirror. I look cute or whatever.

I got a text from Kyle saying they're downstairs

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I got a text from Kyle saying they're downstairs. I grabbed my phone,keys and bag then walked downstairs. "Im going out mama! Love ya!" I yelled. "Be safe! Love ya to!" She yelled back. I walked out and got into the uber. "YASSSS BITCHH!" Kyle yelled. "You already know how I do." I said smiling.

*at the club*

We just got to the club and Ive been texting Ari all night just letting her know what Im doing and stuff. We walked inside the club and went to a vip area. Thank god Heather has the hook up. We ordered shots and our drinks. "So sissy, how ya been?" Kyle asked. "Good. What about you?" I asked. "Good. Just been chilling." She said.

The shots and drinks finally came and we got turnt. "Lets go dance." I told Heather. Heather is a professional stripper so Heather and I together on a dance floor isnt the best thing... We get really wild together. We made our way to the dance floor leaving our bags with Kyle and Justina.

We were dancing and having a blast together until someone backed up and hit me. "Yo watch your step please." I said over the music while turning around. "Bitch I aint gotta watch shit." Lily said. "Oh hell naw." I said. "So its on sight right?" She asked. "On god." I said. She walked ahead of me.. Im guessing outside.. I followed behind her and I started wrapping my hair up, taking my earrings off and mentally preparing myself to fuck this bitch up.

Everyone followed behind us including my girls. "Guys no! Im not letting ya fight!" Justina yelled. I took my boots off leaving me in my socks. I wish I would of worn sneakers but fuck it. "Justina move before you get fucked up." I said. "Stop. Its not worth it." She said holding me back. "On god Justina, I will fuck you up with her. Please move." I said. "Fine. But dont call me when you get arrested." She said backing up.

While looking at Justina, Lily made the first hit and hit my jawline. I spit blood out and then we started fighting. Punch after punch from both ends. She grabbed ahold of my hair and brought me down to the floor. I wont allow myself to lose this shit. I kept punching not caring where I was hitting her. I flipped us over and straddled her waist (one leg on each side) and starting punching her face hard as fuck.

Kyle's pov:
  People were cheering them on as if we were in high school. I started seeing blood come out of Lily's face.

Y/n's pov:
  While fighting, I heard cop cars coming. "POLICE!!!" Someone yelled and everyone ran. We got off the floor and went to run but it was too late. "FREEZE!" The cop yelled. We stopped and held our hands up. "This is your fault." She said. "Bitch please. You said on sight and I kept my promise to God and did what I had to do." I said.

*after being arrested*

I sat there in the car. "Do you need medical attention?" The cop asked. "No sir." I said. I was trying to stay calm. "Im fine, I just have blood on my face from beating her ass." I said. They drove me to the police station and drove her to the hospital.

Once we were at the place, we walked in and I got fingerprinted and took a mugshot. After sitting in a chair for a while, I was told how much bail would be. I got to call one person so I decided to call Jacob.

Phone call:
Jacob: Yes?
Y/n: Jacob... its y/n. I need bail money
Jacob: The fuck you got into?
Y/n: I said I was going to beat Lily's ass and when I seen her, I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I got arrested for assault.
Jacob: *sigh* how much?
Y/n: $2,000
Jacob: $2,000!? You owe me this money back y/n.
Y/n: I got you.. just please come and pay this shit.
Jacob: Be there in 20
Y/n: Okay bye
End of convo

I hung up and went to sit down. "Someone's coming?" The woman asked. "Yes ma'am." I said. I don't understand how I got arrested for assault when she hit me first. Funny how Im 23 and my 25 year old brother is coming to get me like im 17.

After 20 mins pass, Jacob shows up and pays the bail. "Y/L/N, you're out." The woman said. I got up and walked to him. "Thank you." I said. "Yeah yeah." He said. We got my stuff and left. I had a bunch of miss calls from Ari.

Ari's pov: *after Y/n gets arrested: 2 o'clock*
   "Ari relaxxxx she's probably dancing." Frankie said. "You're right.... but what if she's dancing with someone and cheating?" I asked. "Ari! Relax! She likes you. Why would she cheat?" He asked. "You're right..." I said.

*1 hour later*

"Ari!!" Frankie yelled. "What?" I asked walking into the room. I seen my phone lighting up with y/n's picture and contact name. I ran over and picked up the phone.

Phone call:
Babygirl💋: Babe?
Babe💛: Ari I can explain
Babygirl💋: About?
Babe💛: I got arrested
Babygirl💋: WHAT!?
Babe💛: I was arrested for fighting Lily...
Babygirl💋: You fought her?
Babe💛: Yes... I said on sight and she was at the club soooooo we went outside and started fighting.
Babygirl💋: Was she arrested?
Babe💛: Nah.. she went to the hospital. I lowkey beat the shit out of her.
Babygirl💋: Well at least you won the fight but you okay?
Babe💛: Yeah true. And yeah I got a black eye though.
Babygirl💋: Aww my poor baby...How much was bail?
Babe💛: $2,000. They said i have to go to court. If she presses charges I could go to jail for 6 months.
Babygirl💋: Lets pray she doesnt press charges
Babe💛: Yeah.. but Im okay. Jacob is here and we're going home.
Babygirl💋: Okay... be safe.
Babe💛: I will babygirl
Babygirl💋: Okay..
end of convo

I looked at Frankie after hanging up. "Do you really know her?" He asked. "Clearly not..." I said. "Find out about her before she gets YOU into some shit sissy." He said.

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