First Tour Show

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Y/n's pov:
  Ari and I got up and got ready for the day. Once we were done, we left locking the door behind us. We walked downstairs seeing everyone waiting. "Hey lovers." Darrion said. "Hey." Ari and I said together. "So you two are not denying you two are lovers." He said. "Darrion enough." Mao said. "I peep a hickey..." Darrion said looking at Ari's neck. "I peep two." Taya said looking at my neck. "Okay enough with them. Lets go." Scooter said.

We had to go to the place to practice on stage and for sound check for later. We all hopped in the two rentals and drove off.(Darrion, Mao, Ari & y/n in one car while the first bodyguard drives. The second bodyguard is driving, Scooter, Taya, Luz, & Scott in the second car.)

"So you ate her pussy?" Darrion asked me. "Good lord Darrion." Mao said. "Im curious." He said. I looked at Ari then at him. And before I could speak Ari said "Yes she did and she ate it mighty swell to." My eyes grew wide and I looked at her. "Damn girl... Exposing my sex life like that." I said with a laugh. "Oooouuu yes girl." Darrion said. "So we're guessing you're bisexual." Mao said. "Yes." Ari said. "And Im happy." She added kissing my cheek. "Good! Now the question is, ya together?" Darrion asked.

"Darrion." Ari said. "You know we'll keep it between us. No public figure will know." He said. "Yes she's mine." Ari said smiling. I looked down and blushed. "Yasss bitch. Ya cute." He said making us laugh. "Thanks." She said still smiling. "I have another question. Its a two parter." Darrion said. "Oh lord." Ari said. "Wassup." I said. "She ate ya pussy? If so did you like it?" He asked. "Yeah." Ari said. "Girl can I answer?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Yes she did." I said. "Did ya like it?" He asked. "Yes I did." I said blushing. "Oooouu yesss bitch. You show her what that tongue do Ari." He said making everyone laugh.

*at rehearsals*

"5,6,7,8!" Scott counted. The music played and we started dancing while Ari sang. Once the song finished we were finally done with sound check and rehearsal.

"Ahhh. Tonight will be AMAZING." Mao said. "Hell yeah." Taya said. "Nervous?" Darrion asked. "Hell yeah. But I know Ima be good." I said. "You got ya girl by your side so you'll be fine." He said making me smile.

*time passes*

We went back to the hotel to freshen up. "Babe!!" Ari yelled. "Yes?" I asked turning towards her. She had just got out the shower. "You can get in the shower now." She said. I looked her up and down licking my lips. I then looked at her. "Stop looking at me like that." She said smiling. I got up and walked to her. "I do what I want." I said then kissed her cheek. I went to walk away and Ari smacked my ass. "Dont start nothing." I said making her giggle. I walked to the bathroom.

Ari's pov:
I dried off and put on lotion. I then threw on a thong with a lace bralette. I put on some sweats and a baggy shirt and sat down waiting for Y/n.

*45 mins later*

She finally got out and got dressed. She threw on a pair of panties, a bra, a baggy shirt and tights. "Ready?" She asked. "Have been for a while." I said with a giggle.

Y/n's pov:
We met everyone downstairs and we all left in the rentals. We were turning up in the car having a blast. "We have to take double shots tonight." Ari said. "Why?" I asked. "One for the show and One for you." She said. "Why me?" I asked. "Its your first show. She did it with all of us." Darrion said. "No one else but us." Ari said. "Alrighty." I said smiling. 

*at the place*

We rushed through the back door and started to get ready. First was hair. "Okay Im thinking curls." The woman said to me. "Do whatever you think would look right." I said. She smiled back and said okay.

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