"A Drunken Mistake"

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Y/n's pov:
Its been about a week since the kiss and nothing has changed. We still make jokes every once in a while, I still spend the night at her house, etc. The more time I spend with Ariana, the more I start to like her. No....I cant. I cant because she's confused. I cant because she doesnt even know if she likes girls and if I fall for her and she's straight, I'll be the one hurt... I mean she did say she liked the way I kissed her... UGH this is confusing.

Anywho's Im sitting here waiting for an uber to pull up so I can head to soho. I need to buy a dress or nice outfit for a party. Tour starts in tour days and Scooter wanted to have a party at a house he rented with everyone who's going to be on the tour.

*at soho*

Ive been shopping all day and Ive finally found something nice. I headed back home to get ready. After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my body. I put some music on and started getting ready.

*one hour later*

I looked in the mirror and took selfies. I grabbed my bag and put my phone in there with my charger, touch up makeup, keys and wallet.

*at Scooter's rental*

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*at Scooter's rental*

"Hey boo." Taya said. "Hey love." I said hugging her. "You look adorable." She said. "Aw thank you." I said smiling. "You look bomb as fuck." I added. "Thanks." She said smiling. We walked into the house and it was absolutely gorgeous. There was so many people hanging around. "Sis!!!" Mao said. "Wassuppp sissy!!" I said hugging her. "Okay baddie. I see you." She said. "Thank you. You look good to." I said. "Thanks." She said with a smile.

"Liquor is in the kitchen." Mao said. I nodded and walked over to the kitchen. I seen Ariana getting a cup of liquor.

(No bag obviously)

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(No bag obviously)

I walked over to her and smiled. "Hi twin." I said with a laugh because we were both wearing black and white. "Oh shit." She said noticing. "Hi beautiful." She said smilimg. I smiled back and grabbed a cup pouring me some liquor. "You look beautiful." I said.

Ari's pov:
   I looked down and blushed. "Thank you.You look beautiful to." I said looking up at her. "Thank you." She said with a smile. "Ready for tour?" She asked. "More than ever. I love being on stage and I'll have you on stage with me to so I know I'll be good." I said with a smile. She smiled while her cheeks became red. "Are you flirting with me Ms.Grande?" She asked. "Maybe." I said smirking.

Y/n's pov:
  "Well I'll be right by your side. Literally. I stand beside you for most of the dances." I said making her laugh. "Come on." She said grabbing my hand. We walked to the living room where everyone was. We both sat down side by side. "Okay Im going to ask it since they wont. Are you two together?" Darrion asked. I nearly spit my drink out.

"No Darrion we arent." Ariana said. "You act like you two are." He said. "By holding hands? I hold Taya's hand all the time." Ariana said. "Its not that." He said. "Its the way you two look at each other." Taya said. "And the fact that you spend the night at Ari's more than we ever have. So there's definitely something going on." Darrion said.

"Please. I look at her like a regular human and we're just friends who like to have sleepovers." I said. Everyone just looked at me like "bitch please." "What?" I asked. "Lets stop attacking them. Maybe they're trying to keep it onna low." Mao said. "There's nothing to keep on the low Mao. We aren't together." I said. They just nodded and left the topic alone.

*time passes*

We're all turning up and having fun. Dancing, singing to music, drinking, those who smoke are smoking and so on. I was definitely feeling nice and a bit tipsy. This is why I dont drink. "Are you okay?" Ariana asked. "Yeah just tipsy." I said giggling. Im tipsy but I can still stand, I can still walk and talk.

*more time passes*

"SHOTS!!" Scott yelled. Everyone had a shot, after a shot, after a shot, and so on and so forth. By the time Ariana and I left, we were DRUNK. We were both holding each other up which made no sense but fuck it. We got into the car and her bodyguard drove us to her house.

*at Ari's house*

We walked in and stumbled a bit. I took my shoes off and she did the same. "I feel pretty. Oh so pretty." She sang. "You look pretty to." I said. "Why thank you love." She said in a British accent making me laugh. We walked to the kitchen and got food and more liquor. "One shot for us." Ari said. "One more shot." I said smiling. She poured the shots and we cheers each other then drank the shots. While joking around we ended up in her bed laughing.

She hovered over me looking into my eyes. I felt her lean down as if she was going to kiss me. Her lips touched mine and we started kissing. I placed my hands on her waist and she deepened the kiss by adding tongue. She started kissing down my neck and my drunkness disappeared. "Wait stop." I said. "What?" She asked giggling. "I dont want you to make a drunken mistake." I said. She pouted and got off me. She sat at the edge of the bed.

"Im sorry if I made you uncomfortable.." she said playing with her fingers. I got up and sat next to her. "Trust me... you didnt. I just know you're going to regret it if we have sex... you're confused and if you have sex me while being drunk, you will regret it and be even MORE confused." I said. "I understand.." she said. "Now if you TRULY want this, you'll know when the time is right and you'll know when that special person comes." I said grabbing her hand. "What if I want you to be that special person?" She asked.

I smiled slightly. "Well Im flattered and if you truly want me to be that person who helps you with your curiosity then the time will eventually come." I said. "Okay." She said nodding. "Go take a shower, I'll set up netflix. We can cuddle and watch movies until we fall asleep." I said trying to make her feel better. "Alrighty." She said smiling.

Ari's pov:
I got and walked to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower after taking my makeup off and relaxed letting the water hit my body. I completely understand her and I know that she's right but I want her to end my curiosity. I want her to be mine. Ughhhh!

*30 mins later*

I got out the shower, dried off, put lotion on then got dressed. I walked out and seen her sitting on the bed. "Go shower love." I said. She smiled and walked to the bathroom. I sat on my bed and decided to scroll on Instagram while she showered.

*30 mins later*

She walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. Holy fuck...."Can you get me the clothes I left here last time?" She asked. I nodded and walked to the dresser. I grabbed the clothes and handed it to her. "Thanks." She said. "Welcome love." I said with a slight smile. She walked back into the bathroom and closed the door. I sat back on my bed and she came out. "That shower was well needed." She said. "I agree." I said with a laugh.

Y/n's pov:
I got into bed with her and she put Netflix on. She cuddled up next to me laying her head on my chest while putting her right leg over my legs and her right arm around my stomach. I wrapped my arm around her and smiled. We watched movies until we both slowly drifted off to sleep.

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