Y/n's birthday

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Ari's pov: *August 17th:10am*
  "Stop playing. Fix the fucking ballon." I said to Darrion. "Ari chill, its not that serious..." He said. "She went above and beyond for my birthday so I wanna do the same." I said. "Yeah yeah I remember." He said rolling his eyes. A few minutes later the ballons were all fixed and everything looked nice. Y/n and I had a hotel suite so the bedroom was in a different room than the living room.

Y/n's pov:
  I woke up and stretched. I felt that Ari wasnt in bed. I sat up and looked around seeing Ari on the floor fixing her hair by the mirror. "Morning baby." I said. "Morning my love." She said. I got up and went to the bathroom. After doing bathroom things, I walked out and gave Ari a kiss.

Ari's pov:
  Im trying not to wish her a happy birthday so she can go to the living room and see the surprise. When she's mad at me, she'll normally leave the room to cool off.

Y/n's pov:
  I know this girl knows its my birthday. "babe whats today?" I asked. "Friday." She said. "The date Ari?" I asked getting frustrated. "The 17th." She said. "Okay.. you have nothing to say to me?" I asked. "Why would I have something to say?" She asked in a rude tone. I took a deep breath. "Ima go get coffee." I said. I grabbed my phone and walked out the room.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone yelled. "Happy birthday!!" They yelled. I looked around and seen balloons and breakfast. I gave everyone hugs thanking them as well.

Ari's pov:
  I got up and walked to. "Happy birthday babe." I said smiling. "You wrong for that but Thank you babygirl." She said giving her a kiss. "What ya wanna do today?" Taya asked. "Well what I wanna do, ya cant be here for." She said with a slight smirk. "Gross." Mao said making us laugh. "Nah Im just trying to chill. We've been touring and today is the only day we have off." She said.

*skips the whole day until the night time*

Y/n's pov:
   I just got out the shower. I dried off, put lotion then started getting dressed for this dinner date Ari set up. "Baby!" I yelled. "Yeah?" She asked walking into the bedroom. "This? Or that?" I asked. "That." She said pointing to the outfit. "Alrighty." I said with a smile. I finished getting dressed.

(A/n: Someone told me they dont dress girly so from now on i'll put two options

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(A/n: Someone told me they dont dress girly so from now on i'll put two options. Obviously you pick which one matches your style more. Hopefully this isnt a problem lol.)

"Aww baby you look so cute." Ari said. "Thanks bae." I said smiling.
"You look beautiful." I said. "Thank you." She said smiling.

*time passes*

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*time passes*

Once we were completely done getting ready, we left and got into the car. "Ima eat like there's no tomorrow." I said. "Same." She said smirking. "Girl dont start nothing." I said laughing. "I do what I want." She said with a slight laugh.

After a while of driving, we got out the car. "Ooouu fancy." I said smiling. Ari held my hand as paparazzi took pictures. Damn we cant get a break. We walked in the restaurant and walked towards the back with the woman. "SURPRISE!!!!" Everyone yelled. I smiled widely. "Aww babe." I said. "Surprise again." She said smiling. Ari tricked me into thinking we were having dinner alone but she had a surprise dinner party planned. We sat down with everyone. "Thank you everyone." I said after they wished me a happy birthday again.

*time passes*

As the night went on, there was a waitress who kept eyeballing Ari and I . I kept an eye on her but Im not stressing it. My girl is beautiful who wouldn't look at her and she's famous so maybe she's just a fan. "Here's the bill beautiful." She said to Ari. "Im going to go pay." She said getting up. Ari offered to pay even though everyone wanted to put in money she denied it.

Ari's pov:
  I got up and walked to go pay. "Excuse me..." the waitress said. "Yes?" I asked. "You're absolutely gorgeous." She said. "Aw thank you." I said. "Why are you with a woman?" She asked. "Because I love her." I said. "Its sinful." She said. I grabbed my card. I thanked the girl then walked to the table.

Y/n's pov:
  Ari sat down and she looked uneased. "You okay?" I asked. "Mhm hmm." She said nodding. I looked around and noticed the same waitress still eyeballing us. "Be right back." I said. "No babe, its not worth it." She said grabbing my hand. "Im not gonna attack her. I wanna talk to her." I said.

I got up and walked to her. "Excuse me.. what did you say to my girl?" I asked. "I asked why she was with a woman." She said. "Why?" I said. "Because women aren't supposed to date women." She said. "Oh you're one of those people." I said with laugh.

Ari's pov:
  I watched as she talked to her from afar. The woman looked extremely pissed by her laughing. "What happened?" Taya asked. "She asked why I was with her and she wanted to talk to her." I said. "Ari go get her. She literally got arrested for fighting." Mao said. I got up and walked to them. "Baby come on." I said grabbing her hand.

Y/n's pov:
"You have a nice night ma'am." I said and turned to walk with Ari. "Fags." She said. "Im sorry what was that?" I asked turning around. "I said fags." She repeated herself. "Its people like you who make the world a sadder place. Its people like you who disown their children because they might be gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. Its people like you who die ALONE because they dont know how to love." I said. "I hope you die. Both of you." She said.

"Sinful bastards." She said. "Excuse me... Nichole (a/n sorry if thats ya name lol), You're fired. We don't accept discrimination in this restaurant. We apologize to you Ms.Grande & to you as well love. I hope you have a wonderful night and enjoy the rest of your birthday." The manager said. "See what you did." She said to me. "WHAT SHE DID!? BITCH YOU THE ONE WHO IS CALLING US FAGS SAYING WE SHOULD DIE! SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING BUT STAND UP FOR HERSELF, ME AND EVERY OTHER LGBTQ+ OUT THERE." Ari yelled.

"Come on babe." I said picking her up. I threw her over my shoulder while she kept flipping the girl off and cursing. I walked out the building and everyone walked after me. I set her down. "Relax babe." I said laughing. "Damn that really pissed me off." She said. "Lets go back to the hotel." I said. She nodded in response.

*at the hotel*

"Babe you crazy." I said laughing. "Well I stand up for whats mine just like you do." She said smiling. "Awwww." I said smiling. "Now where's my birthday present?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Hold up." She said. She got up and walked to the bedroom.

*10 mins later*

I waited for Ari. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard Ari coming. "Damn finally bae." I said with a slight chuckle. She walked in front of me and my mouth dropped.

She straddled my lap and started kissing me

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She straddled my lap and started kissing me. I smirked into the kiss and squeezed her ass causing her to moan. We kissed for a little then we pulled away nearly breathless. "Lets take this to the room." She said. I smirked picking her up. I walked to the room and closed the door behind us. We about to have a fun ass night.

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