Issues With Frankie

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Y/n's pov:
Its 10am and Im ready for today. I wanted to wear something comfy just because Im too lazy to actually try and look nice today.

* Manhattan *

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* Manhattan *

I just got to the place. "Hi Im here to see Myles." I said to the lady. "Your name is?" She asked. "Y/n y/l/n." I said. "Yes, he's in the first room to the left." She said. "Okay thank you." I said. "You're welcome." She said. I walked to the room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He yelled. I walked in and smiled. "Hello, Im (gco)." "Y/n." He said. "Yes." I said. I walked over and shaked his hand. "It's lovely to meet you." He said. "Same to you." I said with a smile.

"So as I said on the phone, you have the job." He said. "I have some questions if thats okay." I said. "Yes of course. Ask away." He said. "So How long will I be in LA?" I asked. "3 weeks." He said. "Okay, How much am I getting paid?" I asked. "$2,500 for each class." He said. "What about scheduling?" I asked. "3 days a week for 3 weeks." He said. I was trying to do the math. "Its 7,500 a week. You'll end up with $22,500 after the 3 weeks are up." He said. "Do we have a deal?" He asked. "Im teaching kids? Adults? Who?" I asked. "Whoever pays for the class so dont make the dances too kiddie or too sexual." He said.

"So do we have a deal?" He asked. "We have a deal." I said smiling. After the contract was given to me. I reread it to make sure he wasn't putting shit in and taking shit out. I smiled and signed it. "You start next week Monday." He said. "Okay so I have to leave this weekend." I said. "Yes. I'll see you in LA." He said. "Yes thank you again." I said. "You're very welcome." He said.

I grabbed my contact, put it in my bag and walked out. Ahhhhh I cant believe I got a choreographer job. Thats my dream and its been hard for me to get that type of job.

I called my dad just to tell him the news first. He's been my number one supporter and its unfair if I call someone before him. He didnt even pick up my call so I called my step mom.

Phone call:
Mama: Hello
Y/n: Mama? Where's dad?
Mama: Upstairs
Y/n: Can you give him the phone? I wanna talk to him.
Mama: Sure *goes upstairs and wakes up the dad* here. Y/n wants to talk.
Dad: Hello?
Y/n: Dad guess what?
Dad: What?
Y/n: I just signed a deal with a company to be a choreographer for 3 weeks. I get paid and everything.
Dad: Thats wonderful pumpkin. Congratulations
Y/n: Thanks pops.
Dad: I'll be going to sleep now. I love you pumpkin and Im proud of you.
Y/n: thanks dad.. I love you to
End of convo

I walked to the train station and waited for the train.

Ari's pov:
I just woke up. I stretched and checked my phone. I scrolled through Instagram for a while then Twitter. After about 10 minutes, I got up and went to do bathroom things.

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