First Fight

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Ari's pov:
"Frankie I dont care." I said. "You dont care about her lying? She said she was born into that family." He said. "Frankie who cares if she was adopted?" I asked. "I do! She lied about her family." He said. "Ugh. Whatever." I said. I pushed Frankie out the door as he left the papers on the island. I locked the door and looked at the papers. Its our anniversary and he decides to come try and ruin it.

Y/n's pov: *that same night*
  Ari and I just had a wonderful dinner that I cooked with the help of a youtube video. "This was surprisingly good bae." She said. "Thanks baby but I can completely agree with that." I said with a slight laugh. After washing dishes, I could tell something was on Ari's mind.

"Whats wrong?" I asked looking at her. She grabbed some papers and passed it to me. I read the papers. "Wow so you found out my step mom adopted my brother and I.." I said. "Frankie found out. I dont care that your step mom adopted you. Your mom died and she stepped in. Frankie read it as if you were completely adopted." She said. "Im tired of his shit." I said getting upset. I threw the papers across the floor. "Baby please..." She said.

"Please nothing Ari. We've been together for 5 months! He was so happy to have me in the family when we first started dating. Ari I understand he's family but Im not hiding anything. I already told you my life story. Ive never been arrested other than the fight. Ive never been in trouble outside of school and home. I have nothing to fucking hide!!!" I yelled. "Lower your voice y/n because you're yelling for no reason." She said. "No reason? Ari.. he is trying to fuck with your head so you dont trust me no more. Ive let you delete and block numbers. Ive told you everything. You've met my family and friends. What else could I tell you? What could I be hiding?" I asked.

"Im sorry..." She said. "Its not your fault Ari. Its his. Invite him over. I wanna have a talk with him." I said. "No yelling." She said. "I promise to not disrespect him unless he does it first." I said. "Okay." She said.

*about 1 hour later*

"Hi sissy." Frankie said hugging her. "What do you wanna talk about?" He asked me. "Listen Im tired of you disrespecting me and thinking Im hiding shit. Yes my step mom adopted me when I was 6 and my brother was 8. My father Frank y/l/n is my BIOLOGICAL father. Madison & Brooklyn are my half sisters and Jacob is my full brother." I said. "I have done ABSOLUTELY nothing to you or Ari for you to be treating me like this." I added.

"I want to make Ari happy. I hope Im making her happy. And If you as her brother want her happy, then stop your shit." I said. "But the papers said(gco)" "THE PAPERS said and I quote "Y/n y/l/n was adopted by Anna Michelle Brooks on March 6th, 2002" YOU are WRONG Frankie. You're completely wrong. You need to read papers CAREFULLY." I said showing him the papers.

His face was stunned. "Im sorry..." He said. "It's completely rude to do that by the way." I said. "I apologize." He said. "You're forgiven but this better be the last time this happens." I said. "It will be. I promise." He said. After the talk, Frankie left leaving Ari and I. "Was I wrong?" I asked. "No babe... you werent and You do make me happy." She said. I smiled wildly. "Well you make me happy to." I said making her blush.

*after sex* (a/n: Im too lazy to actually write one🤣🤣sorryyyy💋)

After we showered, we got dressed in some pajamas. Ari went to get snacks and her phone went off. I decided to check who texted her. It was Pete so I decided to check the messages.

Text messages:
Pete: Heyy
Ari: Hi...
Pete: I miss you 😔
Ari: Mhmm 🙄 Im taken Pete💍
Pete: Come on Ari, what does she have that I dont?
Ari: She makes me happy. She doesnt go running to my ex talking shit.
Pete: you're right. And I was wrong for that but please can we talk about this...
Ari: You have 1 text to text everything you wanna say.
Pete: okay.. look Ari, I miss you. I still love you. I know you still love me and I know you miss me. I can see it in your eyes. Please give me another try.
Ari: Who cares if I miss you? Who cares if I still love you..? You fucked up. AND Im taken Pete
Pete: I care!! And I know you care too!! You just admitted to still loving me and missing me!!
End of convo

I was shocked by the texts. All the messages were from today.....On our anniversary... I waited until she walked back in the room to talk to her about it. "I got chips, donuts and candy." She said walking back with the snacks.

Ari's pov:
I looked at her with a smile. She had a forced smile on her face. "Whats wrong?" I asked confused. "Ask Pete." She said. I was confused at first but realized quickly what she was talking about. "Why you going through my phone?" I asked putting the snacks down. "Because you go through mine." She said.

Y/n's pov:
"Its no big deal y/n." She said. "Are you insane? You just told YOUR ex that you miss and still love him on OUR anniversary." I said getting up from the bed. "I didnt mean it." She said. "You wouldnt have fucking said it then Ari!" I yelled. "Dont fucking yell at me! I didnt fucking mean it! Okay!? Lets drop it!" She yelled back. "Ari Im not dropping shit because if it was flipped you would be PISSED just like me." I said.

"Its wrong for you to even have that guys number." I said. "How is it wrong?" She asked. "Are you seriously not understanding how fucked up it is to text your ex?" I asked. "Why is there a problem?" She asked. "Ariana Im not playing games with you.... if I was to text my ex that I miss her and still love her, you would be beyond pissed right?" I said. "Yes." She said. "OKAY SO WHY ISNT IT A PROBLEM WITH YOU!?" I asked getting loud again. "Because I didnt mean it." She said.

"Again IF YOU DIDNT MEAN IT. YOU WOULDNT HAVE SAID IT ARI!" I said. She just looked at me. "You know what... I'll stay in the other room tonight." I said grabbing my phone. I walked to the guest bedroom. This is some bullshit.

Ari's pov:
I sat at the edge of my bed ready to cry. I grabbed my phone and texted Pete.

Text convo:
Ari: I cant... I dont love you anymore. In fact I HATE YOU. I dont miss you. I will never miss you. You just ruined my relationship. Please dont message me or contact me again. Bye bitch✌🏻
End of convo

I deleted the number and blocked him as well after the text went through. I put my phone to charge and laid down. I was going to give her some space just so she can calm down.


I couldnt fucking sleep. Ive been up since the fight which happened around 12. I miss laying next to her. I got up and went to the guest room.

Y/n's pov:
I havent been able to sleep thinking about what she did. It was about 2am and I was laying in bed when I heard the door open. I turned the other way and looked at my phone. "Y/n..." Ari said in a soft voice. I let out a sigh. "What Ari?" I asked. "Im sorry..." She said walking towards me. She stood straight in front of me. I looked up at her. "Im sorry... I shouldnt have text him and said those things... I was stuck in the moment. I didnt mean any of it. I deleted and blocked his number after telling him that I hate him." She said.

"Please forgive me y/n...." She said. "Do you understand how I felt?" I asked. "Yes and you were right to get mad and everything. I apologize." She said. I let out a sigh again. "You're forgiven just please dont let it happen again." I said. "It won't baby... I promise." She said with a slight smile. "Okay." I said. "Now can you come back to bed? I miss cuddling you." She said with a pout. "Nah you got some making up to do." I said with a smirk.

She got on top of me and smirked. "What does my queen want?" She asked. "Eat it until I cum babygirl." I said. "Your wish is my command." She said.

*after sex* (a/n: Again too lazy to write all that 🤣🤣)

We ended up staying in the guest room because we were tired as fuck. She fell asleep already but I was still up thinking about the situation. What if she really did mean it?

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