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Y/n's pov:
  Ari and I just got to the hotel. We checked in and went upstairs. It was about 7pm. Once upstairs, we put our bags down and looked at each other. "What first?" I asked. "Can we eat?" She asked. "You read my mind." I said. "Did I?" She asked. "No I was actually thinking something else." I said smirking. "Thats gonna happen later..." She said. "I gotta wait LONGER?" I asked. "Yes you'll wait until we get home if you keep fucking with me." She said smacking my ass. "Oouu I like when you're in control." I said then kissed her lips. "Lets go get food." She said pulling away.

*after food*

We walked upstairs and I went to go shower.

Ari's pov:
I was happy she went to the bathroom. I decided to fix the room up and change. I put on my lingerie and then put a black silk robe on to cover it. I took out our toys *wink* *wink* and other stuff I brought without her knowledge (Handcuffs, whip, blindfold.) I put it all on the desk in the room. I called room service and asked them to bring chocolate strawberries, whip cream and champagne cause duh.

*15 mins*

I opened the door and grabbed the rollie cart. "Thank you." I said. "No problem." He said. I tipped him then he left. I rolled the cart in and put the "do not disturb" thing on the door, locking it behind me. I rolled the cart to our bedroom and pushed it to the side. I sat on the bed and waited for her to come out the bathroom.

Y/n's pov: *35 mins*
I just finished my shower and Ive been hearing Ari fucking with stuff outside the door. I dried off then wrapped a towel around my body. I walked out the bathroom and looked around. Our toys were out, strawberries were here and Ari on the bed. "Whats this?" I asked. "Its our honeymoon duh." She said getting up. She walked over to the strawberries and brought me one. "Here bae." She said. I bit the strawberry. After eating it I smiled. "Babe them strawberries aint about to get eaten." I said.

"What? I got them to eat them." She said. "I wanna eat you instead.." I said smirking.  "Ooouu well let me get comfy." She said taking off her robe. I took off the towel and looked at her.

"Where do you find these?" I asked. "Its my little secret." She said pushing me onto the bed. she climbed on top of me and started kissing me. I moaned into the kiss as I caressed her ass. She started kissing down my body showing love to my chest.

"Mhmm baby pleaseeee I need to feel your tongue." I moaned. She smirked and went down to her. She blew air on in driving me insane. She started slowly licking my clit as I caressed my breast.

Then she started eating me out but it was more of a slow thing as if she was making love to her.

"Oh fuck that feels so good babygirl." I moaned. She looked me in the eyes while eating me out. She slipped her fingers in while eating me out.

"Fuckkkk im gonn-." I moaned out but came before I could finish my sentence. She licked me all clean than came up and kissed me. I flipped us over then got off the bed. "Strip." I demanded.

Ari's pov:
  I did what she asked and stripped out of my lingerie. And laid down. She grabbed the strap and put it on. She hovered over me and started rubbing her slowly while kissing me.

She removed her fingers and slipped the strab in. "Oh my.." I moaned. Y/n and I havent had sex in 2 weeks due to the wedding. She started thrusting in and out.

"Yess baby right there." I moaned. "You like that babygirl?" She asked. "Yes bae I love it." I moaned. She kept going picking up the pace. She flipped me over and slammed the strap in me again making me moan loudly.

She slowly moved in and out. "Ooouu fuck yes." I moaned. "Fuckk." She moaned because of the vibrations on her side of the strap. "Ahhh fuckkkkkk." I moaned loudly feeling the need to cum. "Wanna cum?" She asked pulling out. "Ughh yess babygirl." I moaned. She pulled out, flipped me over and she put her face down there starting to eating her out.

I arched my back and came gripping the sheets. "OHHH FUCK." I moaned. She licked her clean and smirked sitting up. "Baby I wanna use the strab on you." I said. She took it off and handed it to me. I put it on as she laid down. "If you dont like it... tell me." I said. "Mhmm hmm." She said. This is the first time Im using this on her. She's never let me before.

Y/n'a pov:
She slid in slowly making me moan. "Slow baby." I said she nodded and rocked her hips slowly. "Fuck." We both moaned. She started slowly picking up her pace.

"Shit Ari." I moaned. "Yesss baby right there." I moaned loudly. She smirked and kept going while moaning. "Fuck Im gonna cum." I moaned. "Cum for me babygirl." She said. I arched my back closing my eyes while cumming. She pulled out and licked her clean. "Mhmm babygirl." She said coming back up. I kissed her lips softly.

*time passes*

"Yess baby right there." Ari moaned as water dripped from our bodies. We were currently in the shower and I was fingering her.

"Oouu yesss." She moaned cumming on my fingers. I pulled them out and licked them clean. "Tasty." I said making her giggle. "I love you so much babygirl." She said wrapping her arms around me. "I love you too babe." I said hugging her. "Babe?" She asked. "Mhmm?" I questioned looking at her. "Eat me in the tub." She said. She smirked and got out the shower. She sat in the tub waiting for me.

Ari's pov:
She got in after me and started eating me out.

"Shittttt." I moaned. I felt the need to cum already. Damn her tongue is EVERYTHING. "Fuckkkkkkkkk." I moaned loudly as I came. She licked it clean and I got down from the position sitting in front of her. My back was against her chest and she started to finger me. "Mhmm baby I dont think I cna handle anymore." I said in a moan tone. "I dont care. You had me waiting two weeks. You gonna take this tongue, these fingers and that strap until I say no more." She said. "Okay baby im sorry." I said innocently. I love when y/n gets dominate.

*time passes*

"Ohh my fuckkkkkkk." I moaned as she fingered me. I was on top of the dresser. She was kissing/licking all on my neck leaving marks everywhere. I came on her fingers as I moaned loudly.

"You're gonna get us a noise complaint." She said picking me up. She placed me on the bed and smirked. "Stop fucking making me cum then." I said. "Nah." She said handcuffing my hands to the bed frame.

*time passes*

"Fuckk Ari." She moaned as she rode my face.

Y/n's pov:
  "Ahhhhhh fuckk!!" I yelled in a moan tone as I came on her face. I moved from her and sat next to her. "Babe Im not done with you." She said. "Ari I cant no more." I said out of breath. "Should of thought about that when you said that you didnt care." She said smirking.

She grabbed my leg putting it up towards me and started rocking her hips foward.

Our moans filled the room. "Ahhh shittt baby." I moaned. I flipped us over and started eating her out. "Yessss baby right there." She moaned shoving my face deeper. "Fuck Im gonna cum." She moaned. I gripped onto her hips and twirled my tongue in every direction possible. "Ahhhhhh." She moaned arching her back as she came. I licked her clean then crawled up and kissed her.

I laid next to her and she wrapped herself around me. "That was... the best orgasm ive literally ever had." She said. "Well Im glad I gave it to you." I said smiling. "Y/n?" She asked. "Mhmm?" I questioned. "Thank you." She said looking at me. "For?" I asked. "For ending my curiosity. For being there for me. For loving me. For being my best friend, girlfriend into fiancée and now wife." She said. "You dont need to thank me Ari. You're my everything." I said smiling. "I love you Ari. Forever and Always." I said. "I love you to y/n. Forever and Always." She said smiling.

She laid her head back down on my chest and we cuddled until we fell asleep.


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