A New Job... A New Opportunity

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A/n: the next two chapters are actually short chapters compared to the others & I cant combine them.

Y/n's pov:
   Days go by and Ive talked to my mom about moving back. She believes that I shouldnt throw my life away in LA just to be close to family because of his death. I understand how she feels but Im scared to leave my family again...

Although he's gone, we're smiling and trying our best to enjoy life because of my little sister Madison. She still doesn't fully understand that he's not coming back but she's getting it as days go by. Anyway, Ari and I are leaving later tonight to go back to LA.


Ari and I are finally in LA. We were going home and I got a phone call.

Phone call:
Y/n: Hello?
??: Hello is this Y/n y/l/n?
Y/n: Yes who's talking?
??: My name is Sarah Myles. Im the manager of Becky G.
Y/n: Okay... if I may ask why are you calling me?
Sarah: Well Becky saw some of your dancing videos and asked if we can contact you in hopes of you joining her on tour.
Y/n: Oh wow
Sarah: We can schedule a meeting through text if you'd like
Y/n: Yes of course. I would love to have a meeting with you. Will she be apart of it?
Sarah: Yes of course she will. I will text you the information
Y/n: Okay thanks
Sarah: Okay bye
Y/n: Bye
End of convo

"Who was that?" Ari asked. "Becky G's manager. She said that Becky G seen my videos and wants me on tour with her." I said. "Oh my gosh thats amazing babe." Ari said. "She's going to message me about a meeting so I can talk to them about it." I said. "Thats dope babygirl." She said smiling. "Hopefully I get it. I miss being on tour." I said. "You know that that means we wont be together right?" She asked. "Oh shittt... that does mean that." I said.

*Two days later*

I just got to the building and I was a bit nervous. I walked inside and went to the room. I knocked on the door and waited. "Come in." Someone said. I opened the door to see Sarah and Becky G. "Hello." I said with a smile. "Nice to meet you." I said shaking Sarah and Becky's hands. "Same to you love." Sarah said. I sat down across from them.

"Here's the contract. We can talk it over." Sarah said. "Alrighty." I said. I looked over the contract. "Wow..." I said. "Is that a good wow or a bad wow?" Becky asked. "Its a so so wow. I just got engaged to my girlfriend and I literally just lost my father. I truly dont know if this would be the best thing for me." I said. "Ohh my god, I truly am sorry for your lost. But also congratulations." Becky said. "Thank you for your condolences and thank you." I said.

"How about you take the contract home, talk to your fiancée about it then call us back?" Sarah said. "Okay I'll do that." I said with a smile. We shook hands again then I left with the contract. Its not like I dont want this because I do but I dont want this to cause extra stress in my life.

*at home*

"How'd it go?" Ari asked. Taya, Mao and Darrion was also there. "It was okay... I brought the contract home. I read it over and I was stuck. I didnt want to commit to something without asking you about it." I said sitting next to Ari. I showed Ari the contract. "Baby this is a dope ass deal." She said.

"Yeah but I just lost my dad and we just got engaged." I said. "Babe take the job. Your dad would be EXTREMELY upset if you turned this down AND we're fine. I have to be in the studio for weeks even months, doing interviews, flying places. Baby I want you to take this job cause once you come back. We'll be ready to plan the wedding." She said. "We all think you should take it." Taya said after they looked at the contract too. I sighed not knowing what to do.

*Two days later*

I showed up to the same building. I walked into the room and sat across from Becky and Sarah. "So do we have a deal?" Sarah asked. "We have a deal." I said with a smile. I signed the contract and we made copies. "I'll see you in practice two weeks from today." Becky said. "Thank you for the job." I said. "No problem love." She said with a smile.

*4 weeks later*

I just finished practice. "Hey." A dancer named Lola said. "Hiya." I said. "I just wanna say you're gorgeous." She said. "Aww thanks." I said. "Can I take ya out?" She asked. "Im engaged." I said. "So?" She asked. "Girl Im loyal as fuck to my woman soooo I'd rather you stop where you are than get barked on by my future wife." I said. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

I went home and seen Ari baking cookies. "Hey baby." I said kissing her. "Hi my love. How was practice?" She asked. "Sweaty. Tell me how some bitch asked me on a date." I said. "What?" She asked. "I told her i was engaged and she said so.." I said. "And?" She asked. "I said "Girl Im loyal as fuck to my woman soooo I'd rather you stop where you are than get barked on by my future wife..." Sis rolled her eyes and walked away." I said. "Im going to practice tomorrow." Ari said. "Babe it's not that serious. I handled it, now if she tries again then you can come." I said. "Mhmm." She said.

*after dinner*

We just finished dinner and had cookies while watching Netflix. Ari went to shower, I already showered after I finished talking to Ari earlier today.

*45 mins later*

Ari finally came out and jumped in bed. She was completely naked. "Cuddle me." She whined. I wrapped my arms around her. "Nooo get naked first." She said. "Ari..." I said. "Naked. NOW!" She yelled. I got up and stripped then got in bed and cuddled her. "Yay." She said smiling. "Goodnight beautiful." I said. "Goodnight sexy." She said.

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