The Permanent Move

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Y/n's pov:
  Tour is OVER. We head back to New York tomorrow morning. "baby movvvveeeee." Ari said because I was laying on top of her. "Whyyy?" I asked. "Because I have to go shower...." She said. "You can wait another 5 minutes." I said cuddling her. "You said that 20 minutes ago." She said making me laugh. "fine." I said getting up. She got up and walked to the bathroom. I already took my shower so Im just going to chill until she comes out.

I grabbed her phone so I could send myself the pictures we took earlier. While looking at her phone I opened up messages and one caught my eye. It read "just ask her to move in" I clicked it and scrolled up reading a convo between Ari and Frankie. A convo about me and asking me to move in. I locked the phone and called my mom.

Phone convo:
Mama: Hi hun
Y/n: Hey mama
Mama: How are ya?
Y/n: Good, you? The family?
Mama: Everyone is good, your father is sick right now but he's okay.
Y/n: Ahh okay. Can I talk to ya?
Mama: Of course about what love?
Y/n: Ariana wants me to move in with her. I got the choreographer job in LA and he hired me permanently.
Mama: Thats great congratulations
Y/n: Thanks but Ciara is in New York. My apartment and all my stuff is there. Ari lives in LA and New York... what do I do?
Mama: Do what you think is best. And if you got the job permanently doesnt that mean you have to MOVE to LA?
Y/n: Yes thats why Im stuck. I cant afford the LA apartments.
Mama: I think its best you talk to Ciara about it and Ari as well.
Y/n: *sighs* I'll let ya know later what I decide mama
Mama: Alrighty love. I love you.
Y/n: I love ya to
End of convo

*45 minutes later*

Ariana finally got out the shower. "Baby." She said. I turned to her. "Yeah?" I asked. "Who was you talking to?" She asked. "Myself. I was talking to the tv." I said laughing. "No you were probably on the phone a while ago." She said. "Oh my mom." I said. "Ahh about?" She asked.

Ari's pov:
  I knew what she was talking about. She talks so damn loud that I heard her. "You..." She said. "What about me?" I asked putting on pajamas. "Your texts with Frankie." She said. "Oh..." I said. "Well... what do ya think?" I asked sitting on the bed. "Well I think its a good idea but I need to live in LA. My job is in LA." She said. "You can get a choreographer job in new york though." I said. "Yes I can but I like this LA job." She said.

Y/n's pov:
  "Look I NEED to live in LA babe because of my job. I told you I got hired PERMANENTLY and you have a house in LA so Im down to move in with you in LA bae." I said. "Yayyy." She said smiling. "So what about your apartment in New York?" She asked. "I'll talk to Ciara when we go back to New York." I said.

*New York*

We've been in New York for about a week now and I leave to LA in 3 more days. I still havent spoke to Ciara about the move just because I dont wanna leave my best friend. She packed up all her shit from Florida and moved to New York with me so we could start our careers together. I just hope she understands.

I walked to her room. "Cece?" I asked knocking on her door. "Wassup?!" She yelled. I walked in seeing her working at her desk. Ciara's a graphic designer and she gets paid alot for the stuff she creates.

"Can we talk?" I asked. "Sure." She said getting off her laptop. We both sat on her bed. "Wassup?" She asked. "Sooo you know Im going to LA right?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. "I um... Im permanently moving over there..." I said. "Wait what?" She asked. "I told you I got hired again but it's permanently... so I need to stay in LA to work with the company." I said. "Thats amazing but what about the apartment here? Who ya gonna live with over there?" She asked. "Ari asked me to move in with her and we've been together for 9 months so I think its a good idea." I said.

(A/n: If anyone's confused, Tour started in March. They started dating a day before Tour started.)(They took a break from tour then went on tour again so 9 months later from March means its December.)

"So you're really moving and leaving me?" She asked with a pout. "I can always visit. Remember Ari lives in New York too..." I said. "Yeah but we planned to live together..." She said. "Shit happens Ciara. Look you can use my room as a graphic design room and your boyfriend can finally move in." I said. "Yeah.." She said. "Ima miss you." She said. "Ima miss ya too... Help me pack?" I asked. I still had to pack some of my clothes and knickknacks that I wanted to take to LA with me. "Sure." She said.

*3 days later*

It was currently 10pm. Ciara just stopped the car at the airport. We both got out and took my bags out. "So this is it?" She asked. "Indeed it is..." I said. She pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged her close. "Better fucking text me everyday and facetime to." She said making me laugh. "Of course." I said pulling away from the hug. "I love you Y/n. I hope everything works out in LA." She said. "I love ya too Ciara. Same goes for you." I said with a smile. "One last time before leaving." She said giving me a hug. We pulled away and did our handshake. "Forever." We both said.

I grabbed my things and walked inside as she walked into her car. I turned around and waved one last time. She did the same the drove off. I walked to the area and did what I had to do then hopped on the plane.


I just got to LA and Ari's bodyguard is picking me up. The weather is COMPLETELY different from New York. New York is FREEZING COLD in December. But LA? Shiiiitttt it's practically beach weather.

*At Ari's house*

I tried my hardest to stay quiet when walking into Ari's house. I set my stuff down close to the door, took my shoes off, and walked upstairs. I stripped once in Ari's bedroom then laid next to Ari. "You made it.." She whispered. "Yeah. Now lets sleep." I said. She gave me a kiss and we both fell asleep in each others arms.

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