The First Kiss

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Y/n's pov:
As weeks go by, we're getting closer and closer to the tour. Ciara eventually found out I was dancing with Ari for her tour and extremely fangirled. Practice was finally over and I was super happy. Im tired and hungry. "Hey wanna go get food? Im starve." Ari said to me. "Yeah where to?" I asked. "Mhmm lets order post mates and chill at my house." She said. "iight cool." I said. "I see you brought clothes." She said with a giggle. "Yeah I was gonna head to the gym to work out a bit, shower there and then head home but I can shower at your house if thats cool." I said. "Its always cool. Maybe we could shower together." She said smirking. "Maybe." I said with a wink. We stood looking at each other then laughed. Ari and I have this inside joke where we say sexual things but really dont mean any of it.

Ari's pov:
  She's joking. Im not. I meant that statement and unfortunately she will never know that I meant it because of our inside joke but its okay. We hooked arms and left the studio together.

Mao's pov:
  "I give them 3 months." Taya said. "Less than that. I say a month." I said as we watched Ari and Y/n leave the studio. "Wanna bet?" She asked. "$200 says a month." I said. "$200 says 3 months." She said. "Deal." I said shaking her hand.

Ari's pov:
We were driven back to my house and once inside we set our bags down. "I'll order food. You shower first." I said. "You sure?" She asked. "Yeah, pizza okay?" I asked. "Sounds good to me." She said with a smile.

Y/n's pov:
  I walked in the bathroom and stripped. I hopped in and started washing up.

*30 mins later*

I got out the shower, dried off, applied lotion that I brought and got dressed in the clothes I had.

I walked out into the kitchen and I seen Ari with the food

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I walked out into the kitchen and I seen Ari with the food. "Im going to shower then we can eat." She said. "Alrighty." I said.

*30 mins later*

"Y/n!!" Ari called. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "What happened?" I asked. "I need a towel." She said. I walked over to the towels and grabbed on then walked back to the bathroom. "Im coming in!" I yelled. "Okay." She said. I closed my eyes and walked in. "Here ya go." I said handing her the towel.

Ari's pov:
I turned to see her eyes closed. Damn now thats respect. "Thank you." I said taking the towel from her. "No problem." She said and walked out closing the door behind her. I dried off, put lotion on and put some clothes on.

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