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Ari's pov:
  We finally got to Mao's house. We walked to her apartment number and she opened the door. "Hi loves." She said hugging y/n. She went to hug me and as soon as I wrapped my arms around Mao, Y/n turned on the vibration "h-hi." I said then walked in the house. I pinched her and she stopped the vibration.

Y/n's pov:
  "Ari you good?" Mao asked. "Mhm hmm." She replied with a smile. "Dont pinch me." I said turning it on again. "Ahhhh." Ari moaned. "Girl..." Mao said. "Im... i-im going t-to the ba-bathroom." Ari said and walked carefully to the bathroom. "Is she okay?" Mao asked. "Yeah she's fine. Probably her monthly cramps or something." I said.

Ari's pov:
She's insane. I shouldnt have gave her that remote. I shouldnt have even agreed to it. Ughhhh. I'll get her back though. I know exactly how.

I finished using the bathroom and washed my hands. The vibration was off thank god but this is about to be a long night. I walked outside and seen Taya and Darrion. I hugged them each and we all sat down for the dinner Mao made. While we were eating and talking, Y/n decided to turn on the vibrations.

Y/n's pov:
  She gripped my thigh underneath the table. "Turn it off." She whispered. I continued eating as if I didn't hear her. "Ari you okay?" Darrion asked. "Mhmm hmm." She said trying to control her moans. "Im going to.. excuse myself." Ari said and got up from the chair. She walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

I waiting a minute or two then turned off the panties. "I'll be back. Ima check on her." I said excusing myself. I walked to the bathroom and walked in. "You're fucked up." She said. "How?" I asked. "You are going to continue to tease me." She said. "Yup that's exactly whats gonna happen." I said smiling. She walked out annoyed because of me. I turned on the panties again and walked to the table.

Ari's pov:
"Oh fu..." I moaned. "Alrighty I think its time for you to go home." Mao said. "She's good Mao. Just her monthly." Y/n said helping me walk to the table. I sat down and tried to ignore it while eating. She turned it off and smirked.

*after dinner*

We were getting ready to go home and she turned it on again. I bit my lip trying not to moan. I hugged everyone and we left. "Turn it off." I said. "Nahhh." She said and walked with me.

We got into the car and was going home. The car had the screen that limos have so I closed it. "Why?" She asked. "You... you.. need.. to... ahh ffuuckk." I moaned. "Beg for me to stop.." She whispered. "Holy fuckk please baby... I-im be-begging." I moaned. She turned it off.

Once we got home, I ran to the bathroom to take these panties off. I hopped in the shower and started to wash up.

Y/n's pov:
I laughed at Ari because of the "pain" She indoorex today. I walked to the bathroom and opened the door. "Bae.." I said. "What?" She snapped at me. "Look at me." I said. She peeped her head out the shower curtain. I grabbed the panties and removed the vibration thing from the panties. "You could of removed the vibration pack." I said laughing. She flipped me off and I laughed. I put her panties down and the vibration thing as well then walked out the bathroom.

I waited for a while and she got out the bathroom with an annoyed look on her face. "You mad?" I asked. No reply. "Alrighty dont talk to me. Remember that when you want me to eat your pussy babe." I said and walked to the bathroom.

Ari's pov:
  I smirked to myself and walked in my closet. She wanna tease me? Welp looks like its time to tease her. I put on my panties and my nighty. I feel like being extra as fuck.

I hopped on the bed and waited for her to come out the bathroom

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I hopped on the bed and waited for her to come out the bathroom.

*45 mins later*

I was covered with the blanket and she walked out. "Still mad?" She asked. I stood quiet and got out of bed.

Y/n's pov:
  I watched her walk out the room. She had on a seamless nightgown with lace on it and a lace thong. I got dressed in my pjs and got into bed. I dont know why she's being extra as fuck for bed but I dont care.

Ari's pov:
I walked back into the room and got on bed climbing on top of her. "Im guessing you're not mad?" She said in a confused tone. "Nope." I said popping the P. Truth was, I was still upset but Ima get her back. I started kissing on her. From her lips to her neck. Gave her a hickey or two. I moved so she could remove hair shirt which she did. I kissed down her chest to her panties and pulled them down.

I rubbed her feeling her wetness. "Damnnn." I said. "Mhmm baby please." She moaned. I smirked and slipped two fingers in. "Ahh fuck." She moaned closing her eyes. "You like that baby?" I asked. "Mhmm hmm. Dont stop." She moaned starting to breathe heavily. I pulled my fingers out and laid next to her. My back was faced towards her.

Y/n's pov:
  "Ari?" I asked. "Hello?" I said shaking her. "Ohh I see how it is. Okay.... REMEMBER what you just did. I promise you it will be 10 times worse." I said. I got up from bed and walked to the bathroom.

Ari's pov:
  I smirked to myself and slowly started to drift off to sleep.

Y/n's pov: *3am*
  I still haven't fallen asleep. Im still pissed at Ari for teasing me even though I kind of deserve it. But Ima pay her back. She's currently sleep next to me and she's laying on her back soooooo I took it upon myself to hover over her kitty. She wanna tease me well I can play the same game except Ima win at it.

I pulled her thong to the side and seen she was already wet. Damn babygirl. I rubbed her clit slowly with my thumb then started to kiss her softly. "Mhmm..." she moaned. I smirked against her skin and started eating her out.

Ari's pov:
  "Fuck." I moaned. I slowly woke up feeling y/n's tongue. I ran my fingers through her hair closing my eyes. "Shittt." I moaned. I knew was she was doing but I wasnt going to say "im gonna cum" because then she'll stop. "Baby?" She asked stopping. "Yes?" I asked looking at her. "Watch me." She said smirking. God she's a freak. We made eye contact as she ate me out turning me on more.

Y/n's pov:
  She started breathing heavily. "Fuck Im gonna cum." She moaned then covered her mouth. I smirked and stopped. "Think twice about teasing me." I said giving her a kiss then laying down next to her.

"Ughhhhhhhhh." She said out of frustration. "Baby..." She said cuddling next to me. "Now you wanna be all on me?" I asked. "Can you just finish the job baby?" She asked. "Why should I?" I asked. "Because you love me." She said smiling. "Dont tease me no more." I said. "I promise." She said. "Okay. Sit on my face." I said. She smirked and got on top after taking her thong off.

Ari's pov:
  "I promise." I said crossing my finger behind my back. "Okay sit on my face." She said. I smirked taking off my thong then got on her face. She blew air on her driving me insane. "Babeeeeee..." I whined. She smirked and started sucking on my clit. "Shit bae." I moaned moving my hips back and forth. She continued eating until I came on her face. "Ahhhh fuckkkkk." I moaned cumming on her face.

She licking it all up. I got off her and kissed her. "I love you." She said pulling away from the kiss. Thats the first time she said that. "I love you to." I said blushing with a big ass smile on my face. We kissed again then cuddled until falling asleep.

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