A Death

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A/n: Yup I know ya gonna hate me butttttt I gotta do it 😔💔

Y/n's pov: *March 24th*
  I was laying in bed with Ari when my dad called me. Odd he never calls me.

Phone call:
Y/n: Hello
Dad: Pumpkin?
Y/n: Yeah?
Dad: Forgetting about your old man?
Y/n: Never pops. How are you?
Dad: Im okay. I just wanted to see how you were.
Y/n: Ive been good daddy. I just got engaged. *smiles*
Dad: Thats wonderful pumpkin. Hows work?
Y/n: Its dope. Been getting alot of opportunities. I promise to visit you soon daddy.
Dad: Okay pumpkin. I love you.
Y/n: I love you to dad
Dad: Always remember that Im proud of you.
Y/n: I know daddy
End of convo

"That was odd. He never calls for anything." I said. "He's just checking up on you." She said. I shrugged my shoulders and we went to sleep.

*10am: March 25th*

"BABY!!! Your mom is calling you!" Ari yelled. "Answer it please!" I yelled back. Ari was in the living room and I was in the kitchen getting food.

Ari's pov:
I grabbed her phone and answered it.

Phone call:
Ari: Hey Mama
Mom: Hello Hun is y/n around?
Ari: She's busy do ya want me to get her?
Mom: Yes love

I got up from the couch and I walked to Y/n. "Babe here, she wants to talk to you." I said to her. She grabbed the phone and put it on speaker.

Y/n's pov:
I put it on speaker then put it down.

Phone call:
Y/n: Wassup mama
Mom: What are you doing?
Y/n: Pouring myself cereal
Mom: Hun I think you should sit...
Y/n: Ma whats wrong?
Mom: Your father...

My heart sank to my ass

Y/n: Is he okay?
Mom: He passed away in his sleep last night.

My knees got weak.

Y/n: What? *tears up*
Mom: Hun I didnt call because I didnt want you to worry. We called the ambulance but upon arrival they announced he had passed and there was no helping.
Y/n: *cries*
Mom: Im sorry my love *cries*

I hung up the phone as Ari walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me as I cried. "Why him?" I asked. "Love god has a different plan for him." She said. "He was my best friend! He raised me! He was there when no one was..." I said. "I know love. I know." She said.

*2 days later*

Ari and I just got to Florida. I knocked on the door and Jacob opened it. I fell into his arms and cried. He wrapped his arms around me. "I know sis.. I know." He said crying with me. We pulled away and I walked to my mom and gave her a hug. I then walked to my sister Brooklyn. I hugged her tightly. "Where's Madison?" I asked wiping my tears. "Upstairs.. She's been there all day." Jacob said. "Does she know?" I asked. "I just told her that he's an angel watching over her." He said.

I walked upstairs leaving Ari with my family. I knocked on her door and opened it. "Y/n!" She yelled running towards me. I picked her up and hugged her closely. "Why are you here?" She asked. "I came to see you and the family." I replied. "Daddy's not here anymore." She said getting down. I sat with her on her bed. "Yeah I know..." I said. "How you feeling?" I asked. "I miss daddy." She said laying on me. "Daddy's always with you remember that. He's watching over you and he's always in your heart and mind." I said. "But he's not here." She said. "Physically no..." I said.

"Do you cry? About daddy?" She asked. "Yeah I have. Have you?" I asked. "No..." She said. I looked at her. "Its okay to cry Madison..." I said. She immediately looked down and started crying. I pulled her onto my lap and held her close. "I promise everything will be okay. I promise that he's here with you in your heart." I said. "Butt...." She whispered. "It's completely okay Madison. I promise..." I said. I wanted to cry but I knew I had to be strong for her.

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