Chapter 1

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A boy raced down the streets of Seoul with his skateboard. His friends were just behind him.

 The breeze of spring blew his hair back as he went faster and faster on his skateboard, so much that he almost felt like flying. 

"Soobin look out!" One of his friends yelled, but it was too late since the boy's skateboard bumped onto something and sent the boy flying off. 

Soobin yelled with surprise and terror as he closed his eyes, ready to meet the hard concrete floor of the busy street. 

But instead of feeling the hard ground, he felt something rather soft and prickly. 

Soobin opened his eyes and realized he had landed on the grassy part of the park he was going to hangout with his two friends, Yeonjun and Beomgyu. 

Still feeling the adrenaline in his body, he stood up and shook off the mud and pieces of grass that had stuck to his clothes after the crash.

"Soobin are you okay?" Yeonjun, a tall 17 year old boy called while holding Soobin's skateboard. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Soobin replied running to his friend and taking the skateboard away from him. 

Beomgyu, a curly-haired boy reached for Soobin's hair and brushed a few pieces of grass off his hair. "You should've been more careful, if it wasn't for that boy, shoving you toward the grass I don't know what kind of concussion you might've had."

Soobin looked at Beomgyu with a confused expression. "Boy? What are you talking about Beomgyu?" But Yeonjun just elbowed Soobin with a smile. "Nah, don't listen to him, it's his eyes tricking him again, right Beomgyu?" 

But Beomgyu shook his head as he brushed the back of his head. "I-I don't think it was my eyes tricking me this time. . .W-wait!" Beomgyu suddenly pointed to a nearby tree where a pretty white dove stood on a branch glaring at them. 

"There he is! That's the boy! In the tree, please tell me you see him!" He turned to Yeonjun and clung to his arm. 

Yeonjun raised a brow and widened his eyes. "Oh wait, yes I do!" He cried. "Hello!" Yeonjun walked toward the branch where the dove was standing. "Hey, were you the one saving my friend over here Mr. Dove?" Yeonjun began to laugh as he heard Beomgyu's groan of annoyance. 

"Yeonjun! It's not funny!" 

Beomgyu turned to Soobin wanting him to actually believe him. "Soobin, tell me you can see him, please tell me!"

 Soobin wanted to defend his friend, but he shook his head sympathetically. "I'm sorry Beomgyu, but the only thing I can see is just dove." 

Beomgyu made a pount and looked down disappointed until Yeonjun came and put his arm around him. "Aww, come on Beomgyuie." He smiled brushing the boy's head affectionately with his hand. "How about we go and walk around the park? Maybe we can find that corgi you petted last time we came here." 

Beomgyu sighed but gave yeonjun a grateful smile. "I guess, that sounds like a good idea." After that, Yeonjun and Beomgyu began to walk away. 

Soobin was going to go after them, but he came to a stopping point as he gazed at the dove who was still sitting on the tree. 

The dove stared at him, for some reason there seemed to be actually something rather. . . peculiar about this one. Its feathers seemed soft and neatly groomed, and its eyes glimmered as the dove seemed to slowly form a smile on its beak.  

Soobin felt shivers run down his spine before turning around and running after his friends, whatever it was about that dove, Soobin knew that it was something out of the ordinary.


Welp, that's it for this chapter this guys! Hope you liked it :> 

Don't worry, I'll try to make chapter 2 a bit longer and a bit more interesting!

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We are all stars~

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