Chapter 14

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When Soobin opened his eyes, he found himself under a waterfall, the water's sound echoing inside the cave he was in. He walked out, putting his hand to his forehead to block his eyes from the bright sunlight. He jumped off a few rocks and landed on soft grass that was located at a beautiful clearing. 

He looked around, feeling lost since this wasn't the same clearing where him and Huening Kai usually met. He sat down cross-legged as he watched white butterflies fly around him. Soobin held his index finger up as one butterfly softly landed on his finger. 

Soobin smiled, noticing how beautiful and delicate the butterfly was.

"Greetings Soobin."

Soobin looked up as the butterfly flew away  and settle on a tall boy's shoulder. His eyes and hair were brown he was wearing a blue sweater and a messenger bag that matched his snow-white pants. He's never seen this boy before, which led him to wonder why he had come to visit him instead of Huening Kai.

"Huening Kai's not going to be able to visit you tonight." The boy said. "There's a few things that I need to tell you."

Soobin nodded. "Alright, but. . . Who are you? And. . . Why are you visiting me instead of Huening Kai?"

"I'm Taehyun, I've know Huening Kai since the day he was an appointed guard. . . And well. . . There's a few things that I've been ordered to tell you." He said, crouching down in front of Soobin. 

Soobin raised his brow with confusion. "What do you need to tell me?"

Taehyun blinked softly, placing his hands on Soobin's forehead. "Just relax and search for your past memories." As soon as Taehyun said those words, Soobin closed his eyes and everything was dark. 


When Soobin opened his eyes, he noticed that he was at a baby shower. The room was filled with people he didn't recognize. . . Well, except from a woman that looked just like his grandmother and a man that looked just like him, but older. "It's going to be a girl!" His grandmother cheered as she threw her arms around her husband, kissing him with happiness as everyone applauded and cheered.

Soobin smiled, until his eyes caught a very familiar angel standing all alone in a corner, his lips parted in a sad smile. "A girl. . . What a joy. . ." Huening Kai whispered. Soobin was going to walk towards the angel, his hand reaching out to touch him, but as he did so. . . The image vanished as a white feather flew into the air. 


Everything turned black again as the memory disappeared, being replaced by another one as he found himself sitting at the front passenger seat of a car. He didn't know who's car this was or where he was going, but he found the scene very familiar. 

He looked to the side and saw his grandfather again, he was talking on the phone as a woman talked to him hurriedly. "Where in the great heavens are you?! She's about to give birth!" 

"I-I know, I''m on my way. I'll be there soon, I promise!" He said.

Soobin shrugged, turning to the side and looking out the window, noticing that the sky was gray as raindrops fell down onto the road. He suddenly widened his eyes as a car came full speed at them as thunder roared well above in the sky. 

He heard a loud scream and a crash. He felt the cold hard ground of the road beneath him, small flames hissed as raindrops fell. When Soobin opened his eyes, he saw what was left of the car, which had burst into flames after the crash. 

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