Chapter 3

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Soobin ran as fast as his legs could take him, his face was covered in sweat as he ran faster and faster. 

The beast ran after him, Soobin could hear the monster's claws scratching against the forest floor as it ran after him. 

Soobin kept running, feeling his legs grow tired and tired as he turned his head around and screamed with terror when he saw the beast's face.

 It's huge furry head was broad and with a huge snout that had two, long, pointy teeth growing out of its mouth. It's claws where like huge pointy hooks that could probably tear you into pieces with one slash to the belly. 

Soobin finally saw the end of the forest coming near, he smiled trying to reach the end. But all of his hopes were crushed when he slipped and landed hard on the ground with a thud.

 Soobin was about to get up and run again, until he let out a scream of pure horror. The beast roared and leaped, extending its claws to attack Soobin.

Soobin closed his mouth and covered his face with his arms not wanting to see what the beast was about to do him. But instead of feeling the pain of claws raking into his skin, he heard the beast screeching. 

Soobin raised his head and saw a white light flashing as the beast fell to the ground and started convulsing, before disappearing into thin air after another screech of pain

Soon, the dark misty forest began to disappear. The dry, hard, and rocky ground turned into soft grass with stems of flowers growing here and there. The trees began to glow with life as leaves stared to grow on the branches, while birds started to sing with happiness. The shadows and mist also began to disappear, replaced by warm sunlight as the sun raised high in the sky. 

Soobin looked around and saw a tall boy with raven hair and white clothes smiling down at him. Something about the boy seemed familiar, it was as if he had met him before, a long, long time ago. But Soobin shook his head. It was impossible, he's never seen this boy before, he was probably mistaking him for someone else he knew. . . But, who could it be? He surely didn't seem like any of the black-haired boys he's met throughout his life.

Suddenly, Soobin's heart beat started to slow down as peace flowed through his entire body when the boy came closer to him. Not knowing what to do as the stranger came closer, Soobin tried to get away, but his injured knee wouldn't let him move as it was too painful for him to move.

But the angelic little boy crouched down, moving Soobin's hair to the side, away from his forehead as he gazed at him. "Shhh. . .Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." The boy affirmed softly as he moved his hands to gently cover Soobin's injured knee.

Soobin flinched, letting out a groan of pain when the boy touched his knee. 

"I know, I know. . .It'll be over soon, I promise." The boy murmured. 

As soon as the boy said those words, the pain in his knee had disappeared. The pain was now replaced by the feeling of long awaited sleep as Soobin half closed his eyes sleepily.

 The boy caressed his cheek. "There you go sweetheart, rest now." 

Soobin nodded and closed his eyes as everything started to disappear around him.

When he opened his eyes again, he realized he was back in his room tucked inside of his bed. He stretched and lifted himself up as he scratched the back of his head. What a weird dream. . .  He thought looking outside of his window to see that like in his dream, the sun was shinning bright as birds sang with happiness, indicating that morning had finally arrived. 

Soobin sighed and touched his knee, the one he had injured when he was inside of his dream. It was just a dream. . .A dream. . . He repeated to himself before lifting his head up as the sensation of someone watching him came back to him. He shivered, what in the world was this weird sensation?! Why was he feeling it all of the time now?!

I'll get to the bottom of this. . .I don't know how, but I will!


Yee! Finished this chapter!!! T-T I'm so happy that so many of you are enjoying the story so far, I can't thank any one of you enough thank you!!!

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We are stars~

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