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(This picture is so adorable OMG ;w;)

Beomgyu whined at the news that Taehyun had just told him, his shoulders dropping.

"Why are you so sad all of a sudden? You'll stop seeing angels, you'll be normal like you wanted." Taehyun replied, slowly pulling Beomgyu into a hug.

Beomgyu pressed his head against his guard angel's chest. "I know. . . But-But You've been watching over me for so long. . . I-I. . ." He trailed off, biting his lips as he tried not to sniffle. He didn't like the fact that he could see angels, but he loved having Taehyun around him, he actually considered him as a very close friend and somewhat of the parent figure that he felt he was lacking.

"Beomgyu, the fact that you won't be able to see anymore doesn't mean that I won't be there to guide you and protect you," He bent his knees so he could be at Beomgyu's height. "I'm your guard angel, I'll always be there when you feel alone." He wiped away the single tear that left Beomgyu's eye. "Later on as you grow up, you'll learn your own lessons about love, and I'll be there with you." Beomgyu met his eyes. "You might experience pain and loneliness, but you'll overcome those feelings as you learn how to forgive those who you've loved the most."

Beomgyu blinked at him, a bit confused over what Taehyun had just told him. 

Taehyun smiled. "You'll get it when you get older, I promise."

Beomgyu nodded before hugging him again. "Promise that you'll always stay with me. Promise me that you won't leave me alone, ever."

Taehyun chuckled once again, hugging Beomgyu before kissing his forehead. "I'll never leave you alone," As he said so, Taehyun's figure began to vanish, leaving a white feather on the ground. Beomgyu held it between his fingers as heard Taehyun's faint voice. I promise. . .

But soon, Beomgyu's thoughts were broken as he heard the doorbell ringing. The teenager turned around, saving the white feather somewhere safe before grabbing his coat and running downstairs, his heart soon quickening with excitement as he opened the door to find Yeonjun smiling brightly at him. 

"Are you ready?" 

Beomgyu nodded, walking out of the house before wrapping his arm around Yeonjun's waist as the elder put his own arm around him too.  

"So, what's your plan?" Beomgyu asked.

"Well. . . I was thinking about bringing you to that bakery I talked to you about. We could eat something there before going star gazing." Yeonjun cleared his throat. "And. . . since your parents are on that business trip, you can spend the night with me."

Beomgyu let out a giggle, pressing himself against Yeonjun as the cold wind brew at him. "Sounds cool."

As they made their way towards the bakery, out of nowhere, Taehyun's voice rang in his ears once again:

"You'll learn your own lessons about love. . . As you learn how to forgive those who you've loved the most. . ." 


And that's how Huening Kai and Soobin's story ends so another story can begin. . .

Lol, that's up to you guys :V Do you all want a sequel to this?

Ahem, anyways! I'm not gonna give you a big "Oh thank you my readers" kind of thing here in the epilogue A/N since. . . You all deserve a well written Thank You letter coming from me, okay? You all are so beautiful and angelic that you all deserve the best of the best, you hear me?!

So ya, An Angel's Kiss is finally finished :D I may or may not do a sequel that has to do over what Taehyun told Beomgyu. . . Mmmm. . . What do you all think? Sequel or no sequel?

Yes please UwU

Lol no V: 

BTW if you have any questions about chapters and characters, you can leave a question in the Final Q&A Session or you can also DM me and I'll be more than glad to answer them ^-^

Also, if you wanna support the 'future' sequel, please: Vote add the story to your library and comment whatever you have in your mind since this is the last chapter you'll ever see for An Angel's Kiss. 

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