Chapter 11

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Soobin found himself walking down a meadow of white flowers. The little flowers brushed his white pants as he heard a beautiful angelic voice singing a song that Soobin's mother used to sing him. 

I can touch, even if you're not in front of my eyes

reach, even if you leave for somewhere far away from me. . . 

The voice sang as Soobin joined as well, knowing the song by heart.

Even with just the memories, my heart is always dancing

The person (Who was sitting) looked up at Soobin with shinning eyes as they both sang, and reached for his hand. 

Soobin extended his hand forward, reaching for the angel's hand.

I want to be your nap so that I can dream with you any time 

as if nothing happened

A sun-setting evening, and a darkened night sky 

They held each other's hands as Soobin sat down in front of the angel, none of them daring to break eye contact as they sang the last of the song.

Both have my heart full of you~

Soobin let out a breath as he felt sleepy at feeling Huening Kai's warm hand brush against his cheek while his other hand held his. 

"How do you know that song?" Soobin asked softly as he laid his head on Huening Kai's lap, whe had a flower crown on his head. The angel giggled brushing Soobin's hair as Soobin looked up at him. 

"Your mother used to love that song." Huenign Kai smiled at the memory. "I used to visit her dreams too, there I would make flower crowns for her." He sighed, half missing the old days to when he would play with his past lover's daughter. But he had Soobin now, and having him as the person he had to protect was enough.

"But my actual job as a new guard started when you were born." Huening Kai explained as Soobin looked at him with doe eyes. Huening Kai smiled as he remembered how much happiness he felt when he held Soobin in his arms for the first time.

"But. . . Why would they do that, why not chose another guard?" 

Huening Kai was taken aback by the sudden question, but decided to answer it either way as he let out a sigh. "Soobin. . . Every human has a purpose in this world, sometimes. . .When a human does not fulfill that purpose. Either by not following the right path or by just leaving this Earth too quickly, their souls are given the chance to return and fulfill their destiny." Huening Kai explained, feeling the words getting stuck to his throat as he remembered Soobin's past life.

"Some souls just stay up in heaven and rest peacefully while their old guards come down and protect their descendants, some souls even become guards to protect their family. Sometimes when a soul reincarnates, the angel may protect them again." Huening Kai smiled, his gaze darkening at remembering who Soobin used to be, and how his life had ended so soon. 

For other angels, Soobin's death had been an accident. Nothing too big, something that shouldn't be the reason for an angel to grieve for so long. But Huening Kai couldn't help himself to still feel guilty. 

𝓐𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵'𝓼 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼 💋 | 𝓢𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓪𝓲Where stories live. Discover now