Chapter 17

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Huening Kai gazed at the moon, remembering all of the happiness he had felt while taking care of Soobin. Memories passed through his head, each one making his heart more and more heavy than it already was. 

He let out a sigh as he looked back at Soobin, who was peacefully sleeping. Huening Kai walked towards him, stroking his hair as the sleeping teenager groaned with sleepiness and turned to the side. 

Huening Kai swallowed. Hard. How was he supposed to leave Soobin just like that? He couldn't. He just couldn't do it. He had been basically forced to do it. Forced by the same court that had fiercely judged him and almost banish him. 

He swallowed once again and pressed his hand against Soobin's chest and forehead while closing his eyes. He knew this would break Soobin, he knew that the poor boy would bawl his eyes out. He knew he would hurt Soobin. . . . Badly. But orders were orders, and all angels were required to follow them. . . 

Even if they didn't wanted to.


Soobin ran and ran, his legs going faster and faster as the wind blew against his hair. He looked to the side and caught the site of a white feather laying on the ground between the green grass. 

Soobin came to halt and looked at the feather, right as he was about to run and get it, the wind blew again, making the feather fly into the air. Raising a brow and with a smile on his face, he ran after the feather, trying to catch it with hands as it flew closer to him, as if it was teasing him and encouraging him from following it.

Soobin reached again and made a little jump as he caught the feather with his hands. Right as he opened his hands again, the feather flew away from him. This time as Soobin looked up, he saw the lean figure of Huening Kai, who stretched his hand out as the wind gently placed the feather on his palm.

Soobin turned his head around and saw that the grass had turned into white lilies. Soobin looked smiled and looked at Huening Kai again, he noticed that the angel had a rather pained shine to his eyes. It was if he was going to do something he would deeply regret in the future.

Soobin ignored the bad feeling rising in his chest as he tilted his head, a playful look on his face as he put his hands behind his back and started to walk towards Huening Kai. 

"It's been a while since you last visited me."

Huening Kai looked at Soobin, his eyes now unreadable as he spoke. "I need to have a word with you, please follow me." Soobin blinked with surprise at the icy tone that edged the angel's voice as he followed him. 

As they walked, Soobin noticed that white lilies where starting to grow all around Huening Kai as he walked. But he turned his attention back to Huening Kai as he began to speak. 

"Life never stays consistent, it is always changing. . . Nothing stays the same for long." He paused, looking at Soobin. "Throughout your life, Soobin. . . You'll meet new people that you'll love and care about, but as you meet new people, you'll also lose some of the people you've cared about." 

He stopped walking as he placed a hand against Soobin's cheek. "When that happens to you, I want you to be strong, okay?" Soobin stared deep into Huening Kai's eyes as the angel smiled at him.

"You've brought me so much happiness throughout the years, I know you'll get through this. . . You've always been a strong and stubborn soul." He chuckled once before kissing Soobin's forehead. "That's why I'll also stay strong. . . For you." 

Soobin felt his eyes beginning to water, he didn't know how. . . But he knew what Huening Kai was meaning to tell him. He could feel his heart breaking as he tried to hold back from letting his tears fall while he was still in front of Huening Kai.

Soon, he felt Huening Kai's arms wrap around him, his soft wings covering him as the angel hushed him. Soobin couldn't hold back anymore, the tears he had been holding back suddenly came down as he hugged Huening Kai tightly.

Huening Kai closed his eyes, tightening his grip around Soobin as well. "Whatever you do. . . Never ever forget how much I love you, okay?" 

Soobin nodded before he looked up again, letting out a sniffle.

Huening Kai let out a sad smile spread along his face, his soft eyes meeting Soobin's as he once again placed his hands on Soobin's cheek, gently pulling him closer.

Soobin closed his eyes, willingly meeting Huening Kai's lips.

As they kissed, everything began to get blurry around him, meaning that he was waking up.


Soobin opened his eyes, quickly sitting up and looking around his room. There was no trace of Huening Kai, the presence and energy he had felt before was gone as well. His eyes turned to a single white feather that lay on his bed, he stretched his hand to take it, but as he did so, the feather flew away.

Soobin quickly got up to catch it, but as he did so, the breeze from his opened window made it fly outside and away into the sky. He looked out of the window and saw the feather flying away as the breeze hit his face. . . He didn't know if it was him hearing things, but he knew he had heard the whisper of someone saying: "I love you." as the feather flew out of sight.

Soobin went back and sat on his bed, his gaze fixed on the ground as he tried to take in everything that had happened. . . Huening Kai was gone and that somehow made him feel lost and abandoned. 

Soon, quiet sniffles and the sound of sobbing was heard around the room as Soobin hugged himself, trying to overcome the feelings that were flooding his chest and stabbed his heart.


Head low, Huening Kai stood up beside Taehyun as the angel looked at him. "Did you do it?" He asked quietly, putting a hand on his friend's back to try and comfort him.

Huening Kai nodded, feeling his heart breaking as he felt the despair and pain that was stabbing at Soobin's heart. "He's crying a storm. . ."

Taehyun let out a sigh, holding Huening Kai's hand softly. "Come on. . . They're waiting for you."

Huening Kai didn't say anything as him and his friend flew away, away from the person that had been able to make the angel happy after so many years of suffering.


I love you. . .

Chapter 17 is ready!!! Dang, now I wonder how Huening Kai and Soobin will be able to fix this mess. . . You'll have to read and see if they'll fix it or not :P

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We are all stars~

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