Chapter 13

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Soobin snuggled closer to Huening Kai as the angel softly brushed his hair.

It had been a week after Soobin had come out of the hospital, but the teenager still needed to rest. Specially now, since he would start getting feverish from time to time. It was nothing serious though, nothing that Huening Kai couldn't cure.

Huening Kai kissed Soobin's head and pressed his hand against the teenager's forehead. "How're you feeling now?" He asked softly.

Soobin grumbled and scootched even closer to Huening Kai  as he  fell asleep.

Huening Kai slightly smiled, knowing how exhausted Soobin was. After all, so much had happened this past few weeks, one of them being the fact that Soobin was now able to see him.

Huening Kai let a shy giggle as he remembered that they had also kissed a few times now. But his giggling was cut off when he heard a slight knock on the window behind him. Huening Kai turned his head and saw Taehyun waving at him with a smile.

Huening Kai  laughed and went over to the window and opened it.

Taehyun looked inside and raised his brow when he saw Soobin sleeping. "Sleeping with Soobin, huh? You guys have gotten close haven't you?"

Huening Kai blushed. "It's not like that. . . I was just taking care of him. . .He's been feverish this past few days."

Taehyun entered and walked towards Soobin, putting his hand on the teenager's forehead softly. "Was it too bad?"

Huening Kai shook his head. "Not really."  He went and sat down crisscrossed on the bed, moving Soobin's head and placing it on his lap, softly brushing  his hair once again. "It's not as bad since I've been trying to heal him. I was doing just that a few minutes ago, before he fell asleep."

Taehyun gazed at Soonbin and Huening Kai, letting out a smile at the fact that Huening Kai was at last feeling happiness once again. He's been carefully putting and eye on the two for a while, and he couldn't say that he wasn't satisfied with the results that the soon-to-be couple was giving him.

For him, it was obvious that Soobin liked Huening Kai, just by the way he looked at the angel, or that certain glow in his eyes when Huening Kai smiles at him. But every time that Taehyun brought the subject up, Huening Kai would shake his head and deny that Soobin actually like him. Which to be honest. . . Was pretty stupid. But Taehyun couldn't tell him that, he wouldn't even dare to call him that. Mostly because Huening Kai had suffered before. That was also one of the reasons Huening Kai wouldn't believe Taehyun if he told him that Soobin liked him.

Taehyun let out a sigh and stared at Huening Kai with sad eyes as the angel smiled softly at Soobin.  But Taehyun was caught off guard when he heard knocking on Soobin's door. "Crap, I have to go." Taehyun said going for the window. 

"Will you visit later?"

Taehyun chuckled and looked at Huening Kai. "I always visit you, don't worry." With that, the angel jumped out of the window, opened his wings and flew away.

Huening Kai pouted and turned his head as Soobin's door was slowly being opened. 

Due to a panic attack, Huening Kai suddenly turned into a dove, leaving a feather on Soobin's bed as he hopped off.

Soobin opened his eyes and raised his head, he was confused at what was happening until he saw his mother entering his room with a bright smile. "Hey, honey. Are you feeling better?" She asked. 

Soobin yawned, looking around the room for Huening Kai, but didn't see him anywhere. "Y-Yeah. . ."

Soobin's mother smiled and stepped inside. "I figured you felt a bit lonely so. . . Look who I brought." The door opened a bit more to reveal a tall man with black hair and strong, wide shoulders. 

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