Chapter 2

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It was 6:00 PM now and Soobin was walking home alone after saying good-bye to his friends. But for some weird reason, he felt someone following him. 

He had turned around a few times, but he could never see anyone following him, which made him just shrug and go to his home with his phone in his hand if this sick weird joke turned into an emergency.

Soon, Soobin reached his home and closed the door behind him, he settled his skateboard on the ground and went to say hi to his mother. 

"About time you came home." His mother told him hugging him and kissing his cheek lovingly. "Did you have fun?"

Soobin nodded and sat on one of the chairs near the dinner table. "Yeah, but I had to cut it short since Beomgyu and Yeonjun wanted to have ice cream together." Soobin explained, remembering how Yeonjun had asked him to join them, but he had declined the offer since he knew it was better to leave those two alone. For some reason they would always start flirting out of nowhere and that made Soobin very uncomfortable.

"Aww, what a pity. Didn't they ask you if you wanted to come with them? I'm sure Yeonjun-"

"No, no." I cut her off shaking my head.  "I just didn't wanna be a bother."

My mother raised a brow and went to the kitchen. "Bother? Why would you be a bother?" She called opening the fridge door and getting something out.

I bit my lip feeling very uncomfortable. "I-I don't know, they just give me this weird vibe sometimes, and I just don't feel good when that happens."

The microwave started beeping before my mother came back from the kitchen with a cup of instant noodles. "Well, if you didn't wanna eat ice cream, how about you eat something else? I'm sure you're hungry." Soobin's mother said with a smile as she placed the noodles in front of Soobin and gave him chop sticks.

Soobin shook his head. "I'm not hungry-" He began, but suddenly stopped when his mother gave him what he called the 'death' stare. 

After looking at her, he suddenly felt his belly grumbling with hunger and picked up the chop sticks and started to eat. 

It was 8:00 PM now and Soobin was now putting his pajamas on. He started to feel that weird vibe of someone looking at him again so he turned around, thinking that it was probably his mother, but like before, he found no one. He just shrugged once more and went to his bed as he picked up his favorite book and started reading.

But what Soobin didn't know was that the person was still watching over him with a small smile on his face. 

It was the same boy that Beomgyu had seen, but instead of being a dove he was on his actual form.  The boy had pale skin with rosy pink cheeks and small little freckles, with crow black hair. 

He was sitting on Soobin's desktop chair with one of his elbows resting on the handle so he could rest his chin on his palm. 

"Huening Kai. . . You really need to stop doing that." A voice behind him said. 

Huening Kai turned his head to look at a tall boy with the figure of a teenage 17 year old boy. His hair was brown and he was wearing a blue sweater with white pants that matched his white messenger bag. 

"Stop doing what?" Huening Kai finally sai,d once more turning his gaze to Soobin , who was yawning as his eyes blinked with sleep. 

"That," His friend said pointing at him. "You're staring way too much. So much that the poor boy can actually feel your presence. "But Huening Kai just shrugged keeping his little angelic smile. "It's good that he can't see me or hear me then." 

The messenger made a face and crossed his arms.

Huening Kai rolled his eyes. "Come on Taehyun, it's my job to watch over him, what if something happens?" Huenign Kai said standing up and going toward Soobin's bed, who was now fast asleep.

 Huening Kai put his arms around Soobin and rested the side of his face on top of Soobin's head while making a pout, and closing his eyes. "He's my baby, I have to protect him. Plus," He raised his head and looked serious for a few minutes. "I made the promise to protect him, and I'll keep that promise." He said now stroking Soobin's hair like used to do when the teenager was still a baby. "I'm not gonna fail him this time. . ."

"But, what happened last time wasn't your fault-" Teahyun began to complain, but Huening Kai shook his head. "Yes it was, I should've looked after him more carefully. . .I. . .I" Huening Kai closed his eyes and hid face as he hugged Soobin tightly.

Taehyun frowned, and let out a sigh. "See what I mean? You've become attached Kai, you've become attached to the person he was in his past life." He paused as Huening Kai made a grieving hum as he tried not to cry over the memory of the man he had fallen in love with years and years before Soobin was born. 

"You need to let that go, he's got a different destiny now, he's his own person now." Taehyun whispered, slowly walking over to Huening Kai and placing his hand on his head to stroke it softly.  

Taehyun heard Huening Kai sniffle which made his heard sink even more. He hated seeing his friend being sad to the point of almost crying. This is what happens for those angels who decide to break the rules and fall in love with humans, those angels were basically sentenced to immense suffering and sadness, since of course. . .Most humans weren't able to see them or hear them. Those cases of angels falling in love were very rare, and since Huening Kai is very special, of course he's going to be part of those rare cases. 

Of course angels were allowed to feel love, all of them were expected to show it and feel it at anytime, but not to the level that Huening Kai had reached, if they were ever able to reach that level, they could run the risk of becoming too attached to the person they're protecting. And that's what Huening Kai was going through right now, that's why Taehyun had been sent to keep an eye on him, and make sure Huening Kai was still acting like an angel guard and not like a suffering soul.

Suddenly, Soobin began to sweat as his heart beat raised while his legs and arms began to twitch with terror.

Huening Kai looked at Soobin with wide eyes. "Oh-uh."

"Oh, great! Now you gave him  a nightmare!" Taehyun exclaimed, now frustrated. 

"Oh be quiet! You would radiate negative energy if you started to relive a painful memory!" Huening Kai shot back, now sitting straight as he placed one hand on Soobin's forehead while he placed the other on his chest. 

Taehyun stood still as Huening Kai closed his eyes and went quiet alongside Soobin.

Taehyun looked at Huening Kai's hands with a confused expression, angels didn't do that to calm down their humans, they usually used that technique when-Oh no. . .  Taehyun thought, now realizing what Huening Kai was doing. 

He was entering Soobin's dreams.


Finally finished! >:D I'm sorry for not updating :-: I had been very busy lately and couldn't update

Andyways, I hope you liked the story and liked the way I wrote Huening Kai's character!

Like always. . .If you wanna support the story you can: Vote on it, add it to your library and comment :D

~We are all stars~

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