Chapter 20

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Note: Extra long chapter Lol :V

Beomgyu was getting ready to head out.

 Last night at 6:00 PM he had called Soobin to ask him if he wanted to hangout with Yeonjun and maybe talk about why he was feeling so depressed the past weeks. 

He heard the doorbell ringing. Yeonjun! Beomgyu thought excitedly, but his heart sank when he saw his mother standing in front of the door, her expression full of annoyance. "I thought I told I didn't want you hanging out with that boy."

"He's not any boy, he's my friend." Beomgyu replied, reaching for the doorknob but his mother stopped him. "It's late, you're not going out with anyone at this hour."

"It's eight O'clock!" He was starting to get annoyed, specially because of the stupid dislike that his parents had for Yeonjun. "You've never stopped me from hanging out with my friends before, what's so different about Yeonjun?"

His mother ignored his question, her tone strict. "You're not going anywhere. Go back to your room." Beomgyu opened his mouth, but shut it at the same instant that his mother gave him a cold, disapproving glare.

Feeling angry and defeated, Beomgyu whipped around, stomping his way towards his room, shutting and locking his door. His phone began to vibrate inside his back pocket. Beomgyu reached for it, reading Yeonjun's name.

"Yeonjun, my mom's being stupid again." Beomgyu said unlocking his window, opening it as he gazed around at his backyard.

"Well. . . What are we gonna do then?" He let out a sigh. "I told you to ask Soobin to come get you, she won't let you go. . . She knows you'll be with me."

Beomgyu let out a laugh of amusement. "Maybe, but she doesn't know how many crazy ideas her child can have." He looked at the ground, which was pretty far away. "I have a new plan, come into the backyard."

A few minutes passed and he saw Yeonjun jumping up the fence and into the yard, he looked up, holding his phone up to his ear. "Don't tell me that you're about to do what I think you're about to do."

"You've been with me long enough to know that I'll do it. You better catch me." Hanging up and putting his phone back in his pocket, he waited for Yeonjun to be ready, his eyes wide nervousness.

He hesitated for just one second, a bit scared to imagine what would happen if Yeonjun wasn't able to catch him. But his fears vanished when He felt Taehyun's presence as closer to him as ever, if something happened, Taehyun would be there to catch him as well. 

With no hesitations now, he jumped. His heart raised and for a moment-just a tiny moment- he thought he was gonna hit ground until he felt soft wings wrapping around him as Yeonjun caught him. But at the same instant, Yeonjun's legs gave way. Both teenagers came falling into the ground.

Beomgyu opened his eyes again, raising his head feeling the adrenaline fill his body. "Woah, I'M ALIVE!" He cheered before Yeonjun-who was bellow him- let out a groan. "I'm not. . . I think you broke my ribs."

"Sorry." Beomgyu chuckled, standing up and offering his hand to help Yeonjun up.

"Remind me: why am I dating you again?" Yeonjun said, grabbing Beomgyu's hand and standing up.

"Because your life would be boring without me." Beomgyu replied simply, now holding onto the fence as he waited for Yeonjun. "Will you help me up? I'm too small." Beomgyu asked, blinking cutely at Yeonjun as the elder tried not to smile.

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