Chapter 21

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New chapter + A song that goes very well with Huening Kai and his conflicts in the story :P

"And that's what an angel kiss does." Huening Kai said as he braided Soomin's hair, one of the angelings he had been teaching.

"Um Huening Kai?" Taeyang, another one of the angelings asked, his tone nervous.  


"Why are your feathers all over the grass?"

Huening Kai quickly turned around a bit confused, but widened his eyes with shock as he saw his own feathers on the ground like Taeyang said. 

As he finished braiding Soomin's hair, he stood up and stared at the white clump that Taeyang and Soomin where around, their eyes wide with curiosity as the feathers began to turn into white butterflies. Those can't be mine. 

An angel's feathers could only fall off their wings when they were getting ready to reincarnate. And as long as Huening Kai knew, he didn't think that he was worthy enough of such privilege after all of the damage he had caused, the angels he had injured, and the fact that he had broken one of the most important rules that an angel had to follow twice. I can't be reincarnating, I need to talk to Taehyun!


"Interesting." Taehyun said as the feather he had in his hand turned into a butterfly. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me. . . I was with the angelings when suddenly they started to fall." Huening Kai replied, moving his wings a little as butterflies flew around him and Taehyun.

Taehyun raised his hand, holding out his index finger as a white butterfly settled on it, stretching her pretty wings as Taehyun observed her. "There's nothing wrong with you Kai," He blinked calmly at Huening Kai, letting a small smile spread along his lips. "You're getting ready to reincarnate."

Huening Kai widened his eyes. "Reincarnate?!" He stood up, shaking his head from side to side. "I can't be reincarnating." He stared at Taehyun. "The courts haven't told me anything about it, plus. . ." His gaze dropped, feeling small as he wrapped his wings around himself. "I don't deserve this. Not after all the damage I've done, specially to you and the other reincarnation guards." He met his friend's eyes again. "You even had to give up your place with the courts to look after me."

"Oh Huening Kai. . ." Taehyun hugged him, kissing the top of his head. "You do deserve it as much as any other of the angels that serve at the courts." 

He looked down at Huening Kai, his eyes warm with affection towards his friend. "Ever sense you became a guard all you've ever done was to suffer. You suffered because of the harsh lessons that you had to learn and the love that you couldn't have, suddenly letting those feelings take over you. . ." He pressed his cheek against Huening Kai's head, remembering how the lovely angel had suddenly turned dark and full of rage.

"But at the end you were able to leave all of those feelings behind," He continued, remembering how joyful Huening Kai had been when the new Soobin had been born. 

"You learned how to forgive and forget. You forgot your pain and sadness, you let go of the painful past that had scarred you," He pressed his hand against Huening Kai's cheek, meeting his eyes. "You also let Soobin's love fill you like a river and now," Taehyun lifted one of his hands grabbing a feather that had flown into the air. "Now you're ready to fulfill your new destiny with him." As he opened his hand, a butterfly flew into the air.

Huening Kai followed the butterfly with his eyes before looking at Taehyun. "Oh Taehyun." Affection filled his heart as he made a small hop, wrapping his arms around Taehyun. The court deputy closed his eyes, holding Huening Kai tightly. 

"Thank you," Huening Kai sniffled. "You're the best friend an angel could ever have."

Taehyun chuckled, for the first time in his time as an angel, he tried not to cry. "Ugh, you're making me feel emotional now." He said as Huening Kai let out a giggle. "I'm sorry, I can't fight my emotions as well as you do."

Taehyun was sure that their moment would've lasted longer if he hadn't spotted the two pair of eyes that were watching them. Watching him letting his feelings show at the slightest. Taehyun pulled away from Huening Kai, lifting his chin and putting his hands on his hips. 

"And what are you two nosy little angels looking at?" Taehyun demanded, his eyes turning cold and his voice harsh. 

Huening Kai followed Taehyun's eyes and saw Taeyang and Soomin hiding behind some cloud fluff, their eyes big as they stared at Taehyun.

"Oh, come on Tae." Huening Kai said, nudging Taehyun playfully. "They're just angelings, don't be too harsh on them. " He turned to Taeyang and Soomin. "Come on, Sang Hee's waiting for us at the meadow."

Soomin followed Huening Kai without question, but Taeyang didn't move a feather as he stared at Taehyun.

Taehyun raised a brow, he wasn't too fond of angelings, specially angelings as young as Soomin and Taeyang. "What are you staring at Big Eyes?"

"Deputy Taehyun. . . Do you like Huening Kai, don't you?"

Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows. "That's none of your concerns." He opened his wings. "Now go and stop being so nosy."

Taehyan giggled, fluttering away as he caught up to Soomin and Huening Kai.

Taehyun rolled his eyes. Of course he liked Huening Kai, maybe not in the way most angels thought, but he did. If he didn't like Huening Kai, he would force him to stay at the courts and let him feel unhappy and hollow like the other angels wanted him. All that Huening Kai has done to him was to give him happiness. Huening Kai was the only angel that he could be around with without feeling the pressure of his responsibilities slowly falling onto him. 

It did pained him to know that Huening Kai will be leaving the angel courts to live his new life as a human. . . But it was something that would make Huening Kai feel happy, and that was all that Taehyun wanted. . .

He wanted Huening Kai to finally feel happy, even if it was at the cost of losing his own happiness.


And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be~ 

AAAAH! Chapter 21 is out now my angels!

We're so close to the final chapter! I am so happy and sad at the same like. . . WHAT IS THIS!  So yeah, chapter 22 will be the last official chapter for An Angel's Kiss followed by an epilogue and a final Q&A session so I can answer those final questions for you guys. <3

I'll be drawing comics again so I'll post the characters' names so you can write your questions a bit later after this chapter is published. 

Like always, if you wanna support the last few chapters of this wonderful story, please: Vote, add the story to your library and comment! I love to read you guy's comments on the story ^^

We are all angels~

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