Chapter 10

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Soobin licked his lips as he tasted the delicious flavor of mint chocolate ice cream, it had been a week since he'd seen his best friends, and goodness he sure missed them. 

"Beomgyu and I went to the store together and-" 

"Oh you did?" Soobin raised a brow as he took another scoop of his ice cream.

Beomgyu's face blushed a little as he rolled his eyes and moved closer to Yeonjun. "I told Yeonjun I wanted ice cream, but he didn't want to go to the actual shop, so we went to the store instead."

"Of course I don't wanna go to the actual shop, you almost got kidnapped! If Soobin left the scene with a stab wound, just think about what those dudes would've done to you." Yeonjun replied, even though his tone was a bit harsh, his eyes were soft as he looked at Beomgyu.

Beomgyu sighed in defeat and hugged Yeonjun. Yeonjun hugged him and the only thing Soobin could was to look at them with his eyebrows raised. Am I sure they're not dating yet?

Yeonjun seemed to realize what Soobin had in mind, so he quickly pulled away from Beomgyu as Beomgyu's eyes wandered somewhere else, as if he had seen another person walk in. 

"Anyways, how are you feeling?" Yeonjun finally asked.

Soobin smiled, showing off his dimples as he placed his ice cream cup on his lap. "I'm feeling great now, a bit tired. . . But I think that's because of the seaweed soup that my mother brought me earlier in the day." He suddenly felt Huening Kai's presence near him, his heart skipped beats as he felt the little angel playing with his hair.

"You heard that? He's feeling better now!" Huening Kai cheered, his voice warm with affection and happiness as he brushed Soobin's hair.

"Ahem. . . Huening Kai, we have visitors. . ." Taehyun cleared his throat as he massaged Beomgyu's shoulders.

Beomgyu nodded, feeling slightly panicked at the fact that an angel was getting that close to Soobin. A few days before Soobin got stabbed, Taehyun had told Beomgyu who were the people he could see and who was the boy that always clung to Soobin every time that Soobin was feeling happy or sad. 

Beomgyu suddenly felt Yeonjun brush his arm softly. "Hey. . . You okay? You dozed off."

Beomgyu shook his head to clear it and smiled at Soobin, who was also looking at him with a bit of worry. "No, no. . . I'm fine. I'm happy that you're finally healing and feeling better now."

"Not as happy as I am!" Huening Kai added, hugging Soobin's head.

"Huening Kai, this is no time for jealousy." Taehyun replied, shooting him a glance.

Huening Kai pouted, but nodded his head. "Okay, okay." He said moving away from Soobin and keeping his hands behind his back.

Before any of them could say anything else, a nurse came into the room and smiled at the teenagers. "Visiting time's over, the patient needs to rest."

Beomgyu and Yeonjun nodded.

"Bye Soobin!" Beomgyu called as Yeonjun waved. "Hope you get better!" 

As the two teenagers left the room, Taehyung sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Time to distribute letters and prayers." He said, grabbing his white messenger bag and putting it over his shoulders. 

"Already?" Huening Kai pouted, a bit disappointed at the fact of not having his best friend near him for the nest 6 hours of the day.

Taehyun chuckled and ruffled Huening Kai's hair. "I'll come flying back quicker than a eagle, don't worry."  

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