Chapter 5

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Huening Kai was sitting by Soobin's window, he was hugging his knees as he stared up at the moon with sad eyes. 

Huening Kai heard someone walking up to him, but he didn't say anything, he just kept on staring as Taehyun rested his chin on his head while wrapping his arms around Huening Kai. 

Huening Kai sighed, holding Taehyun's arms softly as he leaned his back against Taehyun's chest, wanting to feel the warmth that he felt when he was with Soobin, but sadly. . .He didn't feel it. 

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung finally asked.

"Old Soobin. . ." Huening Kai replied simply.

"I should've guessed that. . .You always look up at the moon when you're thinking of him." Many, many, many years before, Taehyun used to catch Huening Kai looking up at the night sky, swallowing the pain in his heart at the fact that Soobin didn't love him back. . . And would never love him back. After all, Huening Kai was an angel, which meant that no one that was human could see him.

Taehyun trembled, he remembered one night having to comfort Huening Kai in my arms, when the poor angel had started shedding tears over the fact that Soobin couldn't be his. 

Of course, when the old Soobin got married and had children, some of the sadness that Huening Kai felt was replaced by joy and happiness since, unlike him, Soobin had finally fallen in love with the right person and reached his highest happiness point.  That was Huening Kai's only wish, to see Soobin be happy and be loved by the right person, even if it meant that he, Huening Kai, was to feel unhappy by seeing his lover with another person.

"I remember how he use to smile. . ." Huening Kai chuckled. "How he use to smile at his kids, I've never seen someone as happy as he was. . ." He whispered, even though the memory was happy to him, the pain in Huening Kai's chest grew as he gazed at Soobin's reincarnation. "He resembles him so well. . ."

"Well, he is Soobin after all." Taehyun replied, gazing  at the sleeping figure of the 17 year old boy.

"Yeah, but. . .He's so different compared to him now." Huening Kai replied, pulling away from Taehyun and going to Soobin. "Their personalities are so different now, he used to be so hyper and excited about everything. . . Now he's shy, and quiet, and. . .Lovable, and sweet, and. . ." Huening Kai gripped at his heart feeling warm affection overtake him. 

"You're in love." Taehyun said rolling his eyes at the thought of how foolishly Huening Kai had let his affections toward the human turn into actual love. Now the same cycle was repeating again, and this time. . .Taehyun had been told not to stop Huening Kai from falling in love again.

Huening Kai sighed and rested his head on top of Soobin's chest while holding his hand. "I can't helping myself from falling in love with him all over, can I?"

Taehyun blinked at Huening Kai, pity filling his heart as he saw how helpless Huening Kai was. He let out a long breath and brushed Huening Kai's hair. "I guess you can't." 

Huening Kai let out a smile and kissed Soobin's hand. And at that moment, Soobin curled his hand around Huening Kai's and snuggled close to him. "Huening. . .Kai. . ." Soobin whispered, followed by a soft snore.

Taehyun and Huening Kai shared a glance. "That one's new. . . He's never said my name before, or. . ." Huening Kai glanced at his and Soobin's hands. 

Taehyun bit his tongue, he had been told that this moment would happen sooner or later when he was assigned to be Huening Kai's helper, he really didn't want to tell him what he was supposed to do next, since he didn't want his dearest friend to fall in love and all over again to then to have his heart broken if anything went wrong. 

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