Chapter 12

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When Huening Kai woke up, he found a crossed-armed Taehyun that had his eyebrow raised. "So? You told him about his past life yet?" 

Huening Kai  stood up and brushed the back of his head. "Well. . ." Huening Kai looked up at Taehyun with that cute gaze he always gave him whenever he did something he wasn't supposed to. 

"I. . . Didn't tell him."

"What do you mean you didn't ell him?!" He raised his voice, throwing his arms in the air.

Huening Kai covered himself with one of his wings. "I broke down in front of him!"

"That's no excuse." Taehyung replied.

Suddenly, Huening Kai's sassy side came out as the little angel moved his head from side to side. "Well, Mr. No excuse. What did you want me to tell him? That he is the reborn spirit of his grandfather? Or that I had feelings for him even though I'm a spirit from the light? Do you even know how messed up that sounds?"

Taehyun pressed the bridge of his nose. "Huening Kai, you brought this upon yourself when you-"  He cut himself off when he saw that Soobin's head shot upwards, his eyes wide, with no trace of sleep left.

"Wait WHAT?" The teenager said as he glared at both Huening Kai and Taehyun. "What do you mean by that?!"

Huening Kai widened his eyes with shock, still not knowing what the heck was going on. "Wait. . . You can see me?" But before Soobin could say anything else Taehyun had lifted his arm and had thrown white angel dust at Soobin's face. 

Once the white dusk hit Soobin's face, the teenager fell back unconscious.

 "Not the time buddy." Taehyun said as he turned to Huening Kai who glared at Taehyun.

"Why would you do that?!" He wailed going to Soobin's side and placing his hand to his forehead to gently check if he was okay.

"He'll wake up in an hour or so." Taehyun said looking at the sunrise, he had to leave in an hour or so too to check on Beomgyu. Which meant that Soobin and Huening Kai would have to be left alone once again. 

"Oh, you better explain what just happened." Huening Kai said, crossing his arms as he pouted at Taehyun.  "How is he able to see me now?"

Taehyun sighed and sat down on a nearby chair. "Huening Kai-"

"Taehyun." Huening Kai replied sassily as he sat next to Taehyun, waiting for his reply.

Taehyun grumbled, knowing that sooner or later he would have to tell Huening Kai the other reason on why he told him to kiss Soobin.  

"I told you, an angel's kiss is very powerful." He started. "When you kissed Soobin, you transferred the power of seeing what others can't, in fact angels." Taehyun said, before adding the easiest example he could think of. "It's similar to Beomgyu's case, it's just that Soobin can only see you and I." 

Huening Kai just stared at Taehyun. "So you KNEW this would happen?!" Huening Kai said, before standing up and going away from Taehyun, feeling upset at the fact that he seemed to know a lot more than what he was telling him. 

Huening Kai felt Taehyun's arms  wrapping around his waist as the messenger placed his chin on Huening Kai's shoulder. "Why are you upset now? I thought Soobin being able to see you would make you happy."

Huening Kai sighed, turning his head to the side, not wanting to look at Taehyun. "It does make me somewhat happy, but the fact that you didn't tell me about it makes me mad." Huening Kai furrowed his eyebrows and finally met Taehyun's eyes. "What else do you know? What else are you not telling me?" Huening Kai, turned his again. "You seem to know a lot more about me and Soobin than I do. . ."

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