Chapter 6

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Soobin walked down the sidewalk with his two friends,  Yeonjun and Bemgyu who had his arm wrapped around Yeonjun's. In Soobin's opinion, they looked like a couple. . .But he knew they were just good friends. 

But they flirt. . .Like a lot. Soobin contradicted himself, remembering that one time at that one ice cream shop when Yeonjun decided to share a banana split with Beomgyu and they just ended up feeding each other.

But Soobin shrugged his shoulders, boyfriends or not, he was sure he was going to support them both, they were his best friends after all.

"Hey, do you guys wanna go to the ice cream shop today? I can treat you all." Yeonjun suddenly suggested as if he knew that Soobin was thinking about the ice cream shop. 

"Oh. . .Uh, sure! But you don't have to treat me though. . .I have my own money." Soobin smiled and Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu who had been strangely quiet the whole time. "What about you?"

Beomgyu suddenly blinked twice and looked up at Yeonjun before shrugging. "We can share something. . . Like last time?" At that, Yeonjun let out a happy smile and continued to put his arm around Beomgyu. "Sure!"

Soobin chuckled and shook his head at them.


Soobin licked his ice cream cone as Beomgyu opened his mouth happily for Yeonjun to feed him. 

Oh goodness. Soobin thought, feeling very uncomfortable. He would always feel very awkward when they would start doing that. They would always break the best friend line, either by flirting or just by hugging and clinging to each other, leaving Soobin as their third wheel. Which he didn't mind, until they started getting into their own world and start ignoring Soobin without wanting to.

But instead of making a big deal out of it, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed his scream as he felt Huening Kai's presence near him. 

Huening Kai furrowed his eyebrows, looking around as he moved closer to Soobin protectively when he felt his skin crawl at the negative energy that lingered outside of the shop. Taehyun -Beomgyu and Yeonjun's guard- raised his head as he felt the same energy that Huening Kai had detected. "You felt that didn't you?" 

Huening Kai met Taehyun's gaze and nodded. "Someone's outside and their intentions are up to no good. . ."

Taehyun nodded and looked down to see that Beomgyu was looking at him with wide eyes, clearly wondering what in the great heavens was happening.

Taehyun looked down at Beomgy.  How could he tell him that someone was most likely going to attack them. "It's alright, don't worry too much, we got it all controlled." Beomgyu blinked twice and closed his eyes feeling peace fill his body when Taehyun placed his hand on top of his head to calm his despair. 

Huening Kai looked around and found who's negative energy he was feeling. Outside of the ice cream shop, there were two men standing outside, one of them was buff while the other was pretty skinny, they looked pretty different, except for the gleam of evil in their eyes. 

Huening Kai stared at them, trying to know what kind of intentions they had in mind to explain the energy they were letting out as they gazed at Beomgyu, Soobin, and Yeonjun through the glass window. Huening Kai knew that stare very well,  he had seen the same malicious and desperate stare when a middle-aged man had tried to lure Soobin away from a playground when he was just 3 years old toddler.

Huening Kai turned his gaze to Taehyun and realized that the messenger had put the puzzle pieces together as well: These men were going to kidnap the three teenagers.


YEET Finally finished with the chapter, I'm sorry it's not as long as it usually is, I've been a bit busy with life and other stuff this summer.

I also found this new K-pop group called K.A.R. D, they're a gender mixed group which makes them very interesting to me. I love all of the members so far and they're just squad goals tbh. They got very good songs like "Oh Na Na Na" or Dimelo. . .Or (My perosnal fav) "Bomb Bomb" and all of the members are just so bubbly and smoking HOT.  

Here's the song that got me into them ^-^ 

Like always, if you wanna support the story, you can: Vote, add the story to your library and comment :D

We are all stars~

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