Chapter 8

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Soobin was lying all alone in a hospital bed, his mother had just left the room after staying with him for 30 minutes, crouching next to the bed and sending her son a small prayer that Huening Kai had heard.  

Huening Kai rubbed his eyes, which were now irritated to the fact that he had been crying alongside Soobin's mother at the sight of the poor boy lying unconscious and with a deep stab wound on his torso.

Huening Kai shook his head, refusing to believe that this was going to be Soobin's end. 

Have faith

Taehyun's voice echoed in his head, and to be honest, Taehyun was right. If Huening Kai wasn't going to have a little faith in Soobin, then who will? He had to get rid of the negative thoughts, he had to stay strong. 

For Soobin. Huening Kai nodded as he looked up, he noticed that Soobin was whimpering in his sleep, his head went side to side, as if he was looking for someone. Heuning Kai stood up and walked over to Soobin,  brushing his hair gently and rubbing his belly. Huening Kai had done this tricks before, way back to when Soobin was 5 years old and had gotten a very bad fever that made him see hallucinations at how high his fever was.

Suddenly, Soobin's whimpering stopped and his breathing became regular once again, Huening Kai was about to finally move away until Soobin held onto his hand and turned to him, opening his eyes slightly. 

"H-Huening. . . Kai. . .?" Soobin trailed off not believing that he was seeing the shiny figure of Huening Kai standing next to him.

Huening Kai caressed his cheek and let out a smile. "I'm right here, Sweetie. Come on. . .You need to rest." Soobin didn't say anything else and closed his eyes as Huening Kai brushed his fingers through Soobin's hair. The little angel let out a loving smile despite the pain that stabbed at his heart at knowing the fact that Soobin was starting to able to see him. . . Humans were not able to see angels, unless the humans themselves were slowly turning into angels themselves. 

Soobin was dying, he was dying yet again and Huening Kai couldn't do anything to stop him from joining the angel court. 

I failed. . . I failed him again. . .


Taehyun's wings twitched, it was a sign that Huening Kai was radiating negative energy yet again. He stood up from where he was sitting with Beomgyu and Yeonjun at the hospital and looked at the sky. Waiting for a signal that he right timing had come. Suddenly, the rain and the gray clouds started to vanish, a beam of light shone through the clouds, lighting up the sky. 

Taehyun let out a sigh, feeling very nervous all of a sudden. He already knew Huening Kai and Soobin's destinies and how, and where they were going to end up. But he still felt scared, he was scared to hurt his best friend if something went wrong. 

He bit his lip now worried, but he suddenly felt someone touch his hand softly. He looked down to realize that Beomgyu was giving him a comforting glance, it was a glance that Taehyun would always give him when Beomgyu himself was feeling uncertain.

Taehyun smiled at Beomgyu and kissed his hand softly, feeling thankful for his reassurance. After that, Taehyun let go of Beomgyu's hand and went to find Huening Kai.

When he entered the room, he found Huening Kai holding Soobin's hand close to his cheek as a tear fell down.

Taehyun's heart broke into pieces when he saw how much grief and sadness clouded Huening Kai's eyes. He's never seen that kind of gloomy gaze in Huening Kai's eyes like that. He was truly suffering.

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