Chapter 4

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"I don't know why but. . .He just seemed so familiar to me." Soobin pouted as he looked at his half eaten sandwich. After what happened in his dream, Soobin hasn't been able to get the cute boy's face to stay away from his mind, and worst of all. . .That weird presence watching over him has gotten even worse. But instead of feeling terrified, he just felt strangely at peace and sleepy when he felt the. . .'thing' coming close to him. 

"Mmm. . .Tell me again, how did the boy look like?" Beomgyu asked, looking to the seat that was beside Soobin.

"Black hair, brown eyes, and pale skin with freckles. . . They were pretty unnoticeable though."

"Was he wearing white clothes?" Suddenly Soobin felt goosebumps running down his body, how did Beomgyu know? He did tell them the physical appearance of the boy, but he never told them what he was wearing.  

"Uh. . .Yes?"

At that, Beomgyu started counting with his fingers while looking at the seat beside him. "Black hair. . .Check. Brown eyes. . .Check. Pale skin. . ." He squinted his eyes and leaned forward. "Definitely check, plus freckles. . .And. . .Check." Beomgyu turned to Soobin. 

"The boy is sitting right next to you."

Soobin widened his eyes and turned around to look at both his left, and his right, but he found found no one sitting next to him. 

Soobin finally turned to Beomgyu with an annoyed expression. "Stop that, it freaks the heck out of me!"

"But he's right there!" Beomgyu pointed at the boy who was clearly sitting next to Soobin. The boy bit his lip nervously and looked away.

" Yeonjun, tell me you can see him!" Yeonjun just swallowed the piece of bread he was chewing as he shook his head and placed his hand on Beomgyu's forehead. "I'm sorry Hun. . . Maybe you have fever, wanna go to the nurse?"

Beomgyu shook his head and slapped Yeonjun's hand away, which he immediately regretted after seeing his crush's hurt expression. 

"I don't have a fever!" He finally snapped, before packing his stuff inside of his backpack and stood up ready to leave those two idiots who probably thought he was going crazy.

"Wait, Beomg-" Yeonjun cut himself off as Beomgyu was already walking off. 

Beomgyu threw his backpack on the floor near a tree that was outside of the recess area at his school, and sat down hugging his legs with frustration. Why couldn't his friends see the people that he was so used to seeing?

He gazed at the teenagers play, they seemed so happy and cheery, some of the kids where being watched by older men and women that were also wearing white, while there were others who stood in groups as they watched the other kids play and sometimes slap away a soccer ball as it was about to hit one of the students.

That's what those people did, they somehow protected the kids. 

Beomgyu sighed burying his face in his knees as he felt like crying. None of the other kids seemed to notice the people watching and protecting them, why couldn't he be normal like that? 

As soon as he felt water fill his eyes, he felt a hand rubbing against his back, peace suddenly filled every inch of his body, destroying the sadness, disappointment, and frustration inside of him. 

He looked up and found a tall brown-haired boy with a blue sweater and white pants that matched a little mailman bag. "Are you okay buddy?" He asked with a warm smile as he sat down next to Beomgyu.

This guy would always show up if he felt depressed over his curse or when he was in little danger, for example, that one time a ball almost hit his face, but the protector shoved him out of the way. Or when he was in big danger like that one time he almost got stabbed in the stomach when he was getting jumped by two dudes.

"Not really. . ." Beomgyu yawned, feeling very sleepy thanks to the peace he was feeling. "My friends probably think I'm starting to go crazy now." 

"And why is that?"

Beomgyu grunted. "The same reason as I told you yesterday after I went to the park with Soobin and Yeonjun."

"Again? Beomgyu, I've explained it to you many times before." The guy said with a chuckle as he lifted Beomgyu's chin up with his thumb and index finger. "You, are a gifted boy. What you have is not a curse, or a cruel joke made by your friends, but a gift." 

Beomgyu bit his lip feeling like crying again as he turned his head to the side. "If it was truly a gift, you would tell me who are the people that I can see, you would tell why. . .Why do I need this stupid gift!" Beomgyu snapped before sniffling.

"Beomgyu, don't snap at me, you know you're better than that, plus. . . I'll tell you who those people are when the right time comes."

"But. . ." Beomgyu trailed off. 

"But what?"

"Just answer this one question-"


" No please! Just this once, if you don't want to tell me who these people are, then at least tell me the reason on why that boy seems to be so clingy to Soobin, he's basically driving him nuts!" Suddenly, Beomgyu's friend's eyes darkened with sadness at something he probably couldn't, or wasn't supposed to stop. 

"That boy. . .That boy fell in love with Soobin once, and now. . . Now he's falling for him yet again."


Chapter 4 has been finished!!! Yeehaw! Anyways guys, thank you so much for the love and support you guys are showing for this love story so far, it makes me so happy ^^ 

Yes, if you were wondering. . .Taehyun is Beomgyu's angel guard, but he mostly comes in when Beomgyu feels stressed out over his strange abilities to see what other people can't see. But don't worry, he's not gonna be the only one that's able to see angels soon ;P

Angel's Kiss will also be updated every Wednesday from now on, so in the meantime you can also check out my other story Love Is Love who will be updated every Friday :D

Angel's Kiss will also be updated every Wednesday from now on, so in the meantime you can also check out my other story Love Is Love who will be updated every Friday :D

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