Chapter 19

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Beomgyu squinted his eyes as he read the notes he had to study for that one test they had Monday. But he let out a sigh and fell back onto his bed, pressing his head against the pillow. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, remembering how sad Soobin had been for the past weeks. He wasn't as cheery as he used to be, and he didn't even have the energy or enthusiasm to tease him and Yeonjun anymore. 

But what stood out the most to Beomgyu was the fact that Huening Kai, Soobin's respective guard angel wasn't with him anymore. The angel had been replaced by someone else, someone who Beomgyu suspected to be Soobin's ancestor or something, due ti their similar features.

He grabbed his pillow and pressed it against his face, screaming into it with frustration. Beomgyu had tried to help Soobin, he really did. He even went as far as to ask Taehyun about it, but Taehyun refused to reveal anything, telling him that what Soobin was going through wasn't any of his concerns for the time being.

Of course it is! He's my friend not yours. Beomgyu thought, wishing he had had the courage and the disrespect to scream that at Taehyun.

But something being thrown at his window caught his attention. Beomgyu raised his head as his window kept being hit by which sounded like little pebbles. As quick as lightning, Beomgyu jumped off his bed and unlocked the window, not at all surprised to find Yeonjun standing in front of his house looking up with a handful of pebbles. 

"Will you quit that? You're gonna break the window or something." Beomgyu called softly, his heart quickening at the thought of his parents waking up to find a hoodied teenager standing in front of their house. 

"Come out, we need to talk." Yeonjun called back, his voice urgent.

Beomgyu stared at Yeonjun for a good 3 minutes, debating whether or not he should go outside with him or not. He let out a sigh and finally spoke again. "Give me 5 minutes." He closed and locked the window before taking his pajamas off, replacing them with a warm jacket and blue jeans. 

He grabbed his phone and house keys, slowly closing his bedroom door. He tiptoed  quietly down the hall. Beomgyu could hears his parents snoring and for the first time he was grateful that they both were very heavy sleepers. 

He went downstairs and finally opened the front door slowly. As he got out, he saw Yeonjun hiding behind some bushes. 

Beomgyu let out a giggle. "Get out of there," He grabbed his arm, pulling his boyfriend's arm. "No wonder my parents don't want me hanging around you." He commented, brushing twigs and a few leaves that had clung onto Yeonjun's clothes. 

"As if I care." He retorted, making it clear that he wasn't so fond with what Beomgyu's parents thought of his relationship with him. Well. . . They didn't exactly know what kind of relationship he had with Beomgyu. . . But that's for another story. 

Yeonjun grabbed Beomgyu's hand. "Come on, we're going to a coffee shop." Before Beomgyu could protest, Yeonjun dragged him away from the rich neighborhood that Beomgyu lived in.


Soon, they were walking down the sidewalk, holding hands as Beomgyu inched closer to Yeonjun, thanks to the freezing breeze of winter. Out of instinct, Yeonjun put his arm around him. 

Putting his head on Yeonjun's shoulder, Beomgyu began to speak. "So. . . What did you wanna talk about?"

Yeonjun opened the door to the coffee shop. "I'll tell you in a bit." 

Beomgyu raised his eyebrow, sitting down at a table as Yeonjun ordered something. It was 1:30 in the morning, they surely didn't need coffee at such late hour. . . But there was a bigger problem that was still bothering Beomgyu. . . Soobin.

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