Chapter 18

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"What if he turns against us again?"

"What's he doing here anyways? He's a traitor!"

"He doesn't belong with us."

Taehyun noticed three gossiping angels, their disgusted stares were fixed on Huening Kai, who was teaching the young angelings at a near flower clearing.

"Instead of gossiping about an unfortunate soul, why don't you go ahead and deliver your prayers?" Taehyun raised his brow, glaring at the three angels with a stern gaze. "There's a lot of work to do." The angels looked at each other, two of them nodded and flew away ready to start their delivering. Only one of the angels stayed, glaring at Taehyun with indignation. 

"Since when do you get to boss us around? You're not part of the messenger court anymore." The angel said meeting Taehyun's gaze, suddenly regretting his decision to stay as the angel opened his wings.

"You're right, I'm head deputy of the reincarnation court now," His tone got harsher, how dared one of the newer angels talk to him like that? "Now go away and work instead of talking bad about one of our fellow angels."

The angel lowered his gaze and opened his wings to fly away as he mumbled. "He's not one of us. . . He never was."

As the angel flew away, Taehyung let out a sigh, turning around to gaze at Huening Kai, who was smiling brightly at the angelings as they showed him the flower crowns they had made.

Suddenly, Taehyun felt his gaze softening. Ever since Huening Kai came back, many of the angels had shown their disapprovement over him coming back as one of the mentors who taught the young angelings who were ready to reincarnate. 

What was Huening Kai supposed to teach them? Love. That's why he had been sent to Earth. . . Well, that was one of the reasons. 

It had been painful for him and Huening Kai to hear the whispers and gossips that had been going around, to hear how the angels didn't want his presence around them or the young angelings. . . Specially when Huening Kai himself tried so hard to fit back in even though he knew that his heart belonged somewhere else.

Soon, the angelings became sleepy as they snuggled closer to Huening Kai. Huening Kai let out another smile and stroked their little heads as they fell asleep against him, their bellies rising and falling gently as they sucked their thumbs and slept. 

"Interesting, I've seen you do that before." Huening Kai turned around with surprise, but relaxed as Taehyung sat next to him with the warmest smiled he had seen. His heart sank, Taehyun seemed to be only angel to actually trusted him apart from the angelings.

Despite the sad thoughts that came to his mind, he let out a smile as he gazed at the baby that was resting on his lap. "I used to put Soobin to sleep like that. . ."

Taehyung's wing dropped at Huening Kai's sorrowful tone despite the smile he had on his face. He was clearly trying to be happy even though he clearly wasn't. Everything will be back to normal soon, he'll be happy once again. I'll make sure of that! Taehyung thought as a bolt of courage went through him.  

"Soobin? Is that the human every angel is talking about?" Huening Kai and Taehyung's attention turned toward the angeling, who was wide awake and staring at them as the other angelings opened their eyes. 

Huening Kai and Taehyun looked at each other before Huening Kai turned to three angelings who blinked at him with innocent curiosity. "W-Well. . .He's. . . Uh-"

"Oh wow, are those flower crowns?" Taehyun interrupted, trying to change the subject with something else that the angelings might find more interesting than Huening Kai's forbidden feelings towards Soobin. 

"Huening Kai, made that one, you wanna see mine?" One of the angelings said, fluttering clumsily towards another crown.

"No, he wants to see mine."

"No, mine's the best, he'll want to see mine."

Huening Kai let out a grateful laugh as Taehyun was suddenly surrounded by the three angelings who were all handing him their flower crowns at once.

"Alright you three," Huening Kai began, holding one of the anglings in his arms. "How about instead of deciding who's the best at making flower crowns, you go and deliver your them to the angel courts? I'm sure they'll appreciate the kind gesture."

At those words the angeling who was in his arms gasped. "You're right, Come on guys!" All of the angelings squealed with excitement, grabbed as many flower crowns as they could and fluttered away, leaving small white petals on the soft clouds as they flew.

Taehyun stared with amazement at the angelings, not believing how lively they've become ever sense Huening Kai was assigned to mentor them. He let out a grunt. "How can you handle them? They're so energetic!"

Huening Kai chuckled letting out a smile as he picked up his own flower crown. "I've had past experiences." He placed the flower crown on Taehyun's head. "Soobin was just like them when he was little." His eyes began to shimmer as he remembered how small and hyper Soobin had been when he was little. 

"He brought me happiness and love when I most needed it." 

"Oh Huening Kai. . ." Taehyun's heart sank as Huening Kai's eyes began to slightly water. He put his arm around the young angel as Huening laid his head on his shoulder, grateful for Taehyun's comfort. 

Throughout his angel life, Taehyun had always been there when he most needed it. He had always been able to comfort him and made him stop crying by using kind and warm words. When he had turned against the courts, Taehyun had been there to defend him, and was the only angel who was willing to give him another chance. After all of the chaos that Huening Kai had caused, Taehyun was still a loyal friend to him, and he was also one of the few angels who fully trusted and accepted him. 

"There's something bothering you. . . What is it?" Taehyun finally asked, his cheek pressed against Huening Kai's head.

Huening Kai let out a sigh. "I don't know. . . It's just. . . I don't feel like I belong here anymore." He admitted, blinking twice as he tried to explain. "I don't know how to explain it, but. . . I feel like I belong somewhere else," His wings twitched. "It just feels like I just want to fly away. Fly away and finally find my own place, somewhere where no one judges me for my past mistakes. . ." He went on more quietly. "Somewhere where I'll be happier." 

As he finished, Taehyun noticed that a feather fell off of Huening Kai's wing.  The feather danced in the air as Taehyun watched it with interest. As the feather began to fly away, Taehyun saw three guard angels with flower crowns flying away, using the route that led to earth. The feather followed them.

Taehyun knew what was happening to Huening Kai, and now more than ever, he knew where Huening Kai was supposed to be. 

Taehyun hugged Huening Kai and kissed head as he whispered. "You'll find you place."

"I hope so." After Huening Kai's response, both angels stared at the beautiful sky as it slowly changed when sunset came. I'll make sure you end up where you truly belong Huening Kai . . .

 I promise. . .


Sorry for not updating, school is very harsh on me O.O 

Anyways, Huening Kai is now a mentor while Taehyun returned to his role as reincarnation deputy, aren't you guys proud? Well. . . Huening Kai's not as thrilled as Taehyun is tho.

I just wonder. . . Where else could Huening Kai belong to? 

Alright, Imma go now :V Like always, if you wanna support the story please: Vote, add the story to your library and comment! :D

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We are all stars~

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