Chapter 16

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Huening Kai stared at the letter with wide eyes, before his eyes darted back to  Taehyun. "This is a mistake." His voice shook. "Taehyun, this has to be a mistake."

But Taehyun shook his head. "Your purpose with Soobin has been accomplished." He said, placing his hand on Huening Kai's shoulder. "Your soul has been completely healed, Huening Kai." The messenger waited for his friend to swallow the information.  "You'll go back to the court, they'll give you a new job." 

"What about Soobin?" Huening Kai finally met Taehyun's eyes. "You told me that him and I were going to have a different destinies. . . And from what I'm seeing, this is just the same." He looked back down, fighting his urge to cry with frustration at the thought of all of the hope and progress he had made with Soobin would be gone. . . Just. . . Gone. 

Huening Kai looked at Taehyun again. His friend's eyes shone with sympathy and pity. Oh Huening Kai knew that stare very well, after all. . . It was the stare that only Taehyun was able to give him when every angel- his brothers and sisters- had turned their backs on him. 

"But your destinies have changed, Huening Kai." Taehyun replied quietly, which made Huening Kai's urge to cry even stronger. 

"How, How did it change?" Huening Kai asked, his voice full of despair. "Everything is just happening like last time! If there's a difference, then that difference would be  that now I'm the one that's suddenly leaving him."

Taehyun cupped Huening Kai's face. "But it is different, Huening Kai." He said before placing his hand on Huening Kai's chest. "Tell me. . . What do you feel? Do you feel rage or jealousy. . ." He trailed off as Huening Kai shook his head.

"No, I know better than to feel those type of emotions. . . I just. . . I. . ." He pulled away from Taehyun. He turned away from Taehyun and looked down at the grass, letting his curly hair hide his face as a tear began to run down from it. "I don't wanna leave him. . . I'll hurt him, he'll cry a storm. He did it when he was 3 and he'll do it again." 

He looked up at Taehyun again. "Can't I at least say good-bye?"

Taehyun nodded as he wiped Huening Kai's tears away with his thumb. "Yes," He whispered. "Of course you can."

Huening Kai nodded as Taehyun's arm wrapped around him in a hug. Huening Kai hugged him back, burying his face at the crook of his friend's neck. Accepting the fact that he once again will have to say good-bye to the one person he had loved so dearly.


Short chapter, I know, I know. 

I've been very busy lately, Algebra 1 is not an easy subject you all and the kid that sits beside me is no help XD We mess around with each other a lot. I also have to study for this upcoming test. . . Yay????

BTW, thank you so much for all of the love and support for the book, it really touches my heart. . . But I have to say that Angel's Kiss will be coming to an end in a 2 or 3 chapters after this one.

Like always, if you wanna support the story please: Vote, add this story to your library and comment! I love to see your thoughts and opinions on the story U3U

We are all stars~

We are all stars~

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