Chapter 7

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After finishing their ice creams, the three teenagers decided to head out and maybe go to the arcade that was nearby the shop. But Beomgyu felt uneasy now as he walked down the street with Soobin and Yeonjun. He had heard what Soobin's angel and Taehyun had said to each other, that there was a negative energy nearby and that it was going to try and hurt him and his friends.

But he just hugged Yeonjun's arm and laid his head on Yeonjun's shoulder, trying to find comfort. 

Yeonjun was surprised by Beomgyu's action, but didn't stop him as he welcomed the warm, fuzzy feeling that Beomgyu was able to give him. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" He suddenly asked, as he noticed a frown on Beomgyu's face.

Beomgyu shook his head. "Nothing. . ."  He replied even though he could clearly hear the argument that Soobin's angel and Taehyun were having. 

"It's supposed to happen Huening Kai, leave it." Taehyung said walking side by side with Huening Kai. 

"No, I'm not gonna leave it! I lost Soobin like this once, I-" 

Before Huening Kai could finish his sentence, Beomgyu felt someone grab his arm and pull him into an alleyway, the attack was so sudden that Beomgyu wasn't even able to scream for help. 

Beomgyu felt his hands being yanked behind his back and tapped together as he was thrown to the ground. "Yeonj-" He was cut off when a hand covered his mouth.

Soon, Yeonjun was also being tackled by a man, but Yeonjun was not letting himself be defeated so easily. His eyes blazed with fury as he struggled with the kidnapper by kicking him and punching him. Beomgyu had never seen Yeonjun so furious before, until he saw who was behind him. It was Taehyun, but he looked somehow different as his eyes glowed with light, his pupils were barely visible, and he had grown this beautiful white wings as he guided every one of Yeonjun's moves. 

"Beomgyu, come on fight back!" Taehyun shouted, his voice had more strength. 

Beomgyu nodded and wiggled his body as he bit his kidnapper's hand. The man growled with pain and removed his hand from Beomgyu's mouth. 

"Beomgyu scream! Scream at the top of your lungs!" He heard Huening Kai shout as he too, was helping Soobin out with a third kidnapper that had probably appeared while he and Yeonjun were struggling.

Like Huening Kai said, Beomgyu started screaming for help as if his life depended on it, which to be honest. . .It did.

Suddenly, Beomgyu felt a weigh being lifted off of him, and he realized that Yeonjun had knocked his kidnapper out and was now taking on on Beomgyu's kidnapper. 

Soobin too, was able to push his kidnapper away and was coming to help Beomgyu, who hadn't stopped screaming. Yeonjun had been able to push the kidnapper away from Beomgyu as Soobin went in and undid the silver tape that was around Beomgyu's hands. Beomgyu heard the cop's siren in the distance and hope filled his chest. . .Until Soobin's kidnapper got up and ran toward Soobin. 

Beomgyu's hand were finally free, but his joy didn't last as he heard Soobin screeching with pain before falling to the ground beside Beomgyu, gripping his stomach. Beomgyu didn't know what had happened to Soobin, until it suddenly hit him when he saw Soobin's white shirt start turning scarlet. . .Soobin had been stabbed. 


Yeonjun and Beomgyu talked to the policemen, giving details of what had just happened and how the three men looked like as Soobin was being lifted into an ambulance. The teenager was unconscious, his belly lifting up and down slowly as the paramedics treated him with the supply they had. 

Huening Kai was devastated, how could he not have seen this happen? Was he really that bad at protecting the one human being he loved? Huening Kai covered his eyes, letting his tears run down his cheeks, he lost Soobin once at an event like this, he couldn't lose him again. He just couldn't! The pain would be too big for him to handle. He loved Soobin, way too much to see him die  all over again.

The sad angel sniffled and moved closer to Soobin, grabbing Soobin's hand softly as Huening Kai laid his head next to his. "I'm sorry. . .I'm sorry that I failed you. . ." His voice suddenly cracked as he started to full on sobbing. I promised. . .I promised him that I would protect him!

But suddenly, he felt a hand brush his hair as his sadness wasn't as strong as it had been 2 minutes before. Huening Kai looked up and saw Taehyun, who was ready to give him a hug and make him fell better if he needed to. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

Huening Kai sniffled and hugged Taehyun tighly, burying his face on his best friend's chest as pain gripped at his heart. "I failed Taehyun, I failed him again. . .I-I"He was going to continue, but Taehyun hushed him, brushing the little angel's hair and hugging him tightly as well. "No you didn't, he's not dead Huening Kai. . . You didn't failed him." 

Huening Kai looked at Taehyun with huge puppy eyes a tear ran down his cheek. 

"But. . ." He trailed off as Taehyun gave him a warm smile and dried his tears with his thumb. "Have faith Huening Kai, he's gonna be just fine." At those words, Taehyun kissed Huening Kai's forehead and all of a sudden, Huening Kai felt much better than before. He sniffled and leaned against Taehyun as Taehyung laid his chin on top of Huening Kai's head.

"Have faith. . ."


Woohoo, here's a new chapter for you guys :P

I just finished planning how this chapter would develop and I couldn't just let those ideas vanish forever, so I just decided to write this new chapter since I know how much you guys love this story. . .I mean, 400+ views, that's a lot you guys! And I'm every thankful for that. . .So as a reward, Imma give you some Sookai for Chapter 8!!!  ^-^

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We are all stars~

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