Chapter 9

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Huening Kai leaned against Taehyun's shoulder as Taehyun put his arm around Huening Kai. They where at the hospital's roof as they stared at the warm sunny morning, where the birds gave thanks for the new day and life that came to the city of Seoul.

 Huening Kai let out a sigh, Soobin was finally out of danger and Huening Kai could finally relax and let his anxiety fly away like a dove. 

Yesterday. . .Soobin had been at the verge of death, if it hadn't been for Taehyun's suggestion, Huening Kai wouldn't have been able to save Soobin. . . Or realize that he was actually in love with Soobin. 

He let out a smile as a thorn stabbed his heart. You've done it again Huening Kai. . .You've fallen in love to then have your heart broken yet again. His smile disappeared and he closed his eyes as he remembered how much he had loved Soobin's past life, and how at the end, his feelings were never returned and Huening Kai left alone, without the warm feeling of someone loving him back. 

He was never bitter about it though, in fact. . . He felt very happy and joyful that the old Soobin had fallen in love with a woman that loved him as much as he loved her. Plus, they ended up having beautiful children. Huening Kai chuckled, Soobin's mother was one of them. He remembered when he used to be her angel guard. All of the laughter and all  of the joy she brought him over the years, specially when she had Soobin. 

Huening Kai felt stupid at the fact that he had fallen in love again, he knew the story would repeat once again. Soobin wouldn't return his feelings. Soobin would eventually forget about him. Soobin would fall for another person. And Huening Kai was never going to know what it's like to be loved. 

"Oh Huening. . ." Taehyun pouted as he saw a tear falling down Huening Kai's cheek. "What's wrong? Soobin's okay, you've saved him." 

Huening Kai shook his head softly and rested his head on Taehyun's chest, looking for comfort as Taehyun hugged him. "It's not that. . .It's just. . . I've fallen in love again Taehyun. . .And I didn't even notice, AGAIN." He whined, not believing how stupid he had been for letting himself fall in love again.

But Taehyun just let out a sigh and hugged Huening Kai tightly. "Yes. . .Yes you have." 

Huening Kai looked up at Taehyun. "Then why didn't you warn me? I could've-"

"No, no you wouldn't have." Taehyun cut him off. "It was all carefully planned out."

Huening Kai stared at Taehyun, confused over what Taehyun had said. "What. . .?"

Taehyun let out sigh. I guess it's time now. "Huening Kai. . .I already know what will happen between you and Soobin, I've known since his spirit was getting ready to reincarnate."

Huening Kai had just stared at him with big doe eyes, so Taehyun continued. "I already knew that you were going to fall in love again, I already knew that you would enter his dreams, and I already knew that you were going to kiss him."

At those words Huening Kai unwrapped his arms from Taehyung's waist and stared into the horizon, putting all of the puzzle pieces together. "You knew. . .Then-Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't supposed to. . .Well. . .Until now."

Huening Kai looked at Taehyun again. "Then. . . Will Soobin love me too?"

Taeyun smiled and held Huening Kai's face with his hands. "You have a different destiny than the one you had before Huening Kai. . . Yours and Soobin's destinies are tied up together, it is his and your choice to do the next steps."

Huening Kai stared back at Taehyun, he felt his eyes watering. He didn't want to cry, but he couldn't help himself after he felt a burst of hope run through his body at the fact that Soobin might love him too.

Taehyun chuckled and pulled him closer in another tight hug. "Oh you're such a crybaby." He chuckled, kissing Huening Kai's head as Huening Kai pressed his head against Taehyun's chest. "Shut up, I'm having a moment." 


Hey, what's up peeps! This chapter has been finally finished and I am as happy and cheerful as our sun J-Hope! But again I'm always happy and cheerful. . .

ANYWAYS Imma put up a Q&A Chapter too, where you can ask whatever the frick frack tick tack you want :> 

Like always, if you wanna support the story please: Vote, Add the story to your library and Comment :D

~We are all stars~

~We are all stars~

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