Chapter 15

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"You can't be serious." Taehyun looked up to the angel that was in front of him. 

"It is what it is." The angel shrugged.

"You can't do this!" Taehyung threw his arms in the air. "The'll suffer even more!" He gripped at the letter in his hand, refusing to be the one to deliver it.

"Zip it Taehyun. It's a step that needs to be taken, you need to deliver the letter."

"I know it's a step that has to be taken, but do we really have to separate them, AGAIN?" Taehyun looked at the ground as the angel gave him a glare.

"Do not raise your voice at me." The angel said calmly. "You don't have a say in this anymore, Taehyun. You're not part of the  reincarnation court anymore, now." He lifted his hand up as a dove settled on his index finger.

 "Go deliver the letter to Huening Kai like I told you, orders are orders." The dove hopped off the angel's index finger and landed on Taehyun's shoulder as Taehyun sighed with frustration. "We must follow them even if we don't want to. . ." He mumbled, his heart breaking into two.


"I really can't believe you guys are doing this." Soobin said, not even one bit surprised. 

Right in front of him, Beomgyu and Yeonjun were comfortably cuddled against each other with a blanket over them as they watched the movie that they had agreed on seeing for their first hangout after Soobin had healed from his wound.

"What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked, monching on popcorn wile resting his head on Yeonjun's shoulder as the older stroked his hair softly. 

"You guys are cuddling." Soobin said, letting his face turn into a poker face.

"Hey, we're not cuddling." Yeonjun said innocently as Soobin threw a pillow at him. 

Beomgyu squeaked and moved away from Yeonjun as the older grabbed the pillow and threw it back at Soobin, a playful smirk on his face. "What, you wanna join us?" 

Soobin let out a snort of laughter and threw him the pillow once again. "As if!"

Yeonjun caught the pillow, but right as he was about to throw it back, Beomgyu stopped him. "Junnie stop it!" He said before grabbing the bowl of popcorn protectively. "You're gonna drop my popcorn."

"Yeah, Junnie. Leave his popcorn alone." Soobin teased as Yeonjun threw the pillow on the ground and threw himself at Soobin, ruffling his hair. "Who do you think you are, huh? You're not allowed to call me that!"

"Oh we'll see." Soobin replied pushing Yeonjun off the couch as they now wrestled on the floor.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes at them, still monching on his popcorn. "I'm friends with two savages."

"No, you're friends with only one savage, you're dating the other." Soobin called as Yeonjun pinned him down. "Right Junnie?~"

"Don't call me that!"

Huening Kai turned his head away from the flower crown he was making as he saw Beomgyu and Yeonjun hitting Soobin with a pillow  as the teenager laughed while begging them for mercy.

Huening Kai shook his head with a small smile, the cold night breeze ruffling his hair. "Ahh, they're back at it with the bickering." He expected Taehyun to roll his eyes and complain about the three immature teenagers, but all he did was to shrug his shoulders, his expression unreadable to Huening Kai's eyes.

Huening Kai frowned, putting the flower crown he had made for Soobin aside and grabbing the one that he had made for Taehyun. "Is something wrong?" Huening Kai asked as Taehyun leaned forward, letting Huening Kai put the flower crown on his head. "You're usually not this quiet when they bicker. . ."

Taehyun looked up and met Huenign Kai's big puppy eyes, his heart suddenly began to sink. How was he supposed to tell his best friend that he would have to departure from Soobin? 

He looked down again, the words getting stuck on his throat. He suddenly felt a warm hand pressed against his cheek. Taehyun closed his eyes as he took Huening Kai's hand in his, stroking it softly with his thumb. 

"Is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything." 

Taehyun swallowed, forcing the words out. "You got a letter from the court." It was now or never. If he stopped here, he would never be able to force the words out anymore. He reached for his messenger bag and pulled the letter he had been ordered to deliver. 

Huening Kai looked at the letter with big eyes, he seemed to be frozen to the spot until he shook his head, stretching his hand out to take it. He opened it and started to read why the court was summoning him. 

Taehyun's heart finally broke into pieces as Huening Kai looked back at him after reading the letter, his wings dropping. . . Suddenly, the angel seemed smaller than he already was as his eyes stared blankly at the ground, not believing what he had just read.

Taehyung swallowed once more. "Angel Huening Kai, your role as an angelic guard has come to an end. . ."


Huening Kai is not a guard anymore. . .

Let's see what will come after this chapter, okay guys? 

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~We are all stars

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