Auguste Alexis Murat

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Auguste Alexis Murat (OC): Fifth-year Ravenclaw, French transfer from Beauxbatons. The classes that he shares with Hermione are ADADA, Advanced Arithmancy and Advanced Astronomy. His name came from Caesar Augustus—yes, that's an emperor's title. He is the son of the French Minister for Magic in Exile, Aristippe Arsène Murat—at least from Charles De Gaulle's government. The French Minister for Magic in France right now is someone affiliated with the Vichy government and is a collaborator with Grindelwald and mentions of them tend to annoy him even if he doesn't show it. A generally level-headed charming smooth-talker, he already has a lot of practise in politics because his family has historically been statesmen and bureaucrats. Has dark hair and hazel eyes.

He's mildly dismayed at realising that most of his compatriots ended up sorted in Gryffindor. Being in different houses do tend to make coordination difficult.

First Appearance: At the Ravenclaw table when the French Gryffindors stormed over in Chapter 24 ("The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men I"). Present in Chapter 29 ("The Complexities of Calling and Courtship") saying that he's not a hasty person to Hermione. He is also in ADADA class in Chapter 32 ("Hunts I").

As of Mid-Second Arc: Considers Hermione a friend of his and vice-versa.

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