"Is Camila Home?"

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"P-pregnant?" My mouth felll open. I felt sick. Like i was about to project vomit and never stop. Maybe it was the news or maybe it was my own baby in my tummy causing it. Like me, Elena has her own baby in her tummy.

Joe sat there shocked. His body was numb and so was his expression. He hadnt tears in his eyes nor had he anger on his face. He was completely numb.

"Im  5 months pregnant" she quietly said. Her head was between her knees.

"Oh my god" I gasped. She has 6 months. 6 months. 6 months to get better. 6 months to mature. 6 months to get out of this place. 6 months until she has a baby in her arms. 6 months until my 18 year old baby sister has her own baby and becomes a mother.

"I know" she ran her fingers through her hair.

"A-and you're sure it's mine?" Joe looked up finally managing to speak.

"100%" she sighed.

"Oh god" joe mumbled. "What are we going to do" he began to rub his head.

"It's already done Joseph. We have to grow up and become the parents to our baby" Elena replied. I was dissapointed in her but at the same time i was proud of about how she's handling it.

"You're right" joe said nodding his head.

"Come here" he stood up and so did elena. He pulled her into a hug.

"We'll get through this ok" he whispered and left s kiss on her head "I'm not going anywhere I promise".

After wards i spoke to Dr.Conors she explained how it's a mircle Elena got pregnant because of how she was sexually abused when she  was younger. It all made sense. Why she was so mature about this whole situation. She wanted this baby. She thought she couldn't have kids and this little angel has been given to her. Of course she's gonna be happy.


I got home to my husband with his bestfriend Joe at my side. Joe had been crying in the car. He felt as if he'd just ruined Elena's life and he cried, alot!

"Hey honey" Wilmer happily said standing up in the living room. "Mommy, mommy,mommmy" my three babys screamed. I smiled picking up Faith as she's the lightest and my back isn't doing very well.

Wilmer walked towards joe ready to give him a highfive "Joe my bro-" i pushed wilmer slightly back and whispered into his ear "babe don't, I need to tell you something" i began to pull Wilmer out into the hall as i held Faith and he held Ruben and Caleb. Joe had already collapsed onto the couch.

"W-what is it" Wilmer panicked "what's wrong?"he looked back into the living room into Joe.

"I need to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't get angry" I firmly looked at him.

"Hermosa why would I get angry at you?" He raised his eyebrow already pissed that I would think that.

"Not at me, at Joe" i replied.

"Waaait a minute, what do you mean?" He was angry but he was trying to hide it. "Has he tried anything on you?" He raised his eyebrow.

"What?" I almost shouted "Wilmer,of course not. What the fuck?"

"You promise?"

"Oh my god, he's your bestfriend! Wilmer,elena is pregnant"

In two seconds flat,wilmers anger turned into shock but not much later he was angry again.

"She's pregant?" He lowered his voice.

"Wilmer I know what you're thinking ok, i was angry too but you nee-"

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