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"What's wrong? Camila sighed sitting beside me as we got the jet back home. I'm not really sure why we got a jet because it's expensive but we did.

"Nothing" I replied but it wasn't true, I just didn't want Camila to worry about me.

Right now Demi and Wilmer were on their way to Venezuela! Demi's choice of honeymoon. Wilmer wasn't very convinced but Demi explained she wanted to get to know where he was from and meet the rest of his family.

So here I am sitting on a plane home to LA with my girlfriend, parents,sisters,niece and nephews and I'll I can think of is that 'They're all going places'

Obviously the babies aren't. The only place they're going when we get back home is to bed but everyone else. Everyone else is going back to something. Dallas and mom are going to go back coaching, Maddie will be acting and training. Camilla managed to get back on the label with the girls and she's gonna go back to that. Dad has his job of being dad and making sure everyone is ok and when the time comes making sure that Demi is ok while on tour and theeen there's me. Lazy ass me, sitting at home doing nothing.

It won't even be home for long. I found out yesterday that while we were gone, Demi and Wilmer put the house for sale and already have another house bought. The house isn't far away, it's at a half way point between Wilmer's parents and my parents.

They decided that they needed a bigger house,that's baby proof and has more rooms because once the babies are grown they're all gonna need their own rooms and with number four on the way it was a must have. They also explained that of course I'd be going with them but to be honest I don't think I want to.

I think it's time I've sorted myself out. I'm better and healthy and I have an amazing family and girlfriend, that I hope to make my wife. Shocker I know. I know that if things go right I'll want to marry Camila and I love her so much, I want to be with her but when the time is right and I know I can trust her.

So I want to start my life and I'm not exactly sure how but I do know that I need to get a job or go to college and I need I move out of Demi and Wilmer's.

"Sweetie" she placed her hand on my thigh "I know something is bothering you"

"I'm fine, really" I smiled "I'm just tired after the week we've had" I leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"Ok" she stroked my cheek, our foreheads touching.


When we got back, the move began. I hadn't gone to see the new house yet but I know that it's meant to be gigantic. Like I thought the old house was big, it's meant to be twice the size of that.

Mom and dad are moving everything for the guys, as a wedding gift type of thing i don't know. so today the moving trucks are coming and I get to go with mom and dad to see the house. Which is why yesterday, I went house hunting. Well apartment hunting.

"Hello?" I heard a soft voice knock on my bedroom door of my parents house. I've been staying there for now.

"Come in" I smiled big closing down my laptop.

The door opened and my beautiful girlfriend walked in "Hola hermooosa" she smiled as I stood up

"Hola baby girl" I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her into me.

"How are you?" she asked stroking my cheek.

"Aaah, fine, I guess" I shrugged

"Fine I guess" she repeated "what's that supposed to mean?" she asked laying down on my bed

"I don't know" I laughed "I'll be back in two seconds" I said " I need to go to the bathroom" I walked out leaving the door open.

"Eeeel" Camila shouted from the bedroom.

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