I Thought You Were a Badass

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Wilmer and I walked through the mall, it was early on a Sunday so we knew that there wouldn't be many people here but we could sense we were being followed.

"Hermosa we can go if you like" Wilmer whispered into me.

"No it's fine" I lightly laughed "it's not the first time we've been followed and if we just stop for them they'll be gone in two minutes" I replied. we were being followed by a group of girls.

"Ok, ok he replied "we'll go sit down and let them come up to us" he replied.

"Ok" I said taking Wilmer's hand and finding the nearest place to sit down.

Once we were sat at a bench, wilmers theory was right and the girls came up to us.

While Wilmer was standing up taking pictures and talking to a few of them. I was sitting down as my back had began to hurt.

"How's the baby one of them asked?" I turned to my left where 3 girls sat and smiled "she's good thank you"

"You're having a girl, that's so cute" one of them squeeled. Way to go Demi!

"Do you have any names picked?" The girl on the end asked and I wanted to reply but I had my own question for her.

"I know you" I smiled but I couldn't remember where I knew her from, she seemed so familiar!

The girl looked at me as if I was crazy and her friends looked shocked "y-you do?" she replied

"Yeah" I smiled and it came to me "your dad fixed our gate last week, I see you going to school every morning"i laughed "I don't stalk you I swear"

The girl laughed and so did the rest "your little sister Kayla she plays with my niece sometimes"

"Yeah that's her" she laughed "I didn't know you lived near me" she said astonished

"well keep it quiet because if he-" I rolled my eyes to Wilmer "finds out I told you, I'll be killed" I chuckled.

"I will" she smiled. I like the fact that I have a neighbour who's a fan, it's cool.

"Demi are you ready?" Wilmer asked.

"Ah yeah" I smiled "it was nice netting you girls" I stood up with the help of Wilmer.

"Bye" I said and they all hugged me.

I gave a wave as Wilmer took my hand and we made our way through the mall.

"Since that's over" he smiled "what would you like to do now?" he kissed my forehead.

"I need to pee" I laughed "and then we need to get some stuff for Bella-Hopes room" i rubbed my belly.

"Ok Nena" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we continued to walk.


"Demi" Wilmer said making me jump as we stood in a shop.

"You dick, I nearly pissed myself, literallly" I hit his shoulder putting back a card I had in my hands.

"Congratulations on your engagement?" he raised his eyebrow "who got engaged?" he said confused.

"No one" I lied "can't I look?" I raised my own eyebrow.

"If you're planning on getting engaged to someone else, please let me know in advance" he chuckled and kissed my lips

"I wish I was " I laughed and began to walk away.

"Me too" he replied and we both laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my cheek.

As we walked last night replayed in my head "Will?" I softly spoke and looked up to my husband.

"Yeah babe?" He caressed my hand with his thumb.

"Why do think Caleb doesn't want me?" I asked upset and he stopped.

"Demi Caleb loves you, all the babies love you" he tried to reassure me.

"No Wilmer seriously I want to know because I want to fix it. You don't understand how upsetting it is that I can't even hold my own son without him screaming for his father"

He let out a heavy breath "Babe I really don't know?" he breathed.

"Do I shout too much? I might scare him?" I tried to figure out why as we picked up a pace again.

"Sweetie if there is anyone that shouts around the babies too much, it's me" he lightly laughed.

"Do I spend enough time with him? I mean I try to but Faith is so attached and I've work and Bella, I'm not really doing a good job am I" I looked down at my shoes.

"Hey, listen to me" he stopped us again and made me look at him. "you are doing the most amazing Job! you are the best mom and wife to us and you're doing a good job, don't you ever doubt that!" he stroked my cheeks and kissed my lips.

"Thank you" I sighed "I think that could be the problem though, not spending enough time with him" I leaned into wilmer.

"We'll make time for mommy and Caleb ok, I promise"

"Ok" I quietly said.


"Today was mice thank you my love" I leaned in to kiss Wilmer as we cuddled in a warm bath while the babies slept.

"You're welcome my queen" he smiled and kissed my head.

Things went silent for a couple of minutes but it was nice.

"Baby" I quietly said

"Yeah nena?" he stroked my hair.

"Is it weird that I'm scared?" I asked.

"What's my little warrior scared of huh? I thought you were a bad ass" he chuckled kissing my neck.

"Stop" I giggled burying my head in his chest.

"What afraid of hermosa?" he pushed back my wet hair.

"I don't know, this baby. I'm scared because I feel like it's gonna be left out even when they're all growing up as kids because the triplets have such a strong bond."

"Sweetie" Wilmer lightly sighed "our little girl is gonna fit right in with the other three lunatics because she has us for parents" he laughed and so did I "and she's gonna have her big sister Faith to play with and beat up the boys when it's needed"

"There will nobody being get beat up" I laughed

"What?" Wilmer pretended to be a shocked "we're meant to raising an MMA family and our kids aren't gonna be fighting, we're never gonna have any hope of them winning a game"

"Shut up" I laughed hysterically hitting his chest. " I sighed happily containing myself "I love yo-" like always my words were interrupted by a screaming baby. A screaming Caleb.

"Your turn" I sighed knowing Caleb would just look for his dad.

"Nope" he said standing up out of the bath and grabbing a towel "our turn" he smiled "we'll do it together yeah?" he softly smiled.

I returned the smile as Wilmer helped me up and wrapped me In a towel, then wrapping one around my hair then his own waist.

We made way to the babies room Where Caleb sat in his crib with heavy eyes and bushy hair.

"Daddy" he reached up for Wilmer.

"Hi little man" Wilmer softly said as I looked for Caleb's bottle in his crib.

We sat down on the couch that we'd put in their new room. While I cuddle into Wilmer's chest Caleb laid on his dads lap with his head on my belly. Wilmer held the bottle seeing as Caleb was being lazy and I stroked his black hair.

"See hermosa soon enough it won't matter to him who comes because we both love him and he loves both of us" Wilmer softly said kissing my lips.

I replied with a smile and cuddled further into Wilmer.


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